Insurance Commissioner’s Race Revisited

Filed in Delaware by on October 21, 2008

MJ took us up on the suggestion to write up his thoughts and issues re: the Insurance Commissioner Race.

Go read the whole thing.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (15)

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  1. Jerry says:

    I have to question MJ’s understanding of what it means to be “qualified.” Nothing he stated about Brady in his blog had much (if anything) to do with Brady’s qualifications for the office of Insurance Commissioner.

  2. beerhead says:

    Well, you guys and gals are so disgusted with fat asses over here…as if that is a great reason to vote for the Democrat candidate.
    Vote for her because she is the most qualified. She is an expert in the industry. We can use that.
    The state Republicans just want to live a day longer than necessary by getting at least one state-wide wide bottomed boy in office (is Wagner a large assed guy?)
    I am getting spammed again…

  3. R Smitty says:

    Well, that’s a good show of support. Vote for our KWS, because the Repiblican guy has a fat ass. I think you should try that.

    Funny thing is, you somewhat chastise over the mention of a fat ass, then use it yourself. Good job.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Let me state, categorically, that this has been a huge victory for blogs. Who knew anything about Insurance Commissioner before this election, let alone have this much discussion about the merits of the candidates.

    Look at the Katz/Clatworthy race, too. there is light on that race that would never have been if the state was relying on the ratty old News Journal for insight.

    viva la blogs!

  5. R Smitty says:

    ze blogs have ze fat ass!

    Oooooh…the fat ass snarkiness is starting to get to full swing mode….

  6. Mike Protack says:

    John Brady is well suited for the job , both in ability and demeanor.

    John is not the ‘gay’ candidate, he is a candidate who happens to be gay. Let’s skip the labels and get the best person.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Where is the gay agenda now, Mike?

  8. nemski says:

    You know how I knew John Brady was gay . . . he still listens to Coldplay. 😉

    In all seriousness, go read MJ’s post and let him know what you think.

  9. Disbelief says:

    MJ says Brady works too hard and isn’t gay enough. Don’t think I’ll be relying on MJ’s surgical insight.

    Does KWS still have the outdated poll as the headline on her website?

  10. RSmitty says:

    Does KWS still have the outdated poll as the headline on her website?
    Don’t know about that, but the outdated picture is still there. 😯

  11. Disbelief says:

    Based on MJ’s quickly formed opinion of hard work and gayness, its obvious that if MJ applied the same standard to Denn and Markel, he’d be voting straight Republican.

  12. PBaumbach says:

    I just posted this on MJ’s blog:

    You write “I think I’m a pretty good judge of character when I meet a person. When I met Jack Markell 4 years ago, I found him to be genuine in his interest in what I had to say. That was one of the main reasons I supported him for governor. I cannot say the same thing about any of the IC candidates.”

    I missed you explaining when you sought out Brady, and see if he was ‘genuine in his interest in what you had to say.’

    I helped organize a forum over the weekend, which included all 3 candidates. Brady was quite interested in the questions that the audience raised. He and I spoke by phone afterwards, on IC issues, and I found him genuine (even if I did not agree with every one of his positions).

    I find Brady to be genuine.

  13. Gabriel says:

    Disbelief, KWS had that picture taken in 2000 when she ran against Donna Williams and lost. Eight years from age 52 to 60 make a lot of difference. Who knows, maybe she has a fat ass, too. But that would be the least of her problems. Good to see that people are catching on to her phony invented persona.

  14. Gabriel says:

    My last post was in answer to RSmitty’s question, not Disbelief’s comment.