Breaking: Colin Powell Endorses Obama

Filed in National by on October 19, 2008

On top of raising 150 million in September, Obama snags the endorsement everyone wanted.  

Chuck Todd adds more:

(I‘ll post video/transcript when it’s released.)


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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (34)

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Video is up at I tried to put the link in but it got eated.

  2. pandora says:

    I’m having trouble with the link, as well. Maybe LG will help us out!

    BIG Endorsement. It will hurt McCain.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    I think I added it in your post OK, Pandora.

    When I got home last night I heard that McCain would be on Fox News this AM and thought that was the tell that Powell would really endorse. Why otherwise would they feel as though they needed to step on Powell’s appearance?

  4. pandora says:

    Thanks Cassandra for posting the video.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    I still don’t trust Colin Powell, but that endorsement was great. I was especially touched by the story about the Muslim soldier’s grave. I’m glad he’s speaking out on the intolerance of the Republican party. I think his words will carry a lot of weight with people.

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    Apparently Powell also mentioned Michelle Bachmann in a short press conference after his MTP appearance.

  7. jason330 says:

    That was a great statement. That part about what the correct response to people who say Obama is not Christian. Spot on.

    I knew Powell had some decency in him. I’m sad he squandered and pimped out that that decency for a bag of silver while working for Bush.

  8. Joanne Christian says:

    It is done.

  9. jason330 says:

    I agree. No counting chickens…but C’mon!

  10. nemski says:

    Gen. Powell pwned the Republican Party.

  11. Steve Newton says:

    I knew Powell had some decency in him. I’m sad he squandered and pimped out that that decency for a bag of silver while working for Bush.

    Agreeing that this is the ole “final nail” in the McCain coffin, you have to wonder how this all plays out when the definitive Colin Powell biography is finally written: does the UN speech about Iraqi WMDs or the Obama endorsement get seen as definitive?

    All in all, Powell comes across as one of the most influential but tragically flawed characters in the late 20th/early 21st Century.

    You also have to wonder (going back to 1996 and 2000) is he thinking: “Damn that Obama. That could have been me.”

  12. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Colin Powell has a lot to answer for, He damaged
    his brilliant career with that bogus little vial he showed to the UN as prove that there WERE WMD’s His
    refusal not to give that testimony without Tennet sitting beside him ON CAMERA was a clear indication that he did not want to fall on the sword by himself…. But today he gave the most impressive dissertation why he is voting for Obama . He would make an excellent Secretary of State again. .As far as I am concerned he redeemd himself today

  13. Donsquishy says:

    All in all, Powell comes across as one of the most influential but tragically flawed characters in the late 20th/early 21st Century.

    Hmmm, he has been propped up by the Media as a Black Intellectual Elite that has been given a little too much credit for being an individual (maverick) that tells it like it is. I think it is BS that he has some amazing insight into the world around him and that he has the awesome grasp of others world view.

    Yet, when he was used by the GOP and in Particular Cheney as a disposable hero he never stood up against it. Took it like a rape victim and this is the way he “sticks” it too his party?

    Much like Tony Romo…


  14. nemski says:

    Hey DV, did you forget to take your meds this morning? 😉

    Colin Powell and Tony Romo, LOL.

  15. Donsquishy says:

    Yes, both are over rated and since it was sunday and the Cowboys play today I thought I would throw it in.

    I guess I should put a picture of Mike Schmidt up and just leave it at that for you to follow along

  16. Steve Newton says:

    No way in hell could Colin Powell ever be SecState again–he forfeited his own personal credibility with the rest of the world

    But I think dv is unfair to Romo

  17. anon says:

    Gen. Powell pwned the Republican Party.

    Payback’s a bitch.

  18. Joanne Christian says:


  19. Jerry says:

    Colin Powell finally comes around.

  20. Frieda Berryhill says:

    “But I think dv is unfair to Romo”
    Thanks , you are always good for a hearty laugh.

  21. Donsquishy says:

    unfair! WTF? dang

  22. Joanne Christian says:

    Not that it means anything to you–but the Salt Lake Tribune has endorsed Obama this morning.
    Now take it. And don’t forget who those readers are.

  23. I saw the same thing Joanne, and nearly shit a brick! I visited Utah earlier this year and I bet those folks are in a tizzy!!! They’ve got some REAL conservatives out there!!!

  24. Joanne Christian says:

    Thank you Mike for appreciating the seismic nod in our little world. We will no longer blame Clinton–it will be Huckabee.

  25. Dominique says:

    I thought Powell’s story about the Muslim soldier’s grave was moving, but the most touching part was when he talked about how a 7-year old Muslim child might feel about the possibility of ever becoming president.

    It’s amazing how we all talk so much about racism/bigotry as though they only affects blacks. Throughout this campaign, both the left and the right have treated the accusation of being a Muslim as a supreme insult without ever considering the impact that attitude might have on the millions of hard-working, law-abiding, peaceful Muslims in our country and abroad (who, btw, represent the vast majority of Muslims). It’s pretty shameful, actually. It was refreshing to hear someone of Powell’s stature finally say something about it.

  26. Donsquishy says:

    what planet do you come from?

  27. Dominique,

    I agree. Powell made a great point. A point I had NEVER considered. When people would tell me Barack Obama is a Muslim, my reply would be “No, he’s not!” My reply SHOULD be: “Why the hell does it make any difference?” I think I’m going to start carrying this photo to show to people who continually question Obama’s religion.

  28. anonone says:

    You’re right, Dominque. It was like Mcinsane implying that being an “Arab”is somehow indecent.

    Some people seem to use “Muslim” in this country in the same way they used “Jew” in Germany in the 1930’s.

  29. Dominique says:

    Except McCain never called him a Muslim or an Arab. But I guess that fits right into your crazy narrative, so have at it.

  30. nemski says:

    Dom, your right McCain never said that. His supporters have though.

  31. anonone says:

    Supporter: “Obama is an Arab.”

    Mcinsane: “No, he is not, he is a decent man.”

    Because in mcinsane’s world, Arabs aren’t “decent”.

  32. Howard says:

    Powell’s endorsement of Obama does not verify Obama’s judgement, but rather brings Powell’s judgement into question. Powell says that Obama is ready to lead … WHY? … Regardless of Powell’s last minute endorsement, Obama is still the most liberal senator in congress … who accomplished nothing in his meager 3 years in office, except voting present 160 times, and campaigning for President, as well as associating with anti-American racists and domestic terrorists … and, taking America down the road to socialism. Obama betrayed a friendship of 20 years, for personal ambition. Powell betrayed his friendship with McCain. McCain did not betray his fellow prisoners, even during 5 years of torture. These facts speak volumes about who these men really are, and whether or not we can trust them.