Sunday Talk

Filed in National by on November 16, 2008

Take a look at this lineup of guests on the Sunday shows:


It’s like there wasn’t a lopsided election recently or sumthin….

Meet The Press: Senators Carl Levin (D-MI) & Richard Shelby (R-AL). Swiftboat funder T. Boone Pickens.  Very Consequential discourse with Mr. Suck on This Tom Friedman, Katty Kay, Andrea Mitchell and Tavis Smiley.

Tweety: Howard Fineman, Erin Burnett, Micahel Duffy, Michele Norris.  Quotes here.

This Weak: 2nd Worst Governor in the US – Arnold Schwarzenneger.
Paul Krugman, Sam Donaldson, Cokie “my name sounds fureign” Roberts and relic of the past George Will talk shop.

Face The Nation: American Hero Barney Frank (D-MA), Shelby, overrated nerd Newt Gingrich and overrated LA Governor Bobby Jindal(R).

Fixxed Noise: Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Passed Over for a shopaholic moose eater Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) and the always embarrassing Michael Steele (R) auditions to lead the elephants out of the hole they put themselves in.

Late Edition With Wolf: Rep. Charles Rangel (D), Ted Turner and his new book, gop strategist Leslie Sanchez. James Carville, Ed Henry and Suzanne Malveaux yack on and on about the same crap they always do.

Fareed Zakaria GPS: Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns, author Stephen Cohen, counterterrorism expert David Kilcullen, authors Barnett Rubin & Shirin Ebadi.

60 Minutes: President-Elect Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

So by my count, that’s 15 Republican and/or Conservative officials or pundits versus 7 Democratic and/or Liberal officials or pundits (and I am being…ahem….liberal about classifying Tavis Smiley and Ted Turner as Democratic or Liberal).   The rest are either neutral or unknown.   I tell you, the lie that the Republicans spew about the “Liberal Media” has been the most successful con in the history of politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    As I read down I was going to say Tavis Smiley and Ted Turner are not really Democrats. I would add that James Carville has a good Democrat act down, but his comments more often than not tend to prop up right wing frames.

  2. Cherry says:

    Being a schedule guest does not imply any slant.

    Chris Matthews alone is enough proof of liberal spit or swallow.

    Besides, a bigger story is what conservatives will do now that the opposition is in power. Wouldn’t you want to cover that, even as a kool-aid expert yourself?

  3. delawaredem says:

    One correction: Republicans and conservatives are now the opposition. The opposition cannot be in power.

    Chris Matthews is but one person, outweighed by George Will, Sam Donaldson, Cokie Roberts, and the entire punditry over at Faux News.

    And I believe having more Rethugs and Dems or no Dems at all (which is the case for Faux News) definitely implies a slant.

  4. jason330 says:

    Being a schedule guest does not imply any slant.

    No? This guest ratio is pretty consistent. It is not as if there is a rush to air Republicans views now that they are in the minority.

    If the media is liberal, why do conservative commenters regularly appear twice as much? Why wouldn’t the liberal media have liberals on at least as much as conservatives?

    If the media was as liberal as wingnuts think it is, wouldn’t the ratio be 2:1 in favor of liberal guests at least once in a while?

  5. Miscreant says:

    Wait! I was just flipping through the news channels, and Fox is doing an in-depth segment on Obama’s White House menu food likes and dislikes. Looks like beets are off the menu.
    Does that count?

  6. X Stryker says:

    Chris Matthews alone is enough proof of liberal spit or swallow.

    And you are enough to prove conservatives are gross idiots. Oh, I never get tired of mocking that logic.

  7. Miscreant says:

    “If the media was as liberal as wingnuts think it is, wouldn’t the ratio be 2:1 in favor of liberal guests at least once in a while?”

    I don’t know about that, Sparky. The hot topic these days seems to be how fucked up the Republican party is, and who better to address it than themselves. If the MSM is following the trend at Delaware Talk Radio (right!), they are having those republicans on who are most likely to spread the blame for dismal election results and trash Bush, Palin, and other fellow party members.

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    Why aren’t Democrats allowed to talk about how screwed up Republicans are? We’re going to hear more nonsense about how America is a center-right nation. If this only has to do with how Republicans screwed up, how come the conservative to liberal ratio hasn’t changed?

  9. Nancy Willing says:

    The atriots always do a gender count too. 6 to 17 [including Mrs. President-elect].

  10. miscreant says:

    “Why aren’t Democrats allowed to talk about how screwed up Republicans are? ”

    You had plenty of chance, which you took full advantage of, during the run up to the election. I’d think you would enjoy a little R on R action.

  11. X Stryker says:

    “Why aren’t Democrats allowed to talk about how screwed up Republicans are? ”

    You had plenty of chance, which you took full advantage of, during the run up to the election. I’d think you would enjoy a little R on R action.

    You thought wrong. We have a lot of work to do, and reminding people who got us into this mess is necessary when the same people are trying to prevent us from getting out of it. We’ll rest AFTER we fix America.