Comment Rescue: Will The Real Jack Markell Please Stand Up?

Filed in Delaware by on December 5, 2008

Alan Muller has a point….

OK. I haven’t heard a peep, really, about how Markell’s administration is looking more and more like a fat-cat Republican event.

Not a word about social justice, the environment … just the kissing of corporate ass with some token gestures like the “Weekend of Service” instead of the “Inaug Ball.”

Of course it was always obvious that, say, the Progressive Dems for Delaware types wouldn’t be players.

But I’m wondering if ANYBODY has anything to say about this, or are yall in a state honeymoon bliss….?

I think economic issues are going to be looming large over the next 4 years, so everything that Markell has done so far makes sense and hangs together for me. And yet, I’d like to start hearing more about social justice and the environment.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Mat Marshall says:

    I have no doubt that you will, but the economy is absolutely the most pressing issue right now. I agree wholeheartedly that the environment, etc. needs to be addressed in short order, and I think Jack’s established that he does too.

    Short and sweet of it is that it’s only been a month. Give it time.

  2. FSP says:

    The question is this: what happens when a pressing economic need runs up against a critical environmental asset. That will determine what the priorities are.

    But still, Markell already has more sheer competence in his administration than Ruth Ann ever had.

  3. MJ says:

    I think Jack’s appointments have been wise and somewhat mirror what President-elect Obama has been doing – concentrating on the economy. I have no doubt that Jack will be keeping his promises regarding health care and the environment. I agree with Mat – give him some time.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    My concern is that he has appointed Republicans into positions of honor, while there are certainly successful Democrats that could have done those jobs. That said, I am willing to suspend judgment until March-ish.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    He isn’t done filling out a cabinet yet, much less taken the oath of office. Focusing on the economy seems smart to me, as long as they deliver on all of this presumed competence.

  6. Geezer says:

    Social justice? Sorry, I don’t remember him campaigning on that issue (nor did John Carney). Same with the environment. Those issues are not on the radar for ANY of Delaware’s politicians. If he didn’t run promising these things, how can you whine about his lack of interest in them now?

    No offense to the wild-eyed lefty crowd, but there’s no public support for your positions.

    “Social justice”? Give me a break. You want to remake society by starting with Delaware? When you can’t even get the state to get on board with corporate shareholders’ rights?

    Try to remember that this leftist agenda is what led to 28 years of Republican rule.

  7. jason330 says:

    Hey now! I ain’t no dirty hippy!

    I’m not talking leftist agenda – nobody wants to nationalize the oil companies. I’m talking progressive which Jack Markell certianly did campaign on.

    I happen to agree with Mat Marshall that the answer to the question, “Will the real Jack Markell stand up?” is…Yes. He will.

  8. get use to sulfur on your car in the morning

    and the smell of oil in the evening wilmington. it’s here to stay

  9. Rod says:

    I’m almost certain that Jack Markell addressed most of these issues in his “Blueprint for a Better Delaware ” if you go to maybe you can still order a copy.

    I back Jack!

  10. anon says:

    Jack is going to disappoint a whole bunch of his wide-eyed supporters by not pushing for, or not pushing “enough” for, open government and reform in the Legislature.

  11. Rod says:

    How do you know that Anon?

  12. anon says:

    Those who have drunk the kool-aid are convinced he’s going to throw open the doors to the Senate and give Thurman Adams the boot. Not on your life.

  13. anonone says:


  14. Mike Protack says:

    Gov elect Markell like Pres Elect Obama will face stronger critics with the Democratic party than from the opposition.

    Both men will have to take some drastic actions which progressives and liberals will bemoan.

    I agree the with Mr. Muller so far but let’s give the man a chance.

  15. liz says:

    If you look deeply at Markells transition team, you can see the writing on the wall.

    MJ: What health care plan? During the campaign he was pushing the Massachusetts Mitt Romney model…that has proven disasterous for Mass. When you have advisors like Hefron, the State Chamber of Commerce, Public Policy Insitute, the same old repuke crowd that have always been in opposition to the citizens needs and wants, do you think there will be any social justice, environment or other changes we were all looking for? Get real.

  16. Rod says:

    Hi Liz – I do believe that Jack Markell will attempt to make changes in social justice and the environment and of course I do not think it is going to happen overnight. We could be talking two maybe three years but I believe that changes will come and that is why he had my support. Ditto for Obama.

  17. Rod says:

    Hi Anon – re: booting Adams – I’m a political novice and even I know that would be an absolutely ridiculous thing to do. I have a hunch that something else is in the works, who knows CNN may get back to me.

  18. Alan Muller says:

    It’s notorious that when a new pol gets elected, the do-gooders sit around and hope for the best, reluctant to push, while the corporations, unions, etc, bore right in to make sure nothing really changes. This is SO visibly happening now.

    Do you think the Evil Chamber is waiting around to “give him a chance.” I was at his meeting with the Chamber earlier this week…

    But I’m not criticizing Markell, I’m questioning the inertness of advocates and the press.

    My thoughts here: Alert 622: Squeaky wheels get greased, silent citizens get screwed….

  19. jason330 says:

    I get that Alan.

    You’ve worked hard all of these years and I respect your perspective [although for the life of me I will never get how easily snowed by the crumbs Mike Castle threw you over the years – while being a huge Bush supporter, and Bush being the biggest environmental disaster in the history of the planet – but that is another topic] so I have to get back to the blue print an start holding it up to what the Governor-elect is doing.

  20. FSP says:

    I love it. The “Evil Chamber.”

    The “Evil Chamber” has no power in this day and age.

    “I have to get back to the blue print an start holding it up to what the Governor-elect is doing.”

    Didn’t you hear? As soon as the election results were in, the “blueprint” became just a “wish list.” Not what he intends to do, but what he would do in a perfect world.

    And now, thanks to the Senate Democrats (all of them), he has a built-in excuse as to why he didn’t do what he said he would, if he needs it.

  21. Rod says:

    No FSP – I did not hear that the blueprint became a wish list. Where did you hear that or is that just your opinion.

  22. Alan Muller says:

    [although for the life of me I will never get how easily snowed by the crumbs Mike Castle threw you over the years – while being a huge Bush supporter, and Bush being the biggest environmental disaster in the history of the planet – but that is another topic]

    Where in the world is THIS coming from?? Do you have me confused with somebody else?

    I’ve been writing for years that Castle needs to go because of his support for the war and Nazi-like laws. I ridiculed the Sierra Club for endorsing him before this past election. Here’s just one example:

  23. Rod says:

    Alan, I doubt if there are going to be many do gooders sitting around with their hands under their arses. Please educate me on how corporation, unions, etc are working at this moment to make sure nothing changes.

  24. Dave says:

    It is ridicoulous to compare Jack with Obama.

  25. liz says:

    Geez Jason you pegged Alan all wrong. I have never ever heard Alan supporting the likes of Mike Castle. Alan has spoken truth to power about all these electeds for decades. Surely you have him mixed up with someone else.