Bush Endores McCain-Palin

Filed in National by on October 24, 2008

In a not so stunning move, Will Ferrell returns to SNL for a cameo after many bad movies in an attempt to revive his career..

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. jason330 says:

    I saw this last night. Funny as hell.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    It was hilarious but Tina Fey stole the show again!

  3. jason330 says:

    Nemski –

    I just caught this…Will Ferrell returns to SNL for a cameo after many bad movies in an attempt to revive his career..<

    Are you F’ing crazy? Ferrell rules !

  4. G Rex says:

    So when is SNL doing the one where Bill Ayers call up Obama and asks if he needs anything blown up? Like maybe McCain’s bus? That script practically writes itself!

    (Not holding my breath.)

  5. donviti says:

    are you kidding? Bad Movies?

    which one? They were all hilarious!!! stick to your xbox loser!

  6. donviti says:

    So when is SNL doing the one where Bill Ayers call up Obama and asks if he needs anything blown up?

    it’s not funny is why.

    You know, the thing is done in NYC. they might be a little touchy when it comes to that sort of humor….

    they mnake plenty fun of Obama

  7. nemski says:

    Blades of Glory, Step-Brothers, and Semi-Pro.

  8. shortstuff says:

    Nemski, you’re nuts… OLD SCHOOL… Nuff Said…

  9. nemski says:

    Old School, that’s so 2003.

    Bewitched, Talledega Nights, and Kicking and Screaming.

    We can keep on playing, but you’ll lose.

  10. shortstuff says:

    Talladega was hilarious… “I’m on fire, help me…”.

    Get off the PS3, it’s killing brain cells…

  11. G Rex says:

    I passed on Semi-Pro; seemed too much like a do-over of Blades of Glory. “It’s mindbottling! Like when it’s so crazy your thoughts get caught in a bottle!”

    Talladega Nights was awesome good fun, though.

  12. nemski says:

    shortstuff, I know you and you don’t do drugs. I am officially very concerned about you now. 😉

  13. shortstuff says:

    I’m drinking the “kool aid” brother… drinking the “kook aid”…

    I’m telling you, PS3, fried brain cells…

  14. h. says:

    Elf. I think that was the name of it. Best movie.