The Curse of Billy Penn Makes It’s Last Stand

Filed in Sports by on October 27, 2008

You knew this wasn’t going to be easy.  The Phils are but a few innings from winning the World Series and destiny is battling the Curse of William Penn.  For those of you not from around here, there is a statue of William Penn on the top of Philadelphia City Hall.  For decades, the rule in Philly was that no building could be built higher than William Penn.  In March of 1987, One L:iberty Place was built and exceeded the height restriction.  I wonder if Bill Bell was on City Council in Philly then…

Since that building went up, no Philadelphia sports franchise (no I don’t count Arena football, lacrosse, or soccer) has won a championship.  Sure we have made it to the big games, but never permitted to win.

Tonight, as the Phillies prepare for the first sports championship since the building of One Liberty Place, Ol’ Billy Penn is down to slinging weather at us.  We knew that it was going to be hard.  We knew that he would not allow us to win quietly.  At 11:30 it looks like we are going to suspend the game until Wednesday.  I say we force this damn thing.  I don’t care if they are playing at 6AM.  Get this win in the books and break the curse.  I need a goddamn parade!

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  1. JohnnyX says:

    Yeah, game is officially suspended and I am officially bummed. As I posted in the other thread, I was born in 1981 so I’ve never seen a Philly championship period (I suppose you could count the Sixers in ’83 but I was 2 years old so obviously don’t remember not to mention I don’t really care about basketball anyway).

    I’ve just got to convince myself that when the game is resumed, whenever that may be, the Phils will pull it off. I can’t even fathom…just…I can’t type it but you know what I’m thinking…anything involving a trip back to Tampa is just…I’ll stop now because my Philly sports mentality will not allow me put the thought in print lest it happen and haunt me for eternity.

  2. jason330 says:

    I remember listening to that Sixers championship on the radio in my bedroom.

    We only had one TV and, other than me, nobody in my family was interested.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    The last championship that I cared about was the Phils in 1980.

  4. JohnnyX says:

    Yeah, as a 12 year old kid at the time I was rather heartbroken in ’93 when Mitch Williams well…blew it.

    And the Eagles’ Super Bowl loss in ’04 was equally torturous – because they were very much in that game, and then due to untimely turnovers and some of the absolute worst clock management ever seen in the history of the NFL they absolutely blew it at the end.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    When is the parade?

  6. Andy says:

    Im 45 and have only seen 1 championship I was running silent and deep and part of the US Sub Force in 83 and found out about the 76ers 2 weeks after the fact