Pulling Back the Curtain

Filed in National by on November 18, 2008

Going with our recent media criticism theme, this is really intriguing:


So Shep Smith calls out Ralph Nader, goes on Billo and refuses to participate in the echo chamber, and here slaps back the “media bias” whine.  What’s going on here?  In Obama’s press conference a week or so back he did not call on the Fox reporter (please don’t call on them for 4 more years!) — so do you think that Fox may be trying to play nice for abit or is this Shep Smith an anomaly?


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think Fox is not certain what to do. They can become the opposition but without access they’ll be useless as a news-gathering operation.

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    Shep Smith is actually a pretty reasonable guy. I never have lumped him in with the other “Fox & Friends”.

  3. pandora says:

    How on earth will FOX survive without that daily White House talking points memo?

  4. Badmon3333 says:

    Wow… all I can think to say about this is “Way to go, Shepard Smith” and “You were a lot cooler when you were just making dick jokes, Nick DiPaolo.”

    I’m not real big on comedians’ political philosophy. Carlin making fun of every politician is one thing, but when they start “delving into the issues,” it’s mainly a reminder of why they’re comedians and not pundits. (Chris Rock is the notable exception, but again, he’s mainly cracking jokes to make a point, not making points and sounding stupid)

  5. nemski says:

    Nick DiPaolo is a comedian? Really?