Now I have read it all

Filed in National by on December 8, 2008

h/t for this one.

I read Frank Rich yesterday and he alluded to a similar thing and it gave me pause.  But this article, from the WAPO is mind numbing.

But skeptics say Obama’s predilection for big thinkers with dazzling résumés carries risks, noting, for one, that several of President John F. Kennedy’s “best and brightest” led the country into the Vietnam War. Obama is to be credited, skeptics say, for bringing with him so few political acquaintances from Illinois. But, they say, his team reflects its own brand of insularity, drawing on the world that Obama entered as an undergraduate at Columbia and in which he later rose to eminence as president of the Harvard Law Review and as a law professor at the University of Chicago.

I get it, he should put the CEO’s of all the fortune 500 companies that have dazzled the country with their Brilliance and success? I mean, we go from an administration that riddled the Dept of Justice with lawyers from Regents University? We had a guy that was a horse judge run FEMA? And now, that damned liberal MSM is going to complain about Obama appointing…wait for it….smart people? Rhodes Scholars, MIT and Stanford Grads and others from Ivy League institutions? He should be appointing the CEO from Astra Zeneca to run the FDA?

jesus christ…I’m going to be sick reading this…continue on if you can. liberul media my ass

The Ivy-laced network taking hold in Washington is drawing scorn from many conservatives,

ohhhbooooo fucking hooooo.

buried all the way towards the bottom is this:

All agree that the picks reveal something about Obama, suggesting he will make decisions much as he did in the U.S. Senate — by bringing as many smart people into the room as possible and hearing them out. This contrasts with the style of President Bush, who played down his own Ivy League credentials and played up his mangled elocutions and the gentleman’s C’s he received at Yale and Harvard.

What a novel idea and remarkable way to want to run a country.

Bush’s first Treasury secretary, Paul H. O’Neill, went to Fresno State, Vice President Cheney dropped out of Yale before graduating from the University of Wyoming, and

strategist Karl Rove never finished college

. Dozens of administration members hail from Regent University, founded by Pat Robertson. And many of Bush’s hires were friends from Texas, such as former attorney general Alberto R. Gonzales, former White House counsel Harriet E. Miers and Education Secretary Margaret Spellings.

Astounding, but not really at the same time.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think he’s putting together a pretty good team, but Obama has made it clear that he is the one in charge and the buck stops with him. It’s such a change from what we had before. It’s not that I think he won’t make decisions that I don’t like, because I know he will, but he is encouraging accountability and openness, which I value. Obama has a very, very difficult task ahead of him so I hope he gets as many brains as he can helping him out.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Obama seems to be willing to work. And, he actually knows what it means to work. I don’t think we’ll ever hear him whining and whinging about Hard Work. He seem to thrive on it. What a difference from the current occupant.

  3. pandora says:

    DWA has a post on how Obama’s smartness is boring, and how W was at least amusing to watch speak – due to bloopers. I’m so confused.

  4. jason330 says:

    Not having finished college is a virtue from the GOP perspective.

    Less liberal academic taint.

  5. teehehehee “taint”

  6. cassandra m says:

    Isn’t interesting that everyone has now abandoned disdaining Obama for his community organizing roots and have now taken up complaining that he is too Ivy League?

    Sheesh. It is going to be a long 4 years.

    And for the record, many of Bush’s people weren’t exactly hillbillies. Many had perfectly fine resumes — they were more interested in imposing their ideology rather than any real competence.

    ps. Pandora — you are not the one confused.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    I cringed whenever I heard Bush speak. He’s so embarrassing.

  8. Joanne Christian says:

    cassandra- I don’t think his being “too Ivy League”, has been a new complaint. Many of us thought he was more WASP than what he spoke , and even his earlier school years in Hawaii, were at the posh, and privileged PooPooDeeDoo school in Hawaii (yikes, this is my girlfriend’s nickname for it who lived/went there). Geez, I love education, and great schools, but he’s been fortunate to attend the best, yet play it discreet enough,so the assumption is made he was a token opportunity that rose to be president. When in fact, he has been in the pipeline a very long time, and worked very hard at his career and educational journey. I just sense a convenience of conflict sometimes. I don’t know…maybe an undefined 2 worlds. Certainly well-educated, but intimating tough, “poor”, times.