Grumpy McNasty Reaction Shots Were The Awesome!

Filed in National by on October 15, 2008

My Take: The GOP gets to pretend that McCain is the comeback kid.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    They (MSNBC) are really talking about McCain’s belittling of the health exception in abortion. Matthews and Maddow think it will kill him. I agree that it’s a big mistake. Also, they think he wimped out on Ayers.

  2. pandora says:

    The health of the mother issue will be a big deal. The Ayers issue… it will be interesting to hear what the Republican base has to say – they wanted blood.

  3. anon says:

    Cool, calm, collected, visionary vs. angry, aggressive, no new solutions.

  4. jason330 says:

    OMG! Just flipped ot FOX and a Frank Luntz focus group of undecideds said they were persuaded to vote for Obama!

    It was a FOX meltdown.

  5. anonone says:

    You’re right, Pandora. That was some of the most callous talk I have ever heard from a national politician.

  6. jason330 says:

    Now spinners on FOX still trying to make Ayres an issue.

  7. pandora says:

    Just wait until they start on the sighs and eye rolling.

    BTW, I’m sensing a new Obama ad. “McCain’s okay with mommy dying” 😉

    He’ll say it nicer, of course!

  8. jason330 says:

    That didn’t register on FOX for some reason.

  9. pandora says:

    You’re kidding me? I am shocked – shocked, I tell you!

  10. delawaredem says:

    Yeah, the abortion answer will kill McCain. When will Republicans realize that the 60% of the country is pro-choice. And those undecideds and independents, they are majority pro-choice too. And even if they are opposed to late term abortion, as I am as a Democrat, they still want an exception in the case of the health and life of the mother.

    And McCain just called them all extremists.

    That is devastating.

    My opinion is that McCain was more aggressive tonight, but he overplayed his hand. He did really well in the beginning, but then he lost his cool when he began talking about the ads, Ayers, ACORN and Lewis. He looked and sounded angry. His reaction shots were not kind. Ambinder called it his McXplosion. And I agree.

    McCain may win this debate on points, but I think the public will call it a tie, and a tie is a win for us.

  11. R Smitty says:

    Damn…baseball chat didn’t work, eh?

    OK, this was McCain’s best showing of the three, but does that really say much? Conversely, I think Obama, overall on the night, may have had his worst night of the three; HOWEVER, it was still better than McCain. What does that tell you?

    I tried watching the CNN panel (BTW, when I caught the debate, it was on CNN HD, which showed the panel’s scoring on McCain and Obama – kinda cool) and most of them are unwatchable. I understand you get fireworks when mixing polar-opposite pundits, but I’ve had enough of that this cycle already. I’d rather listen to a realist pick apart the talking points.

    Is there a realist in the major media anymore?

  12. anonone says:

    He also said that it is environmental extremists who are concerned about nuclear safety.

  13. anonone says:

    The snap polls are 2:1 obama over mcinsane.

  14. pandora says:

    I think the public says Obama won. Let’s face it, most people have already made up their minds. They’ve decided to vote for Obama, so I bet the debate polls reflect this.

  15. cassandra_m says:

    The abortion answer is the in-your-face answer to those who are telling themselves that McCain is a moderate. No moderate dismisses the health of the mother as an extreme position.

    McCain was indeed more aggressive, but he was still talking to his base. Still — three weeks out — while Obama was still speaking to swing voters. McCain’s base will be delighted with this performance and will be spending a few days wondering why this McCain just showed up.

  16. delawaredem says:

    CBS: Obama wins debate 53 to 22. Fox focus group shows 4 new votes for Obama and none for McCain out of 23 undecideds.

  17. Unstable Isotope says:

    CBS and CNN snap polls have an Obama win. Pundits are talking about McCain’s problem: he said he didn’t care about Ayers then spent a lot of time talking about Ayers. I thought that hurt him too. Fineman (Newsweek) thought McCain’s talk of ACORN was strange – the biggest threat to democracy?

  18. delawaredem says:

    More, from Kos:

    CBS poll of undecided voters:

    Who won the debate?

    McCain (R) 22
    Obama (D) 53

    Shares your values

    Obama, Before the debate: 54
    Obama, After the debate: 63

    McCain, Before the debate: 53
    McCain, After the debate: 56

    Update: CNN poll of voters who watched debate:

    Who won the debate?

    McCain (R) 31
    Obama (D) 58


    Obama, before debate: 63/35
    Obama, after debate: 66/33

    McCain, before debate: 51/45
    McCain, after debate: 49/49

    McCain LOST popularity.

  19. delawaredem says:

    Voters are not angry, as McCain says. They are upset, scared, worried, and even depressed about the situation we find ourselves in. And seeing an angry man flail away on their screens does not comfort them. Obama’s coolness under fire does.

  20. R Smitty says:

    I thought McCain came off as pompous, too. Not a very winnable trait in this current environment.

  21. Dominique says:

    “Is there a realist in the major media anymore?”

    The only one I know of is Joe Scarborough. Watch Morning Joe tomorrow. He’s complimentary and critical of both candidates.

    I didn’t watch the debates because I think I’ve heard enough of each of their stump speeches. I’ll watch the recap tomorrow morning on MJ. Watching anything tonight is useless. Regardless of the network, there’s absolutely no objectivity – just pundits from each extreme parroting talking points. Yawn. I’ll get the scoop from Joe and Mika (but mostly Joe because Mika’s pretty much in the tank).

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Phillies look to be headed for the World Series!!

  22. X Stryker says:

    GO PHILLIES!!!!!!!

  23. Dominique says:


  24. R Smitty says:

    PHILS!!!! Woooorrrrddddd!!!!

    OK…Series MVP???

  25. R Smitty says:

    They just announced Hamels as the series MVP.

  26. Dominique says:

    Seriously? Hamels? I would have picked Victorino.

  27. delawaredem says:

    I would have picked Shane too, but I have no problem with Hamels. 2 quality starts. Shut the Dodgers down.

  28. R Smitty says:

    Victorino had the spark, but really, not the stats. Baseball doesn’t award great defense with the MVP of anything. Shane’s final series avg was .222.

    FWIW, Utley had the best avg among the starters with .353, Burrell was second with .333, and Ruiz was third with .313. Yes, I said Ruiz. Give him (Ruiz) some credit, tho, he really did do a great job behind the plate with all the breaking junk the Phils pitchers know how to throw real well.

    Hamels was a worthy choice.

  29. R Smitty says:

    The rest of the starters kinda sucked with their avg. Tampa can hit the hell out of the ball, so that lineup better wake the hell up.

    Rollins: .143
    J Werth: .190
    R Howard: .300 (thanks in large part to tonight)
    S Victorino: .222
    P Feliz: .154

  30. Von Cracker says:

    Yay Phils!!!!
    BOOOOOOOOOOO McCampaign!

  31. Von Cracker says:

    And Hamels was the only choice for series MVP.

    Stay Healthy, Cole!

  32. R Smitty says:

    A case could have been made for Utley, but it would have been hard to argue.

  33. Truth Teller says:

    The only other people who are not concerned about the health of the mother is the catholic church

  34. Rachael says:

    But hey…

    dont forget about Joe “The Plumber”…campaigns are beginning for him to be our new Treasury Secy…at least according to Rudy “say anything” Guiliani. LOL