I’ll say what we all know to be true…

Filed in National by on October 25, 2008

The only way McCain can win is if there is widespread cheating and voter fraud.

Sen. Barack Obama has surged to a commanding, double-digit lead in Colorado amid soaring anxiety about the country’s direction and a massive shift of independent voters into the Democratic column, a new poll finds.

After weeks of devastating economic news, Obama now leads by 12 percentage points – 52 percent to 40 percent – in the latest Rocky Mountain News/CBS4 News poll.

Even die hards like Dave Burris and Rick Jensen know this in their heart of hearts. Don’t expect them to cop to it thought because they would greedily accept (and are no doubt rooting for) another stolen election.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. FSP says:

    Well, I wouldn’t want to get shot or hung (I have kids and all), so I better change all of my election-stealing plans.

  2. jason330 says:


    Please communicate that to the home office.

  3. FSP says:

    Just waiting for my secret red phone to ring and I’ll share your sentiments with them.

  4. Donsquishy says:

    hey moocher,

    you aren’t getting in buddy…stop wasting your time

  5. MJ says:

    I told you Colorado was turning blue.

  6. Tom S. says:

    “The only way McCain can win is if there is widespread cheating and voter fraud.”


    Or not. Remember what pollsters were saying about Kerry.

    Oh, but if you want to give that’s cool too.

  7. jason330 says:

    We’ll see. I say riot if you guys cheat again.

  8. Yul Brynner says:

    My dream come true, J. My dream come true!

    Misty Vale

    Zulu hour….. 😉

  9. Yul Brynner says:

    What should I bring, or do you have riot kits already prepared?

    I’m new to the whole idiot thing.

  10. jason330 says:

    You bring the sandwiches.

  11. Yul Brynner says:

    Okay. I’ll make a special one for you.

  12. jason330 says:

    Easy on the mayo.

  13. Yul Brynner says:

    Who said anything about mayo?