Day Two: Biden’s Bullshit Still Stinks

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008

As Delaware news days go, yesterday was a doozy.

The events and the way they were handled reveal alot about the string pullers here in Delaware and who really has and does not have juice. Bloggers don’t have juice. That is a given.

John Carney didn’t have enough juice to influence events, but as this story unfolds it is looking like he might have enough juice to influence future events.

Yesterday Cassandra made a good case for Carney’s strength in a Beau Biden/John Carney primary. I tut tut’ed her comments but today I am coming around for a couple of reasons. For one thing, this political hereditary bullshit is odious to a great many people not named Ron Williams.  It is exactly the kind of thing that could wake up the slumbering masses who don’t pay much attention to politics.

As primary day approaches, and Joe’s assertions that, “It was not a set up” begin to ring more and more hollow, an bedraggled army of vaguely pissed off people from across the political spectrum could be raised in a “Stop Biden” movement. Markell played the aggrieved outside to good effect and I’m sure John Carney took copious notes on how to register Republicans.

For another thing, this appointment was not just a thumb in the eye of one man, but will stab at a large number of Democrats who worked hard for John Carney and who hold happen to actually do the work of getting voters to the polls. These mid-level party insiders don’t have much individual power, but collectively have some clout.

So I am beginning to think that we might have a big, blood on the floor, primary after all. Either that or the Biden machine will figure out some damage control mechanism.

The wild card is Tom Carper. After the shitty advice Carper has given Carney to date, it is not so much what Carper tells Carney, but what what Carper does to help Joe Biden make sure Beau does not become a vessel for the public’s wrath.

One thing is sure no matter what: Mike Castle is not running for the US Senate. You can take that to the bank.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo says there is no way Jose that Carney primaries the Beaudisatthva. Two words that John Carney has used throughout his tenure as Lt. Gov. and as a candidate were “team player”.

    His entire career was built on being a team player, one reason why the Beast Who Slumbers supported Markell, who proved he could actually think for himself.

    Arrayed against Carney, who was a miserable fundraiser despite his position and his endorsements, would be the financial might of the Biden machine and, yes, maybe Barack himself.

    Any role Tomasito Carper might play would be to help ease his pal Congressman Beachhouse into retirement, paving the way for Carney. Unless Matt Denn primaries him.

  2. jason330 says:

    That was my argument yesterday, sans the Matt Denn twist.

    As Cassandra pointed out Beaudisatthva leaves a big opening if he sucks as AG. (paraphrase)

  3. El Somnambulo says:

    As Ross Perot might have said, “If Beau sucks as AG and no one hears that giant sucking sound, does it really make a noise?”

    How do people know whether someone’s a good AG or a bad AG? By how much the staff bitches? What if most of the Deputy AG’s were selected by Judge Jane? Wouldn’t you expect them to bitch behind the scenes?

    Tom Wagner sucks…(El Somnambulo had better finish this sentence)…as Auditor, but hardly anyone knows and even fewer care.

  4. jason330 says:

    People in Wilmington hear gunshots.

  5. El Somnambulo says:

    Poocho bites hombre. El Somnambulo might have gone to J-school…

    And Baker is El Mayor & turned his nose up at community policing. Didn’t hurt him.

  6. cassandra m says:

    More than gunshots, they are listening to guys and gals in blue who are handing over monthly crime stats with plenty of tales of revolving door justice. I’ve been sitting in a few community meetings for a few years in Wilmington and the orientation for the blame is moving quite nicely to the AG and the Judges. Beau came to one meeting with many of his senior staff and was pretty much pinned to the wall. And there have been few changes or “visibility events” since.

    Granted as weaknesses go, this may not mean much. But it is Wilmington, who did vote for Carney that is being convinced on a month by month, neighborhood by neighborhood basis that the AG is not stepping up.

  7. FSP says:

    Carney loses to Beau for the same reason Carney lost to Markell. He’d get massively outspent. That’s why he won’t primary.

  8. Huh, so El’So is saying that many/most of the AG office senior staff are Republicans….huh…
    and he is singling out Tom Wagner in less than covert contempt….

    Thanks! That just helped me clear up a few things that have been impacting me for some time now.

  9. guest says:

    Castle does run for Senate. 1. He wants to run again. 2. He has a big war chest and it is an open seat. 3. His decisive victory was the most impressive of all pols this year given the unbelievable D tide. 4. National GOP will spend big to win a D Senate seat, 5. there are only 4 years left in the Senate term
    Beau runs for the open House seat. Carney or whoever takes on Castle and they lose (off-year election favors him).

  10. jason330 says:


    1. You are an idiot. 2. He hasn’t run against a real challenger in 50 years. 3. His decisive victory was based on the fact that the challenger spent $1,200 on the race. 4. National GOP will not waste money to lose in blue Delaware. 5. See number one.

  11. John Manifold says:

    So many snap judgments. So little time.

    1. “Carney, who was a miserable fundraiser.”

    Carney raised a huge amount. Markell’s $ was simply in an unprecedented league.

    2. “[Castle] hasn’t run against a real challenger … National GOP will not waste money to lose in blue Delaware.”

    Castle would be formidable. He won legislative seats in Democratic Wilmington districts three times. His 1984 and 1992 statewide victories were impressive. Even in its current state, GOP could easily raise $5 M or more for an open Senate seat in a small state.

  12. liz says:

    Even Daniello the Chair of the Dem Party didn’t know Minner(?) picked Kaufman. When will you the naive understand the dupont company, the republicans and the elite had everything to do with this “choice”!

    Get this !Our votes dont count and are not required….the congress/senators are “chosen” for us, it doesn’t matter how much money a candidate has to run against the “chosen” they have many ways of making sure the “chosen” always win.

  13. liz says:

    I have been calling Castle, Biden, Carper the “three blind mice” for years. They are picked by “corporate america”, we have nothing, nada to do with it. Keep thinking we have democracy in Delaware…NO, we have a “corportacracy”. In the future, I shall refer to the blind mice as the citizens of Delaware who actually believe they can ever put up a candidate that can win national office and beat the corporate elite. Corporate America must be assured they have 3 people who will always vote for Corporate Amerikkka and that is exactly what we have.

  14. mike hunt says:

    Castle runs for the senate and wins…easily….Beau runs for the house seat and beats anyone who runs…castle doesn’t run after that, retires as a US Senator, and Beau becomes a US Senator after serving 4 years in the US House. Start thinking about what you are going to do about it….NOTHING. Cuz there is nothing that can be done about it…

  15. jason330 says:

    Oh Lordy…this empty headed yammering about Mike Castle running for the Senate will be the death of me.


    Get over it.

    Castle is gutless and stroke impared. Having served during the Bush years, he has a record that will kill him vs. a decent opponent.

    He sleep walks through his house races, but would have to…you know…campaign to win a senate seat.

    The sooner the GOP gets over this fantasy the better.

  16. observer says:

    Anyone who uses multiple Ks in the word “America” automatically earns the appelation “nutjob” in my book.

  17. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Sunday’s Snooze article: ‘Bloodiest year’ showed three photos on pg. 1. Chief Szcreba blaming the courts, Gebelein blaming the community, and Stephon Hawkins (West side barber and hip-hop artist) who blamed lack of job opportunities.

    Mr. Hawkins is the ONLY ONE who sees the light and answered with the most of the truth (jobs and early childhood & parent ed too).

    Where have the jobs been in Wilmington? On the riverfront? in the banking sector? recycling? why weren’t ‘our people’ steered in these directions? ‘Cause no one in back scratchin’ city hall gives a FUCK (sorry DL & politicians but it isthe truth). They have the ‘I got mine, you figure it out’ doctrine going.

    I ‘served’ on the Democrat City Committee for 20+ years and I’ve been to innumerable community meetings and organized half as many as I’ve attended over the course of 25+ years…..nothing has changed in that time. NOTHING. OK, so maybe it’s gotten worse.

    No organized plan (read no money) putting folks to work in the living wage jobs on the riverfront; inspite of all the sweetheart deals those carpetbaggers got. MBNA had the gall to bring workers from PA rather than go down the street to the Eastside and give some a leg up….this and all the frickin’ tax brakes they got. Recycle Bank now there’s another scam that needs investigating.

    Nothing will change cause there are way too many go along to get along nitwits wanting to do little more than talk, talk, talk.

    Look at the Hope(less) Commission if that is not defunded by the 2009 Council you will know there is absolutely no hope. Were there any reprocussions when Johnson smacked (how girlie) Purzicki at the Hope board meeting????? See what I mean…these fools are spending money on cow patties instead of putting people to work.

    Put the politicians & department heads feet directly in the fire (I’m dreaming now).

  18. liz says:

    Jason: you say Castle wont run for Senate “take it to the bank”….do you have a crystal ball…how do you know that? I didn’t realize Jason that your predictions for future elections were so matter of fact or you have some “inside information” to be able to make such a qualified statement. I doubt you know anything more than the rest of us sheep. Please.

  19. xstryker says:

    Liz – he gave all the reasons why Spineless Mike won’t run. It’s because he’s old and spineless. Do you really think he’s going to give up his primo office space in the House to be the Junior Senator in the Senate? Old congressmen don’t run for the Senate. Name one who has.