Loudell Watch

Filed in National by on December 8, 2008

Are you liberal?

If so, did you know that you are spitting mad at Barack Obama right now? No? Me either. Good thing Allan Loudell is on the radio teasing his top stories for the afternoon & telling me that I’m mad at Barack Obama (and other right wing talking points of the day).

Otherwise I would have no idea that I was even perturbed let alone mad.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. nemski says:

    Wasn’t Loudell the best newscaster in Delaware last week?

  2. delawaredem says:

    It is not just Loudell. It is the general media narrative right now: that progressives and liberals should be pissed. It is the attempt of the conservative establishment to own Obama. Their motto is if you can’t beat em, coopt them.

    Granted, some purists on our side are pissed that Gates is staying, and they think Hillary is too hawkish. But I, as a liberal, love everyone of Obama’s picks so far.

    Best Transition Ever.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Burris was just saying that the liberal bloggers in Delaware must be really mad, because they are always angry.

  4. anon says:

    For Markell and Obama – it is smart to bring in Republicans, because they will become invested in the solutions. And it will be harder for the GOP to follow their game plan of obstructionism and sniping from the sidelines.

  5. aren’t we supposed to be mad, because the democrats are mad at him for not being the president, while the president that is actually the president isn’t doing anything?

    I am mad b/c this is becoming Obama’s mess and he created it because he didn’t do anything about it. Bush is so awful, but we know that and Obama should know that and since he isn’t doing anything to be accountable for something he shouldn’t have to worry about, well, gosh darn it, the press is going to hold him accountable, since they know the current guy is worthles..

  6. pandora says:

    What DV said!

    Geez, could the media let the guy get into office?

  7. anon says:

    Suck on this Loudell.


    Try to imagine a conservative President-elect saying that, you tool.

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    Yes, the media is in lala land again. I’m not mad. Obama actually has to, you know, do something first. I think his picks have been pretty brilliant so far – he’s really trying to make sure everyone is represented. Do I wish some had been more progressive? Sure, but I’m willing to give him a chance. Obama certainly showed his skill and competence in his campaign.

  9. jason330 says:

    I’m pretty sure Loudell will not challenege his friends at Politico with the truth of the matter.

  10. anon says:

    Hillary’s Revenge

    The White House no-smoking rule was imposed by former First Lady Hillary Clinton, now Obama’s nominee for secretary of state.

    Obama says he won’t be smoking in White House.

    Dear President-Elect Obama:

    Please quit smoking. We need you.

  11. X Stryker says:

    Oh gosh, someone stop the presses, Bowers and Stoller think somebody’s not being progressive enough. Who else did they get complaints from, the PUMAs?

  12. Unstable Isotope says:

    Aren’t we glad that we have Allan Loudell around to tell us what we’re thinking? Otherwise, how would I know what I think.

  13. Geezer says:

    Just because the DelLibbers aren’t upset doesn’t mean no progressives feel that way. Why would Hilderbrand react if there was no criticism to react to?

  14. anon says:

    Geezy, If the press was allowed to take two random conservatives and say that they speak on behalf of all conservatives – Ron Paul would have kicked John McCain’s ass.

    The fact is that whenever there is a rightwing meme, Loudell can find someone to confirm it. That’s not journalism. That pandering to WDEL’s wingnut listenership.

  15. cassandra m says:

    Hilderbrand is reacting because Stoller and Bowers have gotten a pretty big megaphone to voice their concerns. I know I’ve heard Bowers on NPR and think he was on Hardball pretty recently.

    But Democrats fighting among themselves is always a great story even if there isn’t much of a fight. Stoller and Bowers are smart, smart guys and have been fighting for progressive candidates, policy and POVs for years. They are very much concerned with building a movement.

    But neither one of them should be all that surprised that the Governing Obama doesn’t look as progressive as they might like. xstryker has exactly the right reaction — raising the bar on progressivism is what these guys do. The key to me is that Obama is still in charge of policy and we’ll see how that goes. Wonder if Allan will be talking to any real, live Delaware liberals for this story.

  16. jason330 says:

    I wonder if Loudell will point that out or if he will just let Poltico push its BS non-story.

  17. cassandra m says:

    Politico is going to be a problem for the next few years — their main reporters are very inside the Beltway folks with a very repub source list. So they are going to be a vector for the talking points.

  18. Geezer says:

    Politico has leaned right from the get-go.

  19. jason330 says:

    Loudell loves him some Poltico and Washington Times.

  20. jason330 says:

    Atrios has the last word on the Angry Left:

    The Obama campaign didn’t exist to make me feel good, and the Obama presidency won’t either. I don’t especially like his people punching the dirty fucking hippies under the bed, but on the other hand if they manage to convince people that Obama is a sensible centrist who wants to do sensible centrist things like build SUPERTRAINS, get out of Iraq, not torture people or invade random countries, strengthen labor protections, reduce income inequality, improve education, provide health care for people, and reduce poverty, while those DAMNED DIRTY HIPPIES just won’t shut up about their magic ponies, it’s fine by me.

    For years we’ve had Democrats railing against those crazy hippies as an excuse to not do all of those things. If Obama’s people are going to rail against the hippies and use it as an excuse to do them, fine with me.

  21. Unstable Isotope says:

    Atrios has a good point. The center sure has moved. It’s not whether we’re getting out of Iraq, but when. The “surge” had absolutely no traction for McCain.

  22. Hello my Delaware Liberal friends,

    I didn’t need to read Politico.com to find critiques from the Left. I could – and do – easily go to The Nation, The Progressive, In These Times, etc. So what’s the big deal?

    When I’m doing the live bit on WDEL at @ 7:25 a.m., I’m not addressing the still rather narrow niche of bloggers (that’s not a criticism, just an observation). I’m addressing a much greater audience. Some perhaps have scarcely read a political story since the election.

    (By virtue of the focus of the Noon show – by the way – I assume the listeners at Noon ARE, on balance, more politically sophisticated!)

    Considering that Politico.com “broke” (or helped spread) two of the stories that arguably greatly undermined McCain–Palin at an understandable, psychological level — Politico’s story on Gov. Palin’s wardrobe AND a Politico reporter questioning McCain about the number of houses he owned – I’d be a little careful before I slammed Politico as being some tool of the Right.

    And to “anon”, I absolutely agree I couldn’t imagine a “conservative” or Republican President saying what Pres.-elect Obama said about the workers in Chicago. It’s the right thing to say AND it’s good politics.

    And Cassandra hits it when she says the key is whether Obama’s still in charge of policy.

    As far as “wingnut” listenership, it’s that “other” station which has hours and hours of nationally-syndicated rightwing talk from Noon onwards… I fled that.

    Allan Loudell
    WDEL Radio

  23. can’t help but read that and hear his radio voice talking to me

  24. jason330 says:

    Thanks for commenting Allan. I missed most of the show – but I knew the triva answer (The Sudan) right off the bat but didn’t have my phone handy.

  25. Unstable Isotope says:

    Politico = Drudgico

    Nope, still don’t like them.

  26. John Tobin says:

    I remember Eric Bischoff, professional wrestling promoter, once saying “controversy equals ratings”. Maybe that is part of what Alan is going for here as well.
    Between 4 pm and 7 pm I am your 27th comment,so maybe there is something to that.