Hey, Dana Garrett, you don’t own the word ‘Liberal.’

Filed in National by on December 9, 2008

I am sorry I embarrass you.   I am sorry if you think I am too compromising, or too pragmatic, or too practical.  I am sorry if you think I should never write anything again because I once stupidly said that we should round up Republicans and shoot them.    But too bad for you, I am a liberal.

I am against the death penalty.  I am pro-choice.   I believe in progressive taxation, where the rich pay more and the poor pay less.  I believe the basic function of government is to provide for and protect the people.  I believe in universal healthcare.  I believe in Social Security.   I believe in the Bill of Rights.  I believe in advancing and protecting human rights across the globe.    I believe in worker’s rights and support Unions.    I believe in an activist and interventionist Government.   That is why I am a liberal and why I am called a liberal.   You may think you are more pure and principled than me, but that is not my problem.  That is yours.

Thinking oneself to be superior is often a sign of a diseased mind.

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  1. Disbelief says:

    I believe I need a drink.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    You can be both liberal and partisan.

  3. arthur says:

    Do you also believe in the small of a woman’s back, the hanging curve ball and long, slow deep wet kisses that last three days?

  4. Dana Garrett says:

    “I am sorry if you think I am too compromising, or too pragmatic, or too practical. ”

    No, I think your liberal principles are made too fragile by your partisan hackery. You sell out your principles purely for artisan purposes. I think it’s important to be a Liberal first before being a Democrat. That’s the difference.

  5. delawaredem says:

    Name one principle I have sold out. I did not sell out my principles just because I voted for KWS. I sat down and interviewed her, and was impressed that she could be an advocate in the job. You disagree with that opinion. That’s fine. Because just because we disagree does not mean I sold out. I could easily say that you sold out on liberal principles by supporting a sweet talking Republican.

    When I think a Democrat is wrong, I say so. I don’t engage in the IOKIYAD (It’s OK if you are a Democrat) like the Republicans do. For example, I want Blago to resign today. If KWS fucks up, like in listening to the advice of Gordon, I will criticize. If Markell disappoints me, I will say so.

  6. Dana Garrett says:

    “I sat down and interviewed her, and was impressed”

    Then you are the only person on the planet who was impressed w/ her. So I don’t believe you. No one should trust the assurances of any partisan hack, regardless of their party. Sorry, but you are an embarrassment. I wish it were otherwise.

  7. delawaredem says:

    You are such a piece of work. You cry fascism, yet if someone disagrees with you, you say they are unprincipled and an embarrassment to liberalism. That is exactly the same as conservatives calling us “UnAmerican” because we disagreed with Bush.

    You are the fascist, Dana Garrett.

  8. xstryker says:

    Dana, of course, is pure as a snowflake and accepts no compromise – and is possessed of the same black-and-white mentality that I find so tiresome from the right.

  9. KWS won by a landslide. There are people who may have voted a straight ticket but there were surely people who read her Q&A’s published across the state or noted her many endorsements including WNJ and Cape Gazette.
    DE DEM’s instincts are correct in that the ferocious appetite of the run-of-the-mill GOPerhead for GETTING MINE NOW is dangerous for us all. They own the meme and they own the misery we are facing.
    Weeding out the crappy DEMs is paramount. Electing good GOPers is a function of them coming up with some who pass the smell test.

  10. delawaredem says:

    Wow. Nancy defends me. Must be the sign of the End Times. 😉

  11. Dana Garrett says:

    Say what you want of me, but never in my angriest of moments has the thought of MURDERING anyone crossed my mind much less found its way into print.

    That cannot be said of DelDem.

  12. Nancy,

    KWS won in a landslide, but not by the same landslide that Markell, Denn, and Biden won, which leads me to believe there was a sane contingent of Democrats who realized what KWS stood for (nothing) and decided to vote for the guy who at least has a clue about insurance law and how the office should be run.

  13. delawaredem says:

    Indeed, and if you want to hang that over my head for the rest of my life, I can’t stop you. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologized.

    The fact that you can’t forgive puts you more in league with the Republicans, not less.

  14. RSmitty says:

    Thinking oneself to be superior …

    Hmm…does that only apply when you are talking to fellow liberals and/or Democrats? ‘Cuz I remember some posts directed to all Republicans regardless of their actual political positions.

  15. RSmitty says:

    The fact that you can’t forgive puts you more in league with the Republicans…

    As if it were on queue.

  16. liberalgeek says:

    Say what you want of me, but never in my angriest of moments has the thought of MURDERING anyone crossed my mind much less found its way into print.


    One could make the case that this is exactly what you did.

  17. anonone says:

    Dana Garrett is a smear artist. It is just what he does.

  18. delawaredem says:

    Touche, RSmitty. Touche.

  19. RSmitty says:

    Touche, RSmitty. Touche.

    I glanced at this at first and I swear, I thought it said:
    Douche, RSmitty. Douche.

    …waiting for the Squishy one’s comment any moment now…

  20. pandora says:

    I think we’re all guilty of writing provocatively… isn’t that called “blogging?”

  21. Dana Garrett says:


    One could make the case that this is exactly what you did.”

    LOL. That’s pure desperation since I EXPLICITLY stated that murderous feelings WHEN YOUR FAMILY HAS BEEN KILLED are understandable but should not be acted on.

    That’s far different then advocating MASS MURDER because–now get this–party affiliation.

    Try again. LOL.

  22. pandora says:

    “Advocating mass murder” seems to be quite a stretch, Dana. I believe the words you’re looking for are, perhaps, inflammatory language? Sorta like what’s taking place on this blog right now.

  23. Dana Garrett says:

    Really, Pandora. How many millions of Repubs are there in the US. That’s a mass.

  24. pandora says:

    Did you really take him literally? At most, his words were carelessly worded, sensationalized. It’s like saying you had to buy Pepsi because they told you it was the “one.”

    Why you are escalating this point into the absurd is beyond me.

  25. Disbelief says:

    Millions of Repubs? I think self-admitted Repubs are as rare these days as tourists in Libya walking around with American flag T-shirts.

  26. delawaredem says:

    Ok, Dana. Now really. I know what I said was wrong, but when I said in a rant that “all Republicans should be round up and shot,” did you really think that was a serious threat. Did you really think I was truly advocating for vigilante violence against all Republicans? Did you think I was going to go out and build concentration camps for Republicans? It was hyperbole. It was a metaphor. I was wrong to say it, but you are going so fucking overboard with it that makes me wonder if you are even sincere. And if you are sincere, you must be insane.

  27. anon says:

    The thing is, ,Dana et al… from the moment it was uttered I recognized DD’s “round them up” comment to be simply rhetorical overreaching; simply an emotional mistake. Same with the Moussaoui post.

    I believe that if there were a serious effort to round up and shoot anyone in the US, Republicans or otherwise, DD and others like him would lay their bodies down to stop it.

    I cannot say the same for those on the right who make similar rhetorical comments.

    So… keep nailing DD for his past comment whenever you are so moved. But don’t pretend there is a moral equivalence with real evil.

  28. xstryker says:

    DD, this is as bad as that time you said it was “raining cats and dogs”. HOW can you ADVOCATE for the SENSELESS carnage of DOMESTICATED animals falling from THE sky? Are you TRULY so insensitive as TO mock the PLIGHT of defenestrated MAMMALS?

  29. delawaredem says:

    Well, now X, I am not going to pretend that what I said wasn’t wrong, which I think your comment implies by equating it to “raining cats and dogs.” But it still was hyperbole and I really did not have intent, which Dana seems to think I had.

  30. liz says:

    Labeling yourself a democrat does not make you a liberal. The party is filled with neo con hack jobs just like the repukes.

    The word liberal is not only overly utilized it is a word I reject. I prefer the word “progressive” meaning pushing forward the “progressive” agenda: universal health care, public transportation, ending the War on Terror, ending the War on Drugs, ending the crony capitalist system as it exists today and replacing it with a more social democrat agenda who believe in balancing budgets.

    Ever read Saul Alinsky? Liberals talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. They always fall short of taking the next step…the progressive step.

    I don’t care who is elected to office or what party affiliation they have, if they are corrupt, not working for the citizens, but working for corporate america, I call them for what they are sellouts. The democratic party sells out almost as much as the republican party. Thats where we come in, to try to keep them all honest, to challenge their neo con tendencies.

  31. xstryker says:

    Liz, didn’t you get the memo? Dana sez DD’s support for KWS means he also supports Blagojevich and Carper. It’s automatically true because Dana believes it so.

  32. Joe M says:

    I’ll never forget the utter horror of the day that DD said he “laughed his ass off”….

  33. liberalgeek says:

    …that was better than the day that he cut off his nose to spite his face.

  34. anon says:

    I’ll never forget the day he threw out the bathwater *sob*

  35. Unstable Isotope says:

    What about when he cried over spilled milk? Don’t you think that was an overreaction?

  36. Joe M says:

    Well, he did spend the whole day herding cats.

  37. Dana Garrett says:

    “Dana sez DD’s support for KWS means he also supports Blagojevich”

    Proof? You are making things up again.

  38. Joe M says:

    And he wrecked the server trying to sugar-coat his posts.

    Rough day.

  39. FSP says:

    “Hey, Dana Garrett, you don’t own the word ‘Liberal.’”

    No. I do. I just bought it from Rod Blagojevich.

  40. delawaredem says:

    You guys are such comedians.

  41. delawaredem says:

    Burris. That was actually a good one. Finally, you made a funny.

  42. FSP says:

    Yeah. That was too easy.

  43. Rich Boucher says:

    I’m not sure who on here is referring to Dana as a “fascist”, or, “insane”, but please, get a grip. There are people in this world who are called “Blagojevich” – isn’t that really a bigger fish to fry?

  44. liberalgeek says:

    We fry many fish at one time around here, Rich.

  45. Joe M says:

    And sometimes wind up with egg on their faces.

  46. delawaredem says:

    That is the price we pay.

  47. All these fucking cliches. I’m going to try and avoid this thread like the plague.

  48. Joe M says:

    You should, or you may wind up coughing up a lung.

  49. liz says:

    This is why the word liberal is repulsive…you eat your own. What stupidity and idiocy attacking Dana! Its a waste of time, and brain cells. Cliches is the least of it.

    The freakin country is going down the shithole and your attacking a local brother! Damn!

  50. delawaredem says:


    My local brother attacked me. Where is your condemnation of him?

  51. Joe M says:

    Hey, I thought the cliches were fun!

  52. pandora says:

    More fun than a barrel full of monkeys!