More Funny About Citicorp

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008

From SD Watch, If We Give Citi the Bailout, Make Sure to Call Them at Dinner Asking When They Can Repay.

I guess it is good to have a sense of humor as the America of our childhood goes the way of the Pet Rock, Pong and Perms for men.

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. pandora says:

    Perms for men? LOL, I had forgotten about those Mike Brady wannabes!

    On a more serious note… I am really getting concerned. How many more companies can we realistically afford to bail out?

  2. cassandra_m says:

    I’m not sure the Citi deal was even a bailout — it looks from here more like an early Christmas gift.

  3. liz says:

    Citigroup does’nt need a bailout. The Sauds are heavily invested in Citibank and put $20billion already. Funny, they will bailout banksters/gangsters refuse to bailout people loosing their homes or the workers of this country…like the big 3!

    Market Watch says this financial disaster will not be over for at least 10 years.

    Bet Castle was right there to sign on the Citi bailout while refusing to address the workers. Americans are just stuuupppid sheeeple.

  4. This shit is really starting to piss me off. Really.
    Now Obama is backing off of the idea of not shuttering the tax cuts for the rich….well then how the fuck is he planning on paying for the stupendous amount of outlay he is laying out in his plans for the country?
    More war, less taxes, more bailouts, more government-funded jobs, more entitlements and what, more debt?

  5. Patrick says:

    my initial thought upon hearing about Citibank’s potential bankrupcy was, Yipee! this will cancel out the small fortune’s worth of debt I have stored up on my trusty Citi-card… right?