Homestretch Betting Lines II

Filed in National by on October 28, 2008

Barack Obama Delaware: 57%  (10/16: 55%) (WHYY poll: 55.5%)
Barack Obama National: 56%

Joe Biden (SENATE): 64% (10/16: 62%) (WHYY poll: 64.5%)

Jack Markell: 58% (10/16: 57%) (WHYY Poll: 61.1%)

Karen Hartley-Nagle: 43% (10/16: 40%) (WHYY Poll: 26.8%)

Matt Denn: 54% (10/16: 53%) (WHYY Poll: 53.2%)

Karen Weldin Stewart: 45% (10/16: 51%) (WHYY Poll: 42.8%)

Bonus Round:

Dr. Michael Katz: 51%

John Atkins: 57%

Note: The final “betting lines” post will be up Saturday. The commenter with the most correct picks in the comments section of that post will get a fabulous prize.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. Kilroy says:

    what happen to Denn’s big lead?

    WHYY hasn’t properly calculated the minority vote. However, Markell can really turn up the heat for Denn as Markell is in like Flinn!

    Denn shot himself in the foot with his latest counter attack ad on Copeland and pretty much called Copeland a baby killer because he voted against child mortality legislation or something? Denn needs to take a backseat and let Markell do the boxing! He needs to get use to being the water boy in the corner! Denn stooped pretty low with the suggestive ad Copeland was baby killer attack!

  2. RSmitty says:

    The commenter with the most correct picks in the comments section of that post will get a fabulous prize.

    Uh-huh. Sure. You still haven’t won back my trust on that.

  3. anony says:

    Who believes in WHYY polling, those republican’s….I believe the internal polling done by the candidates themselves.

  4. Badmon3333 says:

    I continue to pull for a Markell/Copeland administration… still can’t shake the feeling Denn was just hoping to coast in on Carney’s coattails.

  5. delawaredem says:

    Obama: OVER 57%
    Biden (SENATE): OVER 64%
    Markell: OVER 58%
    Hartley-Nagle: UNDER 43%
    Matt Denn: UNDER 54%
    Karen Weldin Stewart: OVER 45%
    Dr. Michael Katz: OVER 51%

  6. Isn’t Matt Denn the guy who was floating his 2016 governor run in 2004?

  7. jason330 says:

    Obama: OVER 57%
    Biden (SENATE): OVER 64%
    Markell: UNDER 58%
    Hartley-Nagle: UNDER 43%
    Matt Denn: UNDER 54%
    Karen Weldin Stewart: PUSH 45%
    Dr. Michael Katz: OVER 51%

  8. Kilroy says:

    “I continue to pull for a Markell/Copeland administration… still can’t shake the feeling Denn was just hoping to coast in on Carney’s coattails.”
    More than ridding coattails more like Markell is trying to pull him out of quicksand!
    My Markell-Copeland analogy may be bit out there but it’s time to force Dover to work together! The BS political gridlock needs to stop! Denn is have a hard time campaigning on his own merits! He’s done a great job but we need some serious change in Dover! 18 years the democrats held the governors office I say we just meet half way on this one!
    May heart won’t be broken if Copeland doesn’t win nor will be my pride! I am just trying to force change in Dover that will force people to work together!

  9. cassandra_m says:

    WHYY hasn’t properly calculated the minority vote.

    This requires some backup.

  10. RSmitty says:

    Point of clarification…is the Obama line based on national numbers or Delaware-only?

  11. Disbelief says:

    Obama: OVER 57%
    Biden (SENATE): OVER 64%
    Markell: OVER 58%
    Hartley-Nagle: UNDER 43%
    Matt Denn: UNDER 54%
    Karen Weldin Stewart: UNDER 45%
    Dr. Michael Katz: Not a clue

  12. jason330 says:

    Obama is the national popular vote as reported by New York Times.

  13. delawaredem says:

    I believe Delaware only, RSmitty.

    Nationally, I expect Obama to win 56-42, which is a very large landslide.

  14. delawaredem says:

    Oh….so wait. Are we predicting the over/under for Obama in Delaware or Nationally?

  15. RSmitty says:

    So, J, you say this: Obama is the national popular vote as reported by New York Times, but then you correct the post to say, Note: this one is the Delaware vote as reported by the DE Department of Elections.

    What are you, a comedian? Why, I oughtta…

  16. jason330 says:

    Okay version “C” is up. happy?

  17. MJ says:

    Kilroy, what about C.L.DuP. Copeland’s talking hand puppet commercial? I thought not only was it untrue and took many things out of context, it was probably the stupidest commercial on the air, except for Frank Kratovil’s flying saucer commercial (MD-1 race). Kratovil is a good candidate, but the commercial was just dumb. Then again, it was in the Salisbury, MD media market.

  18. nutcase says:

    I don’t know what the hell this over/under crap means, not being a frequent Dover Downs visitor or Sweet Sixteen office pool player, but here are the take-it-to-the-bank predictions, boyos. Back out of the way and let a real man tell you how it’s going to be… 😉

    Obama: 54%
    Biden (Senate):67%
    Markell: 57%
    Hartley-Nagle: 32%
    Denn: 50.5%
    KWS: 48%
    Atkins: 56%

  19. jason330 says:

    Obama: 54% You are taking the UNDER
    Biden (Senate):67% OVER
    Markell: 57% UNDER
    Hartley-Nagle: 32% UNDER
    Denn: 50.5% UNDER
    KWS: 48% OVER
    Atkins: 56% (You just set the line)

  20. Kilroy says:


    “Denn: 50.5% UNDER”

    Dude what happen to that confidence?

    Delaware Political Star Chamber is going to have a major blitz this weekend! The dipsticks never took me off their leadership E-mail.

    I wish I could share the info but I did sign a confidentiality form.

  21. jason330 says:

    Sorry Kilroy. I was explaining nutcases picks to nucase.

  22. R Smitty says:

    Atkins 56%? As in .56 BAC?

    Barack Obama Delaware: 57% UNDER (55%)
    Barack Obama National: 56% UNDER (50%)
    Joe Biden (SENATE): 64% UNDER (62%)
    Jack Markell: 58% UNDER (53%)
    Karen Hartley-Nagle: 43% UNDER(35%)
    Matt Denn: 54% UNDER (49.5%)
    Karen Weldin Stewart: 45% PUSH

    Dr. Michael Katz: 51% OVER (yes, I said that – 52%)
    John Atkins: 57% Holy freaking UNDER (48%).