Liveblogging LiberalGeek!

Filed in Delaware by on November 28, 2008

…who is on Delaware Talk Radio with Maria Evans right now. Why aren’t you guys listening to this? Drop your snide comments below.

Or — better yet — call in at 888-645-8990 to make your snide comments.

We can fight with Dave Burris any day of the week — you can only talk to LG on the radio today!


About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (55)

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  1. pandora says:

    I’m listening! They’re getting ready to battle term limits!

  2. FSP says:

    Plus you can CALL today since LG is in studio. 888-645-8990.

  3. RSmitty says:

    …but only one at a time…

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Thank you, Dave — edited to show the phone number and provide a link to the site.

  5. Miscreant says:

    What I’ve learned so far:
    Although you can cuss because the FCC doesn’t regulate internet radio, avoid it. You may fall victim to “The Mike Matthews Syndrome”.
    -No interviews with significant political figures (except John Atkins).
    -No cocktail parties.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Is Geek allowed to be on-air now that Jason has black-listed DTR?

  7. cassandra_m says:

    OMG! I don’t know about the blacklisting — which probably means I’m fired now.

  8. RSmitty says:

    Maria – you haven’t gone on a ride in his car…he is a Geek and fits the part very well!

  9. cassandra_m says:

    One of the really interesting things about term limits is that alot of the 1994 repub class in Congress promised to step aside after 6 years — and then promptly reneged. And they could renege because voters keep voting for them.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    It is voting with George Bush — which does not make Castle a moderate as he wants to pretend.

  11. edisonkitty says:

    Obama was bashed during the campaign for “lack of experience” and is now to be bashed for hiring people with lots of experience?

  12. RSmitty says:

    Hmm…Schwartzkopf says legislative-defined term limits aren’t necessary. On-air with Nelson, he said a term limit is when the public tells you, via when you lose an election.

  13. RSmitty says:

    Burris is an evil-everything…him and his kind! Jason says so!

  14. cassandra_m says:

    Scarborough also had a fair bit of scandal which helped him decide to get out of office.

  15. delawaredem says:

    I go out shopping for the Delaware Dem Family Christmas Tree, and I come home to this? I had no idea LG was on.

    And what did Jason do yesterday? Declare a Fatwa on Burris or something?

  16. Miscreant,

    Don’t know which syndrome you’ve been listening to, but I’ve never had Atkins on my show. If she’d come on with me every day, I’d have Prescious Priscilla on with me because she gives good interview.

  17. cassandra_m says:

    Immooculate Conception is keeper!

  18. RSmitty says:

    I go out shopping for the Delaware Dem Family Christmas Tree…

    Dude…that is the Delaware Dem Family Winter Solstace Tree to you! 😛

  19. jason330 says:

    Listen away. I will not though, for the reasons I’ve stated below.

  20. Miscreant says:

    “Obama was bashed during the campaign for “lack of experience” and is now to be bashed for hiring people with lots of experience?”

    Put it into context, dickweed. He began his campaign by renouncing “Washington insiders”, then selected Biden, who is the preeminent insider. After elected, he set about hiring or appointing every insider he can find. Such change.

  21. cassandra_m says:

    Joe Scarborough had an aide who died in his FL under suspicious circumstances, which included a bunch of allegations that he was involved with this aide. Don’t think that anything got proven, but this was the Gary Condit controversy before Gary Condit.

    And I think LG is cuter than DV too!

    Now I am going to get fired.

  22. Jason,

    I call bullshit. In fact, I expect you to remain in the closet and listen to DTR for at least two hours a day — I’m thinking between 5-7?

  23. RSmitty says:

    Listen away. I will not though, for the reasons I’ve stated below.

    Because they are Dave’s-kind and therefore should be hated?

  24. edisonkitty says:

    Term limits would be unneccessary if laws could be put in place to prevent incumbents from re-apportioning (gerrymandering) to preserve incumbency. The voters could then more capably impose term limits in the voting booth.

  25. cassandra_m says:

    I thought it would have been the Delaware Dem Festivus Pole….

  26. pandora says:

    Ouch! Rick Jensen! lol!

  27. edisonkitty says:

    Hiring a bunch of “insiders” who happen to be experts in their field will, indeed provide a means to effective change. Hiring a bunch of “insider” cronies a la Bush, results in NOLA post Katrina.

  28. Miscreant says:

    “Don’t know which syndrome you’ve been listening to,…

    “The Mike Matthews Syndrome” was a quote from an earlier comment LiberalGeek made to Maria when describing the latest Donviti controversy on Delaware Liberal.

    “… but I’ve never had Atkins on my show. ”

    My mistake, Mike. If you can’t get a radio whore like Atkins in the studio, there must be some validity to the “Syndrome”. Something to aspire to, perhaps?

  29. pandora says:

    In Wilmington the prime sign offender is Charlie Copeland.

  30. cassandra_m says:

    OH NO!

    The prime offender is Charlie Copeland! Signs on 95 and on 13 leaving the city.

  31. Miscreant says:

    I thought I saw a Protack sign yesterday.

  32. pandora says:

    Hey, Cassandra… must be true!

  33. cassandra_m says:

    It is true — that damn Loser….

  34. Miscreant says:

    So, when is Pandora and Cassandra going to be on DTR?

  35. pandora says:

    Great show, guys!

  36. cassandra_m says:

    Now that is a great topic for discussion — public funding of campaigns.

  37. RSmitty says:

    Geek’s point on the funding is where I am at, too. A challenger with no established funding looking up at the incumbant with well-established funding is the ultimate David vs a political Goliath. It makes it too damn intimidating for most.

  38. cassandra_m says:

    I don’t have a firm position on public funding yet — but heard an interesting idea that publicly funds contenders who can raise some threshold of money to start. Then, everyone running for that office gets X dollars, except for the incumbent, who gets X-25 or 30% of the total — to try to level the playing field for the goodies an incumbent can throw around.

    There’s all kinds of possible issues with this, but it is the first proposal that seem pointed at some fairness.

  39. Truth Teller says:

    Why term limits. just vote them out if you can if not let the crooks remain in office and keep ripping off the tax payers SHAME ON ALL OF US

  40. If Pandora’s not doing anything between 5-7 tonight, the door is open!! Today’s going to be a pretty relaxed show since I’m sure people are still sleeping from their tryptophan-induced coma.

    I’ll probably play some shitty Christmas music, rant about my Thanksgiving meal and take my friend Liz Allen’s phone call.

  41. I missed a good show it would seem.

  42. heh, if Liz is all you have…LAME!
    Make sure you remind her that she should be cleaning out that bong water more often.

  43. One thing the dickfucks at DTR like to do is cherrypick their pod-casts. Nick Adams told me what he said on Fulcher’s time. Liz Allen proceeded to mis -quote him on the blogs. I have it in writing from Nick that he never said what Liz said that he said (following all this?) and then, the pod cast disappeared. Fuckwads.

  44. Nancy,

    Let’s put it like this: Podcasts are a bitch to cut and post. I only do my show and it takes an hour or two to cut, upload and post. We are a very new outfit and with only six employees, all of whom are on-air at some point during the day, as well as tending to families and second jobs, we don’t always have the time to Podcast. I’ve been trying to get all of mine up on a daily basis, but some times it’s tough.

    Do you bitch about WDEL and WILM not putting up all of their shows online? We do the rebroadcast every night, though.

  45. FSP says:

    “the pod cast disappeared”

    No podcast has ever ‘disappeared,’ you discredited moron. They’re either cut or they’re not cut.

  46. Well, Dave, Go and read Liz Allen’s saying on DWA that the pod cast disappeared of Nick Adams saying that the document that Gerry Fulcher decided to talk about was a confidential document and that Adams had told the Board in no uncertain terms that it was for their eyes only.
    Liz lied about what he said and she said that oops, the pod cast had disappeared….how convenient….then she proceeded to continue to lie about what Nick Adams said on other blog posts.
    I had quite a few correspondences about it with Nick and I will happily produce them for you, asshole.

  47. Mike, I was not under the impression that you EVER talked to the AOA, did you? You never bothered to find out from the source of the document what was going on. You just et fuckwads like Liz Allen and Al Jackson slime all over you in your desparation to get a rating jump no matter how unethical or how the negative pr might hurt a little community center’s ability to keep the funds coming in.
    The pod cast Liz refers to was from Gerry’s show. I am going off of what she wrote..oh you and Burris mean she might be a lying piece of shit? huh. how about that.

  48. I can’t wait til I can get on DTR with the truth. btw.

  49. FSP says:

    I don’t care what Liz Allen or you say. Podcasts don’t go down once they go up. And I know for a fact that the podcast in question never got made. So you can protect your crooked fiefdom some other way and piss off.

  50. I have spoken to the AOA on many occasions as it relates to the PSA issue, Nancy. And that’s all I’ll say about that.

  51. So you can protect your crooked fiefdom some other way and piss off.
    Like I said, whackjob, I am going off of what Liz wrote on your precious DTR/DWAblog and if you guys are calling her a liar, fine by me. I say it all day every day.

    Mike, how curious that you won’t talk about what you said to the AOA but you will take their confidential document and talk about it. That tells me that they may not have had too much of a problem with you talking about the preliminary report and that makes this even more likely to be political.

    For Dave to cite the preliminary with the conclusion that P|SA is a ‘crooked fiefdom’ adds on to that disgusting premise. When the thing actually goes public I expect a few apologies.

  52. Nancy,

    All I’ll say is I have yet to personally see the document. I have had people on air who HAVE seen it, obviously. Perhaps you should be asking the question WHY it’s taking so fucking long for PSA to get it’s shit together, Nancy? Have you all submitted the response to the auditor’s office? Or have you requested another extension?

  53. Mike, if you spoke to the AOA as you claim, you know what happened and what they are willing to say as long as there is an ongoing process.
    Not much.
    When Nick sent us the report he also invited us to extend the time if we chose. Since the AOA sent it days before the election and most of us were involved in the election it was a no-brainer to take the allowable extra 5 days.
    You don’t get more than that. We didn’t need it. The response has been submitted. No one is at liberty to take any of the contents public because it is still under the purview of the AOA.
    When it is released to the public by AOA, I will seek the opportunity to speak on it. BELIEVE ME.