Liar, Liar, Palin’s Bikini’s on Fire

Filed in National by on October 14, 2008

Anyone that supports her is an idiot. Yes, YOU, are an idiot.

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hiding in the open

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  1. pandora says:

    Maybe Sarah doesn’t know what the word “abuse” means? Maybe she thinks it’s a good thing?

  2. jason330 says:

    All modern Republicans (with the exception of RSmitty) are authoritarians who would gladly flush away our civil rights provided the King had an (R) next to his/her name.

    This has been the Bush years lesson that has come as the biggest shock to me. I foolishly thought that all Americans had shared wariness of authority.

  3. Al Mascitti says:

    Nobody joins a church like the one she joined without a deep craving for a strong Daddy figure.

  4. R Smitty says:

    I see I am finally leaving an impression with you, Grasshopper Jason.

  5. Donsquishy says:


    is that like farting in an elevator and leaving before the doors close?

  6. Gharmon says:

    Thankfully we won’t ever have to hear about her again come Nov. 5!!

  7. Donsquishy says:

    totally agree gharmon

  8. anonone says:

    Well spoken, Jason.

  9. R Smitty says:

    You guys think you’ve heard the last of her (I’d wish it would be the end, too, you betcha 😉 ). Win or lose (the latter), I don’t think she’s going to totally disappear anytime soon.

  10. Dominique says:

    My crystal ball tells me that if (when) Obama wins, she will be front and center on the media talking head circuit for the next four years. If McCain manages to work a miracle, it will be Palin vs. Clinton in 2012.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    In order to be a talking head, you need to be able to speak without a teleprompter. Palin is reduced to gibberish when she has to speak without a prepared speech or notes. Fox news might love her, tho.

    Personally, I think Palin will become a featured writer over at Michelle Malkin’s place, where no one will ever care if she is writing her own posts or making any sense.

  12. Dominique says:

    I thought the Fox News part was a given. My bad.

  13. anonone says:

    Clinton ain’t runnin’ again. She would lose even bigger next time. She alienated too many people hanging on and wasting time and money long after the race was over.

    Yes, we can only hope Palin is the voice of the repubs for the next few years as the party falls into obscurity.

  14. Mission Accomplished says:

    nice cans!

  15. Al Mascitti says:

    The GOP thinks it can run her in 2012. That campaign — provided she survives the fallout in Alaska, which is not a given — should make Rudy Giuliani’s look professional.

  16. Truth Teller says:

    only one comment John McSame sure knows how to pick Dip Shits just look at Cindy oh i forgot she’s the big C

  17. cassandra_m says:

    The GOP thinks it can run her in 2012

    This is probably the christianist part of the GOP base that was supposed to be fired up by Palin (and they were) but this part of the GOP is currently something of a drag on the party.

  18. Donsquishy says:

    it’s the delusional part that is for sure

  19. pandora says:

    Agreed, Cassandra. However, I’m not counting Palin out. A lot depends on how the Republicans analyze the outcome of this election. If they blame everything on McCain then I wouldn’t be surprised to see Palin groomed for bigger and better things. If they focus on the Republican brand Palin and her ilk will be gone.

    Basically, the conversation will be either “we lost because we ran too far right of the mainstream” or “we lost because we didn’t run a “true” conservative at the top of the ticket”. Two perspectives. Two very different outcomes.

  20. delawaredem says:


    There is no way Palin is on any stage after this. She can’t answer a single question put to her. A talking head, even on Fox, needs to think on their feet pretty quickly. Palin has shown no ability to do that.