Delaware Liberal

Lieberman’s second trip to the woodshed

Harry Reid will be meeting today with Joe Lieberman. I’m not sure what will happen, but I sure know what I want to happen.  I want Lieberman stripped of his chairmanships, and I realize this may be viewed as cutting off my nose to spite my face.  Sorry, can’t help it.

I don’t trust Lieberman to caucus with the Democrats.  And why should I?  The man spoke out against Obama/Biden at the Republican Convention, for God’s sake.  He picked his side in the most public way possible.  And yes, he was entitled.  But what he’s no longer entitled to is his vaulted position within a party he fought to defeat.  Why on earth would I want him in a position of power?  Why would Democrats reward that sort of behavior?  

That being said, I do hope Obama creates a bi-partisan administration.  My beef is with Lieberman, and Lieberman alone.  He made his choice.  Now he can live with it. 

(And in case you’ve forgotten Lieberman’s first trip to the woodshed… here it is!)

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