On Bank Robbers

Filed in National by on November 27, 2008

Born in the hardscrabble Chicago Stockyard district at the turn of the century, Lester Gillis emerged  as one of the America’s most notorious bank robbers and cold-hearted killers. By the age of 14, Gillis was already a convicted car thief.  After being released for a second time from the boys’ home, he joined the Al Capone gang as an enforcer. Gillis was known for his quick, brutal temper and his bloodthirsty lust for killing for killing’s sake. He later turned to armed robbery, was subsequently arrested and then . . .  escaped. Gillis joined the John Dillinger gang in the early 30s, as infamous gangsters like Bonnie and Clyde, Machine Gun Kelly  and Pretty Boy Floyd terrorized America’s heartland. Other criminals thought of Gillis as unhinged abd would not cross his path. Then one by one, law enforement caught up with these murderers and bank robbers usually by killing them in a bloody gun fight. It wasn’t until November 27th, 1934 that the last of these notorious bank robbers, Lester Gillis aka Baby Face Nelson, was gunned down.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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