McCain’s Scars.

Filed in National by on October 27, 2008

Yesterday on Meet The Press, John McCain said:

 “Do we share a common philosophy of the Republican Party? Of course,” Mr. McCain told NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” which was taped in Waterloo, Iowa. “But I’ve stood up against my party — not just President Bush, but others — and I’ve got the scars to prove it.”

Ok, thank you Senator McCain for linking yourself to Bush.  Thank you.   Case Closed. 

Now, this is not the first time he used that line about standing up to his party and having the scars to prove it.  I think he has used it in all three debates, and no doubt he has used it on the campaign trail.   Thus, I have to ask….  What scars?

What scars has John McCain received from being an asshole to his colleagues on Capitol Hill?   McCain likes to talk about how he is not liked by his Republican colleagues, but that is not because he voted against a Bush tax cut or because he pushed campaign finance reform.   His colleagues don’t like him because John McCain is an asshole.  Literally.  His personality stinks.  He is a pompous elite entitled hothead who has almost come to blows with any number of his colleagues over his 26 years in Washington.   The key word there is “almost.”

To date, John McCain has not suffered or provoked any physical altercation on Capitol Hill.   Thus, it stands to reason he has not suffered any scars.

Indeed, the only visible scars John McCain has are a result of his skin cancer surgery back in 2001.   And  his only visible scar from his Vietnam POW days is his physical inability to lift his arms above his shoulders.   I am sure he has more scars from his other cancer operations, and as a result of his service in Vietnam.  But what I am less sure about is the existence of scars from standing up to his Party.

Maybe John McCain does have scars.  Maybe mental ones.   Many narcissists do not understand why people do not like them, and they are hurt by it.   Maybe John’s years of acting like a hotheaded asshole in Washington have left him without any real friends in his later years.   Maybe that is a scar.  

I don’t know, I just find this repetitive slogan that McCain has the scars to prove it distasteful, for in my mind, he is devaluing the very real scars he has while at the same time inappropriately referencing his very real scars, if you can understand the paradox.  

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  1. jason330 says:

    I doubt he even has emmotinal scars. When did he really stand “up against my party?”

    It is bullshit. He never bucked the Bush line in any meaningful way and niether did Castle.

  2. pandora says:

    John McCain does not suffer the curse of “self awareness”. And it can be a curse.

    Self-awareness includes a recognition of our personality, our strengths and weaknesses, our likes and dislikes. Developing self-awareness can help us to recognise when we are stressed or under pressure. It is also often a prerequisite for effective communication and interpersonal relations, as well as for developing empathy for others.

  3. anon says:

    The scars reference isn’t about his political scars, it’s just another way to bring up the POW thing. John McCain suffered for you. He doesn’t have scars – they’re stigmata.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    It’s just a line to provoke sympathy from his POW experience.

    In my mind, he’s a caricature of his projected self….a catch-phrase, personified.

    Fitting for such an amoral prick.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Jinx, anon!

    Excellent point though! 😉

  6. MJ says:

    Off topic – Ted Stevens has been found guilty on all counts. Another crooked republican bites the dust.

  7. Mike Protack says:

    Another tasteless post about Sen McCain. Did you you folks consider McCain/Feingold? Earmarks he fought against? The Senate is a bit on the clubby side- talk a lot and do less so maybe he has ruffled some feathers of a few self absorbed career poltical hacks.

    I wonder if you guys will comment on Rep. William Jefferson who was found with $90,000 of money in his freezer. Gives ‘cold cash’ a new meaning.

  8. anon says:

    I wonder if you guys will comment on Rep. William Jefferson who was found with $90,000 of money in his freezer.

    Gimme the keys to the bus….