The Amazingly Disconnected McCain Campaign

Filed in National by on October 22, 2008

Who in their right mind approved Sarah Palin’s 150k shopping spree?  Who vetted Joe the Plumber before shoving him into the spotlight?  Who decided that lying to Letterman was okay?

The McCain Campaign is a train wreck.  Or, in Jason’s words:  Worst. Campaign. Ever.

Palin’s shopping orgy is just one more stupid mistake.  Since naming her as the VP pick the McCain Campaign has gone out of its way to cultivate her image.  Jane Six Pack.  Hockey Mom.  Small Town Values.  The message was:  Sarah Palin is just like you and me.

150,000.000 later that message is in tatters, ripped to shreds by a campaign that just doesn’t get it.

And if you think this won’t be a big story, think again. John Edwards payed 400.00 for a haircut, and everyone went ballistic.  Compare that figure to Palin spending 4700.00 on hair and make up for the month of September.  Who, other than Cindy McCain, can relate to such extravagance?  And that’s the point.  In John McCain’s world this type of spending is normal.  

In everyone else’s world it’s unimaginable.  But what’s even more unimaginable is how the McCain Campaign got into this situation.  Everyone knows that as soon as they picked Palin an image consultant was hired.  Fair or not, her clothing was going to come under scrutiny.  For crying out loud, it’s like putting Mother Teresa in flippin’ Armani!   But what really gets me is how good this campaign is at stepping on their own message – which up until yesterday was: Palin = Walmart.

These “gaffes” are more serious than some people give them credit. Dropping 150k at stores like Neiman Marcus and Saks is easily understood and processed by “real” Americans. We aren’t talking Economic Bailout here.


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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Kilroy says:

    “Who in their right mind approved Sarah Palin’s 150k shopping spree?’

    A republican with an ant brian!

  2. anonone says:

    But The National Enquirer reported that John Edwards had an affair!!!! They never said that about Sarah Palin. Right? Right?

    Uh, oh well, never mind.

    Anyway, you’d think with a $150k she’d drop some at Victoria’s Secret.

  3. anon says:

    it’s like putting Mother Teresa in flippin’ Armani!

    actually it’s more like putting Giorgio Armani in a nun’s habit.

  4. pandora says:

    LOL! I like your image better!

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    Remarkably tonedeaf by the McCain campaign, but McCain’s whole campaign has been a trainwreck. They used RNC funds to pay for her wardrobe!

  6. Phantom says:

    Have you seen the picture on Newsweek where Seerah Palin is wearing a scarf with donkeys saying vote and was photgraphed with the scarf? I knew she was for Obama and just could not bring herself to say so.

  7. pandora says:

    I never considered she could be an undercover operative for the Dems. It all makes sense now!

  8. Progessive Mom says:

    Finally we have the answer to the question, “what’s the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom?”

    Apparently, the hockey mom has a $150,000 wardrobe.

  9. pandora says:

    I catch my breath every time I see that number in print! Staggering.