QotD: Are You Pro- or Anti-America?

Filed in National by on October 18, 2008

Recent talking points out of McCain’s campaign are categorizing citizens as either Anti-America or Pro-America. So which are you?

Or maybe, are the Republicans acting like a spurned boyfriend/girlfriend turned stalker or, worse, are they venturing down the slippery slope to a new brand of McCarthyism?

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (53)

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  1. nemski says:

    Well, I believe in America, freedom of speech, the separation of church and state, the right to burn the American flag, our Veterans, public education, helping others, that the view of social conservatives are scary and dangerous, I believe that there is a direct line from the White House to Fox News. I believe that Roe v. Wade was just, I believe in the red, white and blue, the Iraq War was a huge mistake, voting early and I believe that Obama will win the election on Nov. 4th.

  2. Steve Newton says:

    Believing in all the parts of the US Constitution probably makes me un-American as far as the McCain campaign is concerned.

    But, then again, it also makes me suspect to some liberals as well.

  3. pandora says:

    I believe in the Constitution and in making our country the best it can be. Just like I believe in my children and feel it is my job to make them the best people they can be.

    I also believe in adding the word “some” before the words Democrats, Republicans, liberals and conservatives.

  4. Dominique says:

    ‘I believe that there is a direct line from the White House to Fox News.’

    I agree with that; however, I also believe that there is a direct line from the Obama campaign to the rest of the major news networks and there will continue to be once he’s in office. Will you find that offensive as well?

    ‘I also believe in adding the word “some” before the words Democrats, Republicans, liberals and conservatives.’

    That’s very refreshing, Pandora. This election could have been so much more pleasant if more people felt that way. I’m just as guilty as the rest. While I generally direct my criticisms at ‘wingnut’ or ‘far left’ Dems, I have a tendency to lump Obama supporters together. I will make an effort to remember that it’s really only ‘some’ (although, depending on where you are, it could be ‘most’). 😉

  5. liberalgeek says:

    When I write “some Republicans” I am just usually excluding Smitty. Come to the dark side, Smitty.


    I try to couch my comments the same way, Pandora. Although, most of the time, it is misread anyway.

  6. anonone says:

    Dominique channels Ralph Nader, 2000:
    “It could have been the realization that, well, what does it matter? The only thing that’s really going to change is the name of the president.”

    After writing something as nonsensical as that, the only question I can ask is why anybody should think that any of your opinions matter?

  7. Donsquishy says:

    I am anti the way our country is right now

  8. Mark H says:

    Viva La France!!

    Couldn’t resist 🙂

  9. Donsquishy says:


    you can’t answer your own question!

    something else to discuss Monday!

  10. Dominique says:

    ‘“It could have been the realization that, well, what does it matter? The only thing that’s really going to change is the name of the president.”

    After writing something as nonsensical as that, the only question I can ask is why anybody should think that any of your opinions matter?’

    Gee, that’s the second time you’ve quoted that line on this site, so it sounds like it may have mattered to you. It looks like I’ve gotten under your skin, anonone. I’m like a bad rash; it feels so good to scratch me, but I just won’t go away. Sucks to be you.

    Sorry you don’t agree, but I stand by that statement. I think neither one of the tools in the running have a prayer of changing anything. The economy is in the shitter and the national debt is completely out of control. The best that either of them can “Hope!” for is to tread water until the next election. There will be no change. Go ahead and keep dreaming, tho, dumpling. It’s kind of cute.

  11. nemski says:

    Dominique wrote: I agree with that; however, I also believe that there is a direct line from the Obama campaign to the rest of the major news networks and there will continue to be once he’s in office. Will you find that offensive as well?

    Clinton lost. Get over it.

  12. nemski says:

    DV wrote:nemski?

    you can’t answer your own question!

    something else to discuss Monday!

    I guess my answer was to subtle for you. 😉

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m pro-American, that’s why I’m voting for Obama. I believe in liberal patriotism – I want to the country to be what it says it is.

  14. Dominique says:

    ‘Clinton lost. Get over it.’

    So, was that a yes or a no?

    Seriously, the culture of dismissiveness on this site is absolutely stunning. If you don’t have a valid response, why don’t you refrain from posting anything? Calling someone a racist or inferring that their opinion is somehow invalid because they supported a different candidate is so lame. It shows that you have little capacity for real debate and no real answer to the question.

    Answer this honestly (if that’s possible) – Suppose McCain wins the election, does that mean that your opinion of his performance throughout his term should be dismissed because you supported Obama? Should the automatic response to your opinion be “Obama lost. Get over it.”?

  15. cajun says:

    From viewing the Bachmann appearance with Tweety yesterday, she would be Joe McCarthy in drag…
    and she’s on the front page of Huff Po right now. There is a petition to censure her for her comments.


  16. nemski says:

    Dom, I find it offensive that you believe the relationship between Fox News and the Bush Administration is equal or worse than any relationship you think exists between the Obama campaign and the major news networks.

    Does that answer the question for you?

  17. Dominique says:

    Sure, if the question was ‘how do you feel about my opinion of the Obama campaign’s relationship with the major news networks’, but it wasn’t.

    The question was, ‘I also believe that there is a direct line from the Obama campaign to the rest of the major news networks and there will continue to be once he’s in office. Will you find that offensive as well?’

    Do try to keep up. Let me know if the question is too complex; I’d be happy to dumb it down a bit for you.

  18. nemski says:

    You’re kidding right? I did answer your question as I believe your basic premise is wrong. There is no question to answer.

  19. Geezer says:

    “Believing in all the parts of the US Constitution probably makes me un-American as far as the McCain campaign is concerned.

    But, then again, it also makes me suspect to some liberals as well.”

    It doesn’t make you un-American. It makes you undiscriminating.

  20. Al Mascitti says:

    “however, I also believe that there is a direct line from the Obama campaign to the rest of the major news networks and there will continue to be once he’s in office. Will you find that offensive as well?”

    No, I find it ignorant and lacking in evidence. We have the testimony of ex-Fox employees stating that the daily talking points from the RNC were the starting point for daily planning meetings. When you produce evidence of the same re: networks and Obama, then you’ll be displaying something beyond your ignorance.

  21. Dominique says:

    You’re kidding, right? I didn’t ask you what you thought of my basic premise. I asked you if you thought there would be an issue with a direct line from an Obama White House to the major news networks.

  22. Dominique says:

    ‘No, I find it ignorant and lacking in evidence.’

    How can an opinion be lacking in evidence? I said ‘I believe’. That means it’s my perception, but you already know that. Are you actually going to claim that you don’t notice a pro-Obama bias in most of the major news networks? Seriously?

  23. pandora says:

    Dom, the problem I have with your support of McCain is that I DON’T believe you. (and please, don’t try and explain your position again. I still won’t buy it.) Had you switched to Nader after Hillary lost I could understand. But McCain? Umm… NO. And I shudder to think what you’d be writing about McCain had Hillary won. (Your post on Sarah Palin alone would have burnt up every hard drive in Delaware.)

    And that’s the real problem, Dom. No one believes your support for McCain. You can talk, or type, until you’re blue in the face, but we’re not buying it. What I do believe is that you can’t stand Obama. It didn’t matter who the republican candidate was, because you’re not really voting “for” anyone.

  24. Dominique says:

    Gee, Pandora, maybe because I find McCain a more acceptable choice than Nader or any of the other candidates.

    I have said over and over and over again AD NAUSEUM that I am disenchanted by both of these ridiculous choices. You guys read that assume that means I’m a huge fan of McCain’s and I hate Obama. Neither is true. Is there no gray area for you? Is there no middle?

    I don’t ‘support’ McCain as much as I think he is the best choice of two complete losers. I’ve said many times that my main issue with Obama is that I consider him weak-willed and spineless – why the hell would I vote for Nader? He makes Obama look like Clint Eastwood.

    JFC, it would be nice if you guys could you make even a half-hearted effort to actually read beyond just the sentences that pertain to Obama.

  25. Donsquishy says:

    OBAMA IS BLACK…christ why is it so hard for people to not understand that is the reason Dom hates him.

  26. Some Republican in Ohio says:

    Holy shit, Obama is BLACK??? All the calls I keep getting from the McCain campaign say he’s a Muslim terrorist. Dammit, John, which one is he – a n***** or a sand n*****? You’ve got me so confused…

  27. babs says:

    I can hear my mommy talking here, old woman. Bad mommy at that.

    “Gee, that’s the second time you’ve quoted that line on this site, so it sounds like it may have mattered to you. It looks like I’ve gotten under your skin, anonone. I’m like a bad rash; it feels so good to scratch me, but I just won’t go away. ”

    The ego that just won’t quit.

  28. anonone says:

    I like to quote it Dominique because it illustrates your unfathomable and prolific ignorance. So here it is a third time:

    Dominique channels Ralph Nader, 2000:
    “It could have been the realization that, well, what does it matter? The only thing that’s really going to change is the name of the president.”

  29. June says:

    I’ve been arrested 10 times for protesting (non-violently) the Iraq War. Does that make me anti-American?

  30. June says:

    I’ll answer my own question (before someone might say yes.)

    I didn’t get arrested because I felt anti-American. I felt it was my patriotic duty as a good American.

  31. pandora says:

    June, you were exercising your Constitutional Rights… just like the Founding Fathers intended. Brava!

  32. Miscreant says:

    “I’ve been arrested 10 times for protesting (non-violently) the Iraq War. Does that make me anti-American?”

    Probably not, June, just too stupid to protest within the parameters of the laws of this great country. You know, the ones that were determined by the majority of the populace.

    “I didn’t get arrested because I felt anti-American. I felt it was my patriotic duty as a good American.”

    Cool! … do whatever makes you *feel* good. Do you wear your criminal history like a badge of honor?

  33. Miscreant says:

    “June, you were exercising your Constitutional Rights… just like the Founding Fathers intended. Brava!”

    Bullshit, Princess. While I admire someone who stands up for their principles (however misguided), she was obviously in violation of the Constitution, or she wouldn’t have been arrested.

  34. nemski says:

    Speechless, absolutely speechless.

  35. Miscreant says:

    “Speechless, absolutely speechless.”

    If actually true, that would be a great thing.

  36. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, Miscreant, she never said that she was found guilty of anything. Lots of people get arrested on bogus charges and the arrest won’t stick. You comment of “she was obviously in violation of the Constitution, or she wouldn’t have been arrested” is stupid. It is indicative of how authoritarian this country has become.

    It is kind of like, “well they wouldn’t be listening to your international calls to your wife if you weren’t guilty of something.”

  37. anonone says:

    And then there was that horrible Boston Tea Party. And that rabble rouser Martin Luther King.

    Go June!!!!!!

  38. Dana says:

    I believe that the Constitution, as it is written, is one of the noblest documents and founding principles around. And because I am a patriotic American, I will vote for John McCain. If we are so unfortunate as to have Barack Obama win the election, I will not be one of those who spouts, “He isn’t my president.”

  39. Dana says:

    Donsquishy wrote:

    OBAMA IS BLACK…christ why is it so hard for people to not understand that is the reason Dom hates him.

    Well, I’m not Dominique, but I’ve voted for not one but two black gubernatorial candidates (Doug Wilder, a Democrat, in Virginia in 1989, and Lynn Swann in Pennsylvania, in 2006) and by the luck of the draw, I’ve probably lived under a more “diverse” set of governors than anyone here: one black (Mr Wilder) and two women (Martha Layne Collins of Kentucky and Ruth Ann Minner of Delaware).

    But I’m voting for John McCain, not because Barack Obama is a Negro, but because he is proposing policies I find repugnant.

  40. Dominique says:

    I will accept Obama as my president as well. I won’t like it, but I’ll accept it. Not that I’d have a choice.

  41. anonone says:

    I thought it didn’t make any difference, Dominique? Just a name change, right?

  42. Dominique says:

    Oh. My. God. Anonone. Are you kidding with this? You’re completely obsessed. Relax, sweetie, it’s just an opinion. I’m sorry it’s not in line with yours, but sometimes that’s how life works.

    Yes, ultimately, TO ME it’s just a name change. They all suck. Get it? MY EXPERIENCE is that they all end up going back on their word. Are you following what I’m saying? I want to make sure I don’t lose you. Unless you are under the age of 25, you should probably know better than to believe the promises of any politician – even when they’re wrapped in pretty words, but everyone is different; some are more trusting (gullible) and some are more realistic (cynical). Do you get the point of the statement now? I know I’ve explained how I FEEL about it to you before this, but it’s clearly a difficult concept for you to grasp.

  43. anonone says:

    You are certainly obsessed with something that you say doesn’t make any difference.

    “it’s just an opinion” “TO ME it’s just a name change”

    You’re right. A very very stupid and selfish opinion.

  44. The person hiding behind the anonymous moniker shouldn’t be the one doing the name calling or offering ad hominems.

  45. Dana says:

    But Dominique, think how many people have whined that “George Bush (or Bill Clinton) isn’t my president!”

    It’s silliness, of course, but we’ve all heard it before.

    Jason: is George Bush your president? Donviti: was George Bush your commander-in-chief?

  46. nemski says:

    Great. You ask DV and Jason. Why not lg, dd, myself, pandora or cassandra? You’re just looking for your “sound byte”. 😉

  47. Dominique says:

    ‘You are certainly obsessed with something that you say doesn’t make any difference.’

    You couldn’t possibly be this obtuse. Just because I don’t think either one of them is going to change or improve a freaking thing doesn’t mean that I can’t or shouldn’t express an opinion on them.

    The point of my post was that I am no longer allowing the results of this election to consume or anger me. It is what it is. Whatever happens happens. Are there any other elementary topics you need explained to you this evening?

  48. Unstable Isotope says:


    George Bush is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, not Commander in Chief of the United States. He actually works FOR me, or he is supposed to. So no, I do not accept George Bush as my commander in chief.

  49. liberalgeek says:

    Dana asked that because DV was in the Navy. I think under Clinton, though.

  50. anonone says:

    And a fourth time:

    Dominique channels Ralph Nader, 2000:
    “It could have been the realization that, well, what does it matter? The only thing that’s really going to change is the name of the president.”

  51. anonone says:

    Hey Mike M.,

    You and Dominique hooking up? Seriously, are you two dating? Does she have pictures of you or something? Or is she honestly the smartest writer you could find for DWA?

  52. Dominique says:

    God, you’re a pathetic loser. You’re not funny or clever or smart. You add nothing of value to any conversation. I feel sorry for whomever has to wake up next to you every morning knowing that this is the best she could do. That’s assuming someone actually wakes up next to you. If there’s a merciful god in heaven, no one does. No one should have to endure you.

  53. anonone says:

    You’re awfully hostile about simply having your own words read back to you.

    And just so we remember, for a fifth time:

    Dominique channels Ralph Nader, 2000:
    “It could have been the realization that, well, what does it matter? The only thing that’s really going to change is the name of the president.”