Pssst….Your “Abortion Guilt” is Showing

Filed in National by on October 26, 2008

It seems the reason we don’t like Sarah Palin is that we are all deeply grieved by the abortions that we had/performed/caused. You think I’m kidding?

The New Republic’s Kevin Burke has figured it all out.

The Palin Trig-ger
Looking behind the hostility.

By Kevin Burke

Some of the very personal and often uncharitable criticism of vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin and her family may have a relationship to the collective grief, shame, and guilt from personal involvement in the abortion of an unborn child. Because abortion is usually a deeply repressed sensitive area of complicated grief, when a news story touches on abortion related issues, the common response is often one of the following:

h/t Shakepeare’s Sister

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (7)

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  1. Yul Brynner says:


    That’s the entire reason for the Democrat Party.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    There’s the TNR we all know and ignore.

    Starting with making up a premise and attaching it to a bunch of people he couldn’t possibly know and then getting right to banging on his can to show how so many people can get themselves in a snit over other people’s business, this guy is Exhibit A of sheer wingnuttery.

    And Yul Brenner is Exhibit B.

  3. Yul Brynner says:

    “Starting with making up a premise and attaching it to a bunch of people he couldn’t possibly know and then getting right to banging on his can to show how so many people can get themselves in a snit over other people’s business”

    Gee…..sounds like deldumb and fat J talking about conservatives and republicans….

    PS, darling….you’re exhibit “C”……if ya catch my drift!

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    What was that guy smoking? Is it just me or have conservatives gone crazier than normal this year?

  5. pandora says:

    Not crazier. Any sane or moderate conservative has pretty much walked away from the Republican party – and a lot have even endorsed Obama.

    We’re witnessing all that’s left of the Republican Party. It’s sad.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    I want to know what the TNR was smoking. They’ve let some bonehaded stuff into their pages this year — including a knee slapper about how Ralph Nader is responsible for the progressive tilt of the Democrats right now.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Wow – the oldest political party in the world is in existence only for abortion…man, that Yul’s a wild and crazy guy!….Though about 1/10 the coolness of the original….