DelawareLiberal.Net Down-Ticket Endorsements: The House

Filed in Delaware by on November 2, 2008

There are so many races and so little time. We honestly don’t have the knowledge to endorse in every race, so we have decided to endorse the races that we are comfortable with making an endorsement for.

RD 22 Rebecca Young represents the true spirit of what this democracy is supposed to be about. Having been successful in business, she was ready to quietly enjoy a semi-retirement in Delaware. With this run she has no selfish ends to serve. Rather, this race is an extension of the work she’s been doing improving our state and our Democratic Party since the rise of George Bush and the advent of the Rovian Republican party that depended on a quiet citizenry and a docile Democratic Party. And she’ll be a tough, smart and effective legislator in a budding Progressive Caucus and we look forward to endorsing many more candidates like Rebecca in the future.

RD 25 It is our pleasure to endorse one of the true good eggs in the state legislature. John Kowalko has been a tireless supporter of his constituents, off-shore wind and open government. In just two short years, he has made an impression on Dover unlike some legislators that have been there for a decade. Newark is privileged to have John Kowalko at their service.

RD 41 Greg Hastings was elected in a special election to replace John Atkins. This was way back in 2007, when Atkins was a Republican. We are surprised that Atkins had been backed by Pete Schwartzkopf after all of the crap that John had thrown out at Pete and his family. In fact, this is a pattern for John Atkins. He has cast aspersions on every person who dared to hold him accountable for his poor behavior. By contrast, Greg Hastings has shown himself to be well-behaved and honorable. Atkins has been running a smear campaign against this opponent, a Sunday school teacher and upstanding member of the community. Schwartzkopf may believe that Atkins has changed his stripes along with his party, but we aren’t buying it. DelawareLiberal endorses Greg Hastings.

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