Filed in National by on October 21, 2008

What is at least one specific reason you are voting for your presidential candidate?  Name your candidate too please. 

(please answer b/c with 14 days out, we may have some readers that don’t know a sound reason)

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  1. delawaredem says:

    I think we all have made up our minds.

    I am voting for Barack Obama for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which is because he will end the war in Iraq and because of his healthcare plan.

  2. Dana says:

    I’m voting for John McCain, primarily because of the judicial appointments we think he’ll make, and because he is not inclined toward ever-increasing government solutions to our problems.

  3. delawaredem says:

    Dana, I think you can be safe in your choice, given that McCain will require all his potential judicial appointments to swear to overturn Roe v. Wade.

  4. nemski says:

    I’m voting for Senator Barack Obama because, as General Powell so eloquently said, Obama “displayed a steadiness, an intellectual curiosity, a depth of knowledge and an approach to looking at problems”

  5. pandora says:

    I’m voting for Obama because I like his stance on healthcare, education, the economy and Iraq. I am also incredibly impressed with his temperament. Talk about cool under pressure!

  6. Jerry says:

    Obama because he’s weathered the storm of attacks against his character and ability to lead extremely well, and he doesn’t have Sarah Palin as a running mate.

  7. Vanilla says:

    I am voting for John McCain for his commitment to overturn Roe v. Wade, and remove the abortion stain from our national identity.

    If I could split the ticket, I would. Joe Biden is a far better choice for VP than Sarah Palin.

  8. pandora says:

    I was hoping you’d answer this question, Jerry. I was curious about your response.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    I’m voting for Obama, largely for the reasons nemski repeats from Colin Powell.

    But I am also voting for him because he has run the most impressive national campaign I’ve ever seen. No drama, shoulders to the wheel, and the focus of high-stakes poker players (or world-class chess players) while creating a giant organization all designed to ask every American they can get to for a vote. And done while keeping his dignity intact. Definitely someone that I would trust to represent us, but someone I would be spectacularly proud of as our President.

    We probably don’t have much in the way of undecided voters, but David Sedaris’ take is funny.

  10. Donsquishy says:

    I am voting for Obama b/c I have 3 girls about to go to college over the course of the next 5 years. His plan to provide them $$ for their education couldn’t be better timed.

    Their 529 doesn’t have enough money in it and what little was in there as of yesterday isn’t enough.

    Also, I believe him when he equates doing something with the green energy on the scale of Kennedy sending us to the moon.

  11. Miscreant says:

    McCain-Palin… just to piss you off.

  12. delawaredem says:

    8-2 so far for Obama-Biden.

  13. Phlegm says:

    “I have 3 girls about to go to college over the course of the next 5 years.”


    oh wait….you were serious…..my bad.


    Sorry, DV, but if there’s a place where I can bet on this, I want in.

  14. jason330 says:

    I decided to vote for Obama when he gave the keynote at the Kerry DNC.

  15. Phlegm says:


    Just to piss you off that I wouldn’t even pick Obama when I’m not voting for McCain. (It’s like masturbating in the dirt instead of repopulating the earth with the last ugly chick!)

  16. pandora says:

    Nice visual, Phlegm. Good thing we don’t need you. Have you seen the latest polls?

  17. Von Cracker says:

    nice – so if abortion is banned, it will never happen again. good to know.

    fucking idiots.

    Voting for Obama….simply for the hope that we move from fossil fuels, asap, and to make the wealthy pay their equitable share.

    fucking abortion! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??

  18. vyllyness says:

    I am proudly casting my vote for John McCain because he is the only true leader in this bunch of star-struck empty suits. John McCain loves this country, has served imperfectly but proudly, continues to fight wasteful spending, believes in entrepreneurship and less government. Barack Obama does not impress me, nor do I like his associates in the Congress. For a man who has done little in his career besides run a great voter registration effort in Chicago, he is NOT prepared to lead this country in the right direction – I wholeheartedly disagree with the PARTY’S ideas regarding how to grow our economy and I don’t want to see the Nancy Pelosi’s, Barney Franks and Harry Reidshave the audacity to sign blank checks with little accountability or fillibuster ability, the re-enactment of the Fairness Doctrine. And, by the way, Joe Biden’s commentary about us being tested in 6 months with some international crisis confirms that B/O ain’t ready for what’s comin..

  19. delawaredem says:

    Indeed, VC. It is proven under pro-life Republican presidents, abortions increase, while under pro-choice Democratic presidents, abortions decrease. That is because in order to really prevent and stop abortions, you have to teach sex ed and provide birth control. Simply telling teens to not have sex (like what Palin and her ignorant white trash ilk want to do) is an invitation to have sex, and guess what, that leads to unintended pregancies.

    And making abortion illegal does not decrease abortions. Abortions happened all the time before 1973. And what also happened all the time was that the teen mother also died in that back alley.

  20. Von Cracker says:

    If McCain wins, I’m investing in coat hangers!

  21. Donsquishy says:

    got it you think the guy that picked the broad that thinks the earth is 6000 years old is the one ready to be president.

    the guy that picked a vp that doesn’t know what the VP does when asked today.

    if you are going to not vote for someone, at least be honest for it.

  22. delawaredem says:

    I can’t wait until Dominique answers this question. She will undoubtedly choose McCain, and her reasons will reveal her to be a closet Republican.

  23. Von Cracker says:

    Wasn’t Dom a HRC supporter?

    Can’t remember through the fog….

  24. Not Brian says:

    I am with Phlegm.

    I can’t vote for anyone from either party at a national level.

    They are crooks.

  25. Stella Bluez says:

    Barack Obama has my vote primarily because he is not OF Washington DC……he is not stuck in the beltway mentality…..

    I am sick of the DC-ites, all their kiss-ass cocktail parties & their bedding down with lobbiests.

    They are all stuck in the past. Well, time to get UN-stuck…

  26. delawaredem says:

    Yes, VC. She was. And she, to put it mildly, was not pleased that Hillary lost, and then, in between trashing Obama, praised McCain and Palin. She is the last surviving PUMA in America.

  27. Culver says:

    Obama, because most of the real people I know who support McCain SHOULD have names like Miscreant and Phlegm.

  28. Donsquishy says:

    I love the people that say who they aren’t voting for and why.

    Guess it really is easier to not vote for someone and because of that vote for the alternative…

  29. Phlegm says:

    I’m definitely voting Nader to PISS YOU OFF!

    He’ll look better on my lawn anyway.

  30. Donsquishy says:

    it doesn’t piss me off to be honest. Nader isn’t a bad vote at all. Who is his VP choice?

  31. delawaredem says:

    Is Nader even on the ballot in Delaware?

  32. delawaredem says:

    Matt Gonzalez of California, who ran as the Green candidate against Gavin Newsom for May0r of San Francisco some years ago. He actually did really well, garnering 40% of the vote (he was the main opposition to Newsom, since the GOP does not exist in San Francisco).

  33. Phlegm says:

    Yes, Nader should be on the ballot in Delaware. He’s only missing a few of the states.

  34. Unstable Isotope says:

    Wow, this is tough to answer in a short sentence.

    I’m voting for Obama because of a lot of the reasons spelled out by dd, nemski, cassandra and pandora. (Is that an a&&kissing answer or what?) My additional reason: I’m ready for a generational change in our leadership. I’m ready to have a president who isn’t fighting the politics of the 1960s. I want a new kind of politics!

  35. delawaredem says:

    I checked, he is. Here are your official choices on the Delaware ballot:

    Democratic: Obama-Biden
    Republican: McCain-Palin
    Theocratic: Baldwin-Castle
    Green: McKinney-Clemente
    Independent: Nader-Gonzalez
    Libertarian: Barr-Root
    Socialist: Calero-Kennedy

  36. anonone says:

    You mean there is another Theocratic party besides the repubs? And Castle is on it? Now that’s a fusion candidate I can believe in, my friends.

    Man, the things I learn on this blog.

    P.S. Down with Absolutes is absolutely down.

  37. Steve Newton says:

    I wish I could say I was voting for the Libertarian Party–but unfortunately Bob Barr is a social conservative GOPer pretending to be a Libertarian.

    If I have to pick from the DE ballot choices, then I’m actually voting for Nader. I don’t agree with his solutions, but at least he sees most of the right problems.

    If you want to consider write-ins (and if the state still allows that) I’d vote for Charles Jay of the Boston Tea Party. He’s actually a Libertarian.

    I realize that this amounts to NOTA, but since I’ll be in the booth anyway to vote against Mike Castle and for Nick Manalakos, I figure I should flip one of the switches.

  38. delawaredem says:

    LOL. No, anon. Chuck Baldwin and Darryl Castle are the candidates for the Constitution Party, but I call them the Theocratic party because that is what they are. Seriously, read their platform:


  39. Steve Newton says:

    DD’s good humor
    Theocratic=Constitution Party whose candidate is Reverend Chuck Baldwin running on a truly Christian platform with a different Castle

  40. delawaredem says:

    Good for you Steve. Here is a serious question for you…. would you like the US to amend our Constitution to allow for a parliamentary democracy? So you can actually vote for strong third parties?

  41. JohnnyX says:

    I’m voting for Barack Hussein Obama because he’s a black secret Muslim terrorist commie and that’s just the type of cat that we love here in the anti-America parts of the country like the DDR (Delaware Demokratische Republik).


    Whoops, sorry, channeling Sarah Palin. There’s a bunch of real reasons but if I had to pick an easy one I’d say that to me (justifiably or not) he represents the American dream realized.

  42. delawaredem says:

    Whooo boy. You all should read this Theocratic Party’s platform. Wow.


  43. delawaredem says:

    Johnny, get it right.

    This is the People’s Republic of New Castle.

  44. Von Cracker says:

    Wholey FuCk!

    the constitution party’s a rockin’ wit the Jeebus!

  45. Steve Newton says:

    No, I don’t think I want a parliamentary system. The Confederacy actually had something close to that, and it turned out to produce multiple factions rather than multiple parties. I suspect that this might be the case with a larger sample.

    What I’d most like is for states to adopt ballot access rules that are as fair as those in DE. In NC the Department of Elections de-certified the Libertarian Party two years ago because none of their state candidates received at least 2% of the vote; this year the LPNC had to spend over $200,000 to collect 108,000 signatures just to get back on the ballot. My chief bitch is that the Dems and GOPers have in common the desire to keep power shared only between them, and that they rig the game so nobody else can play [both major parties actually missed the legal Presidential ballot deadlines in TX this year, but surprise, surprise, both McCain and Obama are on the ballot. In Louisiana, however, the Elections Commission and the State Supreme Court wouldn’t give the Libertarians a two-day waiver on turning in their signatures for the fucking hurricane.]

    Here’s what bothers me the most: in a country that claims to value real social and cultural diversity, why do we insist on giving our citizens only an either/or choice in elections?

    OK long answer to short question

  46. Not Brian says:


    If you were making any reference to my comment, the reason I would vote for Nader is that he is ethical, is not paid for by any special interest, and is usually right on the issues… in 2004 he was campaigning on the national debt, banking regulation, income inequality, and the unchecked influence of corporate money on the Democrats and Republicans…

    Hmmm…. man sounds like he might have been a better choice than either of the douche bags we had to chose from last time… and as much as I like Obama in theory, he is a Democrat… as far as I am concerned the Democrats and Republicans are a big organized extortion and embezzlement ring that only does anything good for us if it is a bi-product of something a lobbyist paid for….

  47. nemski says:

    Speaking for myself, I actually don’t care if you vote to piss us off, I just want you to vote.

  48. MJ says:

    Obama because I believe he will depoliticize the civil service and restore merit system protections that have been torn apart under Bush.

  49. Duffy says:

    I’m voting for Obama because he’s a secret muslim.

  50. joe says:

    To say you decided 4 yrs ago to vote for Obama bcz of a speech he gave is perhaps the most absurd “rationale” listed in these 50 comments. The best rationale was arguing for something more than a 2 party-system. It’s freakin’ 2008 – why are we hamstrung w/ 2 choices like it’s 1808 and information about candidates moves at a snail’s pace?

    The funniest thing about this site is the Kool-aid
    the die-hards on both sides willingly drink. Obama can do no wrong! McCain/Palin will save America! Obama is a Muslim! McCain is a racist! UGH! This regs on this blog represent everything that is imbalanced and wrong w/ our process – taking sides w/ vehemence akin to crusading fervor, then denouncing the “other side” as the sworn enemy.

    McCain has been shown to be a phoney. He was a media darling, until a younger, prettier media darling came along and stole his “boyfriend.” Palin – what can you say? DISASTER. Peggy Noonan nailed it on Palin. DE Joe – he’s consistent at least – consistently awkward on the campaign trail. This whole lot stinks.

  51. donviti says:

    thanks for commenting joe.

    fyi: Obama isn’t a Muslim, he is a communist!@

  52. joe says:

    donviti – right, a Muslim/commy/terrorist/racist… my bad.

    meanwhile – “The Republican National Committee has spent more than $150,000 to clothe and accessorize vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her family since her surprise pick by John McCain in late August,” Politico’s Jeanne Cummings reports. “According to financial disclosure records, the accessorizing began in early September and included bills from Saks Fifth Avenue in St. Louis and New York for a combined $49,425.74. The records also document a couple of big-time shopping trips to Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis, including one $75,062.63 spree in early September.” (abcnews.com). UGH!

  53. anonone says:

    Joe –

    I think Obama has done a lot wrong – stuff like his FISA vote, supporting spending tax dollars on “Faith Based” crap, and proposing a 90-day foreclosure freeze. But I still support him enthusiastically over Mcinsane-Pain.

    I don’t think anybody on this site is an “Obama can do no wrong!” bobble head, so you should stop saying that stuff unless you can back it up with evidence. We all have disagreements with him.

    But I am a sworn enemy of the repub party.

  54. jason330 says:

    To say you decided 4 yrs ago to vote for Obama bcz of a speech he gave is perhaps the most absurd “rationale” listed in these 50 comments.

    Naturally, I disagree. But hey…everybody is different. “Out of many, One” right?