Dave’s Record of Being Flat Wrong is Lengthy

Filed in National by on November 27, 2008

Let’s take a quick look at his record and count the times that events have proven Dave Burris flat wrong:

George Bush would make a better President than Al Gore = Wrong!
Attacking Iraq is a good idea = Wrong!
The occupation will pay for itself = Wrong!
We’ll be greeted as liberators = Wrong!
Tom Delay’s leadership is good for the Republican Party = Wrong!
Deficits don’t matter = Wrong!
Rergulations are anti-consumer = Wrong!
Government should be shrunken to the size where it can be drowned in a bathtub = Wrong!
George Bush would make a better President than John Kerry = Wrong!
Tax Cuts for the rich will pay for themselves = Wrong!
Joanne Christian would be a decent State Senator = Probably Right!
Alan Levin will run for Governor = Wrong!
Blue Water Wind is a good idea = Right!
McCain/Plain would be better than Obama/Biden = Wrong!

These are only the ones I know about. He has probably been wrong about much much more.
I know Dave will try to run away from some of these wrong positions he has taken over the years. For instance, Dave might try to claim that he was against the Iraq war. That would be a lie.

I’ve given this a lot of “delathought” and I remember berating Dave for his wrongness for as long as Bush has been in office.

It has been a long time and for most of it, Dave was riding hight because events appeared to endorse his wrongness. But now, with the economy in tatters I don’t think he should be half as smug and self satisfied as he is.

Dave has a record I could almost forgive if he was one of the many half-wits and morons that comprise the right side of the Delaware-blogophere. But Dave is smart, so his ongoing wrongness is a very great sin indeed.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (39)

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  1. Gorilla says:

    This is like Spy vs. Spy

    …..except it’s really Fathole vs. Fathole

  2. FSP says:

    You’ve lost your mind. You can’t simply ascribe to me every Daily Kos talking point about the right and then say I believed all of that.

    And I’m not going to go into a list of all the times I was right, because it makes me sound arrogant and I don’t like it. And since this all started with a post where you dissed me for not providing links, I’d like to see any proof of #2, 3, 5, 7 or 8 on your list.

    And I’m still waiting for a correction/mea culpa/ apology for your last jackass post.

  3. FSP says:

    And, by the way, the “economy in tatters” has as much to do with events created by Democrats as it does events created by George Bush.

    Why don’t you just admit you have a man-crush on me and get it over with? Smitty will forgive you.

  4. RSmitty says:

    No, please, keep your man-crush on Dave. I’m glad that you finally found someone else to lay your eyes upon.

    Actually, J, I am wondering, what’s your point here? Castle become boring for you? Your obsession with Dave has suddenly spiked to Castle-levels.

  5. jason330 says:

    Where is the contrition Dave ?

    I guess sons of privilege are used to never being asked to be accountable for anything – but I don’t see myself letting this go.

    You and guys like you who should have known better got us into this with your empty headed economic royalism.

    Walking away from an old blog is easy. Walking away from all the damage that you’re kind of thinking has done to the country should be a bit more difficult.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Waaaaait a second…you want Dave to APOLOGIZE for the ills of the country? Is that it?

  7. RSmitty says:

    Hey, if you’re listening to the show, Dave did say something that is 100% irrefutable:

    Smitty, I am not that smart!

    Can you dispute that? Maybe you are having an impact, J!

    Now go call Castle or something.

  8. jason330 says:

    Or shut up. He has no standing to say anything about politics or economics in light of his track record of being wrong.

    Listen – a great many people are going to be suffering because people like Dave somehow got into decision making positions in the country.

    Dave is not going to suffer because he has family money behind him, but many people don’t.

    The decent thing for Dave and his ilk to do would be to go away and shut the hell up for a few years.

    But nooooo….he is right back at it…My taxes are too high…Wah!

  9. RSmitty says:

    So, Dave, to you, is symbolic to all of that and all of your disdain and hate will be lashed out upon him, simply because you see in him a symbol of all that is unjust. Interesting.

    I’m not seeing this anymore as a Jason-swiping-with-kids-gloves anymore, but more as a hate-inspired salvo (or several of them). You’ve also started to take it down a personal road with your comments about his dad, which inspires other thoughts, too. WTF is going on in your head, J? Is Dave your anti-christ?

  10. jason330 says:

    His smug fat head pontificating on the internet radio drove me to it.

    He needs to man up and apologize – or it is personal

  11. RSmitty says:

    He needs to man up and apologize – or it is personal

    …Smitty begins to walk away slowly, backwards, while speaking cautiously…

    OK, J. What you say…

    Dave, the world is your fault, you smug, fat head pontificater, spewing your economic hate! đź‘ż

  12. FSP says:

    “Dave is not going to suffer because he has family money behind him, but many people don’t.”

    This is funny, since I started my business with what I had in my savings, and you were just handed your family’s publishing company.

    Get over yourself.

  13. jason330 says:

    If you shot Dave with an elephant tranq. dart filled with sodium pentothal right now, he would admit that I am right.

    He is just playing his smug POS GOPer roll. I guess I could be mad at Larry Kudlow, Tucker Carlson, Bill Kristol or any other of a host of wrong assholes who seem oblivious to what they’ve done – but Dave is close at hand.

  14. FSP says:

    And thanks for listening!

  15. jason330 says:

    Ask my father who built the company ass.

  16. jason330 says:

    Re 14.

    It will never happen again.

  17. FSP says:

    You’re calling me an ass? Rich.

    It’s not warm and fuzzy when people bring your family into it, is it?

  18. RSmitty says:

    Your company is awesome, J, and no one is disputing that, but you can go for the father-son jugular on Dave and that is all good, but god-damn if Dave should retort. He certainly wasn’t diminishing Prestwick, but diminishing your swipe.

    I don’t get you on this rant, seriously. Maybe Dave is too convenient for your attacks because you know him.

  19. heyanonynonny says:

    “A great many people are going to be suffering because people like Dave somehow got into decision making positions in the country.”

    So from that viewpoint – a valid criticism of GOP economic policies – you develop the argument that Dave is flat-out wrong on a whole laundry list of topics, without providing sources or links?

    My opinion doesn’t count for squat, but still, I’m with RSmitty. Chill out, or you’re going over the edge along with Doninsaneviti. Walk away from the computer for a weekend and take some deeeeeeep breaths, guy.

    “He has no standing to say anything about politics or economics in light of his track record of being wrong. ”

    Actually, he does – it’s this little thing called the First Amendment. That doesn’t mean you have to LISTEN, however. If it bothers you that much, ignore him. But don’t make this some sort of crazy-ass personal attack – that’ll send your credibility down the tubes.

  20. FSP says:

    “Maybe Dave is too convenient for your attacks because you know him.”

    That’s garbage. Attacking ANYBODY for being a Republican or for all the country’s problems is garbage. The Rubinites had as much to do with the deregulation issue as the Republicans.

  21. FSP says:

    And let’s make one thing abundantly clear: I get no financial assistance from my father.

    I’m 33. I have a house and a family. I’m a grown-ass man. I don’t need an allowance. Plus, you’re vastly overestimating my family’s wealth.

  22. FSP says:

    And I’m still waiting for an apology for your last post.

  23. RSmitty says:

    “Maybe Dave is too convenient for your attacks because you know him.”

    That’s garbage.

    Don’t make me write a post about you! I do think he is more acidic to you, because he knows you personally.

  24. jason330 says:


    My point is that Dave’s ongoing wrongness is directly related to the GOP being able to implement their horrible policies.

    As for taking time off, I can assure you that I will be taking a long long long time away from listeing to Delawaretalkradio.com

  25. FSP says:

    That’s too bad. Liberalgeek and Maria are having a scintillating conversation right now.

  26. Jason,

    Wow. The post and the following comments of yours are pretty fucking harsh, dude. I always thought you a guy with a good sense of humor, but clearly that can’t all be true because you’re really not displaying any here.

    I’m not coming to the defense of “my boss” and “new BFF” Dave here, but I think it must be said that you’re being ridiculously unreasonable in some of those comments.

  27. jason330 says:


    My sense of humor has been dinged by an awakening about how bad things are going to be in this country for a while.

    A year from now it will seem like I was not harsh enough and the Dave’s of the world.

  28. RSmitty says:

    The new “I-blame-Clinton:”

    It’s all about his kind, you know, Mike. Jason is very angry about Dave’s kind. It’s his “kind” that cause all his problems.

    In the meantime, he is swearing off Mike, Randy (Nelson), Maria, Fulcher and Flaherty all because of Dave and Dave’s kind. It could taint his very being.

    How rediculous does this sound? Pretty much on the level of the numbing rants about it.

  29. jason330 says:


    You do what you’ve gotta do Randy.

  30. RSmitty says:

    I just can’t get over that you hold HIM personally accountable for your hatred of these things. It’s disturbing and disappointing.

    You’re right, though, do what you feel you need to do. I just disagree with your reasoning…not your overall points (not on Dave, but the overall problems), but your reasoning.

  31. jason330 says:

    Give me a break Randy. I think I’ve been clear on the fact that Dave’s “rant” identifies him in my mind as exactly the kind of smug, non-contrite GOP loser that got us into this mess.

    I think you are misunderstanding intentionally.

    But whatever. Go kiss Dave’s ass for all I care.

  32. FSP says:

    “I think I’ve been clear on the fact that Dave’s “rant” identifies him in my mind as exactly the kind of smug, non-contrite GOP loser that got us into this mess.”

    At some point you could have a rational discussion on the specifics of your claim. If you’re capable, that is.

  33. RSmitty says:

    I think I’ve been clear on the fact that Dave’s “rant” identifies him in my mind as exactly the kind of smug, non-contrite GOP loser that got us into this mess.

    Your response goes beyond that, though, J.

    I think you are misunderstanding intentionally.
    No, I don’t. Your response is proportionately out of whack…just like back in our Frightland days.

    But whatever. Go kiss Dave’s ass for all I care.
    C’mon. Did he wound you? Sheesh. Do remember, tho, it’s his boots I lick, not ass I kiss.

  34. Disbelief says:

    I’m beginning to suspect a contrived brou-ha-ha in order to raise ratings of both internet based troves.

  35. A year from now it will seem like I was not harsh enough and the Dave’s of the world.
    yup, thanks for that.
    I concur that Burris and his ilk Hannity and Rush slave to the message that only and simply serves wealth. Whether Burris drew on his family fortune in his 33 years doesn’t change the fact that he is a GOPerhead interested in deep pockets getting deeper and will draw and toss any cheap shot card to accomplish that.

  36. RSmitty says:

    slaps and shakes head in amazement

    Yeahhhherp, can’t have that bonus baby Burris and his like in these parts….them boys are good for nuthin’ if not for tar and featherin’ but nuthin’ else. After that, we should bill THEM for the tar and feathers! Yeahhherp! Dat Burris boy brought all of this economy stuff down on my head! Should run him right on out of town! Yeahhherp!

  37. anoni says:

    so the freak-left is not satisfied with having electorial success, they need revenge.

    the bougiose must be forced to publicly renounce their wrong thoughts and aplogise to the proletariate!
    and then be sent of to re-education camps.

    Chairman Mao will be very proud of you! I’m sure Engles is looking up and smiling.

  38. anoni says:

    or the buggy whip manufacturer is pissed at the guy making airplanes.

    the guy with the printing press and stacks of paper sees the writing on the wall and blames the guy who is making money in the e-media biz.

  39. People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along? It’s just not right. It’s not right. It’s not, it’s not going to change anything. Please, we can get along here. We all can get along. I mean, we’re all stuck here for a while. Let’s try to work it out. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to work it out