deeper thought for the day

Filed in National by on December 18, 2008

If you plug up your rearend right as you are about to pass gas, will it then come out your ears?

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hiding in the open

Comments (23)

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  1. jason330 says:

    This reminds me. I’ll need all DelawareLiberal contributors performance evaluations forms back to me by COB friday.

    Remember, your bonus and promotion opportunities are tied into this review.

  2. Mrs. Hotviti says:

    if it’s true jason will dv get a bigger bonus?

  3. RSmitty says:

    Here we go with plugging things up your rear-end again (see comments in “Fact of the Day” post).

    I am most definitely returning that summer sausage pack!!!

  4. jason330 says:


    I’m waiting to hear back from legal right now. I’ll get back to you.

  5. nemski says:

    Get back to studying SAS and stop shoving different objects up your rectum.

    Though DV’s recent posts might explain a lot. Anyone remember the Simpsons’ episode where they find a crayon jammed up Homer’s nose. The doctor’s remove it and Homer becomes as smart as Lisa.

  6. listen, you don’t get this type of entertainment anywhere else people.

  7. nemski says:

    DV, I’ve got an eleven year-old boy. We have these conversations all the time. 😉 Keep ’em coming though.

  8. I was going to say come out your eyes, but I thought that was too sophomoric.

  9. arthur says:

    usually here at DL it comes out fingers when they are hovering over keyboard keys

  10. yet, here you are, day in day out, hour after hour after

    now beat it!

  11. anon says:

    It will be uploaded onto your Ipod.

  12. anon says:

    Hey, that question reminds me of the South Park where… never mind.

  13. Rebecca says:

    I wasn’t going to vote in today’s poll because I didn’t like the choices. Now I’m reconsidering.

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    I hear you Rebecca–it’s like a choice between perfume or chocolates.

  15. anon says:

    Every time you hold a fart in an angel explodes.

    h/t dkos

  16. Unstable Isotope says:

    Why don’t you try it and report back? Think of it as a science experiment.

  17. arthur says:

    Beat it? Why, this is free entertainment!

  18. Von Cracker says:

    it is true, though, if you fart, burp, sneeze, and cough at the same time…YOU WILL DIE!

    Swear! It happened to a kid who went to a different school and who I didn’t know….

  19. nemski says:

    Was his name Justin Case?

  20. Von Cracker says:

    Might have been Phillip McKrevis…or maybe Hugh G. Rection…not sure…


  21. RSmitty says:

    Phillip McKrevis or Phillip Macrackin?

  22. anon says:

    Rex Colon…

  23. Interference says:

    If the rearend is plugged and the mouth is closed (must be a man then) wouldn’t that make smoke signals?