
Filed in National by on October 18, 2008

How pleased can the GOP be these days?  With idiots like Joe the Plumber carrying their water who wouldn’t. 
Image:United States Income Distribution 1967-2003.svg

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hiding in the open

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    fixed the graphic so that it is clickable.

  2. Jerry says:

    That is just wrong.

  3. Mike Protack says:

    Why the name calling for Joe the Plumber?

    Seems like a hard working guy to me.

  4. Dominique says:

    Because, Mike, he didn’t like Obama’s plan. That’s a mortal sin in these parts. Joe the Plumber is just another racist.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    No. We hate Joe the Plumber for his baldness…

    But really, Joe is just a victim of the McCain campaign. First, he believes McCain’s version of Obama’s plan so he gets a zinger in on Obama. But on false assumptions.

    Then McCain uses Joe’s name a dozen times in the debate to point out how this poor guy is going to be taxed to death by Obama.

    The media has to follow-up. The poor guy makes 40K a year, has back taxes, and delusions of grandeur. Now, Joe may get a loan to buy that business of his some day, but when Joe is making 250K a year, he won’t be nearly as impacted by that higher tax rate.

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    I could care less about Joe the Plumber.

  7. Political Observer says:

    Anyone care to comment on the fact that the greatest disparity in increase in income came in the years 1992-1999? To me this chart just magnifies that both parties are beholden to the corporate world.