Clatworthy Continues His Cowardice

Filed in Delaware by on October 28, 2008

I only hope the voters of the State Senate District #4 will see Clatworthy for who he is, a politician stuck using the Republican Party playbook from 2000. 

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Delaware beat Navy
    Navy beat Notre Dame
    Notre Dame beat USC

    Delaware bestest football team in da world!!!!

    Jeebus Clatworthy, super genius!

    ….didn’t this really happen a few years ago?

  2. jason330 says:

    Well it looks like the DE GOP is making this a firewall race.

    How many attack mailings is this?

  3. selander says:

    How exactly does just reprinting all of Clatworthy’s attack ads help Mike in this race?

  4. Kilroy says:


    Where is the violation of election laws????

    Now to be serious! I honestly feel that campaign ads should not be permitted to use images or likeness of the one’s opponent.

    Another big question is! Should bloggers who go on the attack for the benefit of the partisanship be allowed such negative attacks? There is no different from a negative ad from the candidate then negative ad /commentaries form their supporting bloggers!

    Code of ethics applies to candidates but not bloggers!!!!

  5. cassandra m says:

    Get a grip, kilroy. This is a partisan blog and critiquing the lunacy, desperation and dishonesty of the other side is fair game.

  6. jason330 says:


    I don’t many people reading this blog who are on the fence about Katz v Clatworthy.

    So putting up the ads is an indictment of “the Clat” not an endorsement.

  7. Kilroy says:

    cassandra m
    “Get a grip, kilroy. This is a partisan blog and critiquing the lunacy, desperation and dishonesty of the other side is fair game.”

    Thanks for the honesty!

    Then why all the DL tears crying foul!

    Iam with you re: fair game!

    To the potential winners, it’s all about preparing for the job! If you can’t take the heat and cry foul during the campaign then it’s a sign you won’t stand the heat of office.

  8. giggles says:

    Stupid is as stupid does.
    What Clatworthy does is stupid.
    People voting for stupid are that as well.
    Clatworthy is so stupid he turns himself around to count backwards.
    Clatworthy is so stupid that when hearing drinks were on the house, he got a ladder.
    Clatworthy is so stupid that seeing the sign “Wet Floor”… he just did…
    Clatworthy is so stupid that he thought Taco Bell was a split off from AT&T….
    Clatworthy is so stupid that he expected Phil Collins to be in the first book of the Bible.
    Clatworthy is so stupid that on his way to a debate… he saw a sign saying “Widner Left’, so he went home.
    Clatworthy is so stupid that in grade school he won the Dan Quayle spelling bee.
    Clatworthy is so stupid that when AOL says “You’ve Got Mail” he runs down his driveway to his mailbox…
    Clatworthy is so stupid that on an application where he was to designate sex, he put “maybe if I take out the garbage”.

    Delaware is fortunate to have someone as stupid as Clatworthy to replace Charlie Copeland’s spot in Dover…..


  9. anonie says:

    When will the dems start fighting back with slogans like “Just another conservative we can’t afford.”

  10. mike hunt says:

    2002,2004,2006,and now 2008….three house seats per cycle, u don’t know Beau, u don’t know Jack, and the only person Bill Lee can beat is Mike I guess the GOP don’t know shit!!! Their only hope is John Brady…and we know how Clatworthy and the Conservatives feel about that??????