So did you?

Filed in National by on December 1, 2008

So, how many of you went and actually read this article?

I realize it was 7 pages and may have taken a half hour.  It will make you think twice the next time you see a retired 4 star general turned analyst on television.  It is pretty sad what has happened but like I said before if you read the above article and read that book Turkmeniscam it will really turn on a light bulb as to how just how prolific war profiteering is right now. 

If you didn’t read the article shame on you. Here I have something else for you that will be easier for your limited attention pea-brains.

Here is something else for you to review that is “interactive”

By interactive I mean that your lazy asses can sit there and someone talks to you so you don’t have to read anything.

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hiding in the open

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