Filed in National by on October 20, 2008


Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.  

Obama/Biden ’08

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Wow. If there is a silver lining in this botched mess that is the McCain campaign – I think it is that these racists bigots have been drawn out into public.

  2. pandora says:

    I really thought this video deserved attention. This is what I, and many other liberals, have been calling for. This nonsense can only be stopped by Republicans. They must clean their own house. Those McCain supporters made me proud.

  3. Jerry says:

    Good for them, adding some common sense to the mix.

  4. Dominique says:

    JFC. John McCain already addressed his lunatic supporters (which is much more than Obama’s ever done). It’s so patronizing to see that you’re “proud” of the McCain guy for stepping in as though the campaign is just a bunch of Neanderthals who need some positive reinforcement for not clubbing their wives over their heads and dragging them across the room by their hair.

    Do you guys really believe that the crazies represent more than a handful of hundreds of thousands of McCain supporters? It is patently unfair to judge an entire group of people based on the actions and beliefs of an infinitesimally small number of them. If you got 1,000 Muslims together, how many do you think would be terrorists? If there were two, would it be fair to label the entire group terrorists? If you got 1,000 Dems together, how many of them would be 9/11 truthers? Would it be fair to lump you together with them? Seriously, guys, get over this obsession. We’re talking about a few wackos that the media happens to have a hard-on for because it give them something to kibitz about for a week. I can’t get over how easily manipulated some of you are.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    Good for these McCain voters. Now, if we could get more national leaders to do this.

  6. Truth Teller says:

    scary ENOUGH SAID

  7. cassandra_m says:

    McCain addressed his wacko supporters once, and this stuff continues at his and Palin’s rallies.

    And this:
    Would it be fair to lump you together with them?

    Is remarkably precious for someone to ask who has been doing exactly that in relation to Obama supporters pretty much all year.

  8. pandora says:

    Geez, can’t even post a positive video without being called out. Is there nothing that doesn’t make you angry?

    I wasn’t being patronizing, but hey, spin it anyway you want to. You’ve seen one Obama supporter you’ve seen them all. Isn’t that where you’re coming from?

  9. Dominique says:

    Yes, dear, but I’m not calling you hatemongers or dangerous, just blind.

    Remarkably precious as it may be, would it be fair?

    Also, he addressed his supporters at least twice that we know of (first when he got booed and second when that elderly woman said he was an “Arab” in that terrified little voice of hers). Again, I don’t remember Obama even once addressing the particularly vitriolic sect of his supporters – or is “Hillary is a c*nt ” or “Palin is a c*nt” or “iron my shirt” just not offensive enough to warrant intervention from the candidate? Does it have to be an accusation of someone being a Muslim before it’s over the top? Is that the line?

    Don’t misunderstand me. I am glad McCain addressed the issue. I wish he had done it sooner, but the amount of policing you guys expect from him is getting ridiculous. The more the media shines a spotlight on these idiots, the more it’s going to happen. It’s becoming the “Baba-Bouie!” of this election season. Let it go, for shit’s sake. We’re talking about a few people out of tens of thousands. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not really that big a problem.

  10. anonone says:

    Speaking of idiots, here is Duminique speaking about the choice between Obama and Mcinsane:

    “It could have been the realization that, well, what does it matter? The only thing that’s really going to change is the name of the president.”

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Dom, we all get that the only way that you can keep yourself from just exploding is to keep rewiring history. Obama wasn’t at the event where those nuts called out for Hillary to iron their shirts. But where he was at events where folks have been booing Hillary or even McCain he stops and asks them to stop. McCain has done this once. But we already know that you aren’t aware that Obama is at least consistently asking for better behavior. Because you don’t want to know that the man has at least been trying to ask for respectful behavior. It wouldn’t jive with your absolutely wrong “they all do it” story.

    And it is a problem. Because people who feel that they can kill bears and leave them at doorsteps aren’t far from more bad behavior. And it is a particular problem for the repubs — it just demonstrates live and on TV that the party of ideas is not just left with its Southern Strategy and its various offshoots.

    You may excuse this behavior, but don’t expect the rest of us to follow you to the bottom of the moral bottom.

  12. Dominique says:

    Pandora –

    There are plenty of things that don’t make me angry. Unfortunately, none of them relate to this election which has been, from beginning to end, the most infuriating political experience I have ever endured.

    I have now backed two candidates who have been lambasted for everything from their families to their physical appearances all while their opponent cries foul about negative campaigning (that’s rich). In addition to my candidates being trashed, their supporters (read: me and my family…including my son who is an Obama supporter, but should be harmed because of my support of McCain) have been called some of the most vicious names and been told that we should be lined up and shot or maimed in some way. Can’t imagine why I would be angry.

    I come here almost every day hoping beyond hope that I might find a moderately objective post about anything having to do with the election. I don’t know, maybe an honest assessment of a liberal columnist who may have crossed a line, a mild criticism of Obama (do you really think he’s perfect?) or even a post about McCain that doesn’t paint him as the spawn of Satan. But, alas, it’s not to be. This post is as close as anything has ever come and you all act as though it’s so shocking that rational, reasonable McCain supporters truly exist. So, yeah, you may not have meant it to be, but it was patronizing.

    My anger will likely begin to subside on November 5th. President Elect Obama will be preparing to take office and all of you can focus your ire on something other than McCain and his supporters.

  13. Dominique says:

    Again, Cassandra, kindly answer the question. Is it ok to lump all Muslims in with terrorists and would it be ok to lump you in with 9/11 truthers?

  14. anonone says:

    Hey Duminique,

    Why don’t you tell us all why there is no difference between Obama and Mcinsane other than their names?

  15. cassandra_m says:

    I already answered the question — largely by noting that you aren’t particularly good at individualizing behavior as it relates to Obama supporters so why should I think that you give a shit about how others get treated?

  16. pandora says:

    Come on, Dom. Do you really see yourself as a victim? Your writing style is quite confrontational, and you’re quite good at turning a phrase. You give as good as you get. You seem quick to call out others for behavior you participate in. I really hope you’re getting something out of this blogger’s fight.

  17. Dominique says:

    Cassandra, you’re smarter than that comment. It’s ok, you don’t need to answer the question.

    Pandora, if you’re going to compare my ‘confrontational’ writing style to the shit that has been launched at me, then you should probably backpeddle on the sanctimony about “kill him” being so much worse than anything else heard on the campaign trail.

    I will deliver the snark with the best of them, but I am not one to launch hideous personal attacks in response to an opinion. If you go through my comment history, you’ll see that I normally don’t attack unless I’ve been attacked. Even then, I will generally stick to accusations of delusion or condescension or insanity – certainly nothing on par with what I’m fielding.

    I have been called, among other things, a racist (which, btw, I’m pretty sure you know not to be true, tho I don’t remember you ever mentioning that) simply for stating an opposing opinion. I have been called a bitter old woman. I have been accused of having a “pussy agenda”. My parenting skills have been attacked. My son has been wished to be maimed or killed. The list goes on and on.

    You are no less snarky than I am. Neither is Cassandra. Let me know when the level of discourse in response to your OPINIONS on a regular basis comes close to what I’m served every single day then talk to me about being a victim or being angry.

    And, no, I’m not getting anything out of this ‘blogger’s fight’. I’ve often thought of just walking away entirely, but the thought of allowing people like anonone and anonymous over at DWA (she of the death wish for Mat) think that they scare me away is more than I can stomach.

  18. anonone says:

    Walk away, Duminique, walk away! Good idea!

    I won’t scare you, I promise. I won’t even quote your brilliant musings in this post.

  19. Truth Teller says:


    I really don’t understand why you are so upset over this video. At last there are folks who support McSame who are speaking out against these dip shits. I noticed that all of the nuts were cowards the woman refused to answer a simple question and the geek refused to give his name,

  20. Dominique says:

    I’m not upset over the video at all. I’m upset that it’s being touted as something extraordinary, as though all McCain supporters are crazy skinheads and it’s so unusual to have a reasonable voice in the crowd.