More Polls, Nancy Reagan and Dick Cheney

Filed in National by on October 15, 2008

CNN / TIME have just released new battleground polls:

COLORADO: Obama 51, McCain 47
FLORIDA: Obama 51, McCain 46
GEORGIA: McCain 53, Obama 45
MISSOURI: McCain 49, Obama 48
VIRGINIA: Obama 53, McCain 43

Insider Advantage has also released some new polls:

WEST VIRGINIA: McCain 49, Obama 47
FLORIDA: Obama 48, McCain 44
NEVADA: Obama 49, McCain 46
NORTH CAROLINA: Obama 48, McCain 46

And here are some national numbers from today and yesterday:

RESEARCH 2000: Obama 52, McCain 41
ZOGBY: Obama 48, McCain 44
BATTLEGROUND: Obama 51, McCain 43
RASMUSSEN: Obama 50, McCain 45
HOTLINE: Obama 49, McCain 41
CBS / NEW YORK TIMES : Obama 53, McCain 39
GALLUP: Obama 51, McCain 42
IBD / TIPP: Obama 45, McCain 42
LA TIMES / BLOOMBERG: Obama 50, McCain 41
PEW: Obama 50, McCain 40
IPSOS / MCCLATCHY: Obama 51, McCain 42

In other news, Vice President Cheneytron required new batteries.    And Nancy Reagan fell down and broke her pelvis.   I send Mrs. Reagan my wishes for a speedy recovery.  (No, I am sending no well wishes for Darth Cheney).

nemski adds: Latest map from 538. It’s getting mighty blue. 🙂


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  1. jason330 says:

    Just lookign for some pre-dbate stuff – I found this CTV site that allows comments.


    I think it is interesting to note that Canadian wingnuts sound EXACTLY like American wingnuts.

    It is as if there is some brain damage ray that is pounding wingnuts all over North America.

  2. mike w. says:

    Wingnuts (on both sides of the political aisle) sound quite a bit alike because they share common ideology. It’s not surprising then that Canadian wingnuts sound pretty much the same as American wingnuts.

    Oh, and Canadians catch alot of flack from Americans sometimes, but Canadians are pretty awesome folks. Very laid back. Oh and they (like us) don’t like George Bush.

  3. anon says:

    Cheney is preparing for the “Bill Casey” exit strategy.