Filed in National by on December 18, 2008

I turned on DTR…

to hear Burris blaming the UAW and their 22lb 9 oz contract for the woes of the American Auto industry. Ford has a state of the art factory in Brazil. They don’t have one in the US because of the UAW. It’s pretty much entirely the UAW’s fault at this point, with the exception of 2 management problems, which I failed to remember as I was trying to listen to the rest of the bullshit he was spewing.

Oh, but Dave is in favor of people making as much money as they can….

Wow Dave, you are udderly amazing.

I guess you didn’t read this post yesterday

PS, Dave’s show consists of reading you the newspaper and saying “um” or “uh”

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hiding in the open

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  1. kavips says:

    Let us see. And this is where Burris’s logic fails.

    Senate Republicans voted to defeat the bailout package, because they think the UAW gets paid too much for their efforts. Reading historical accounts, their plantation owning ancestors likewise agreed that even zero dollars was way too much money to pay their labor to pick cotton on their plantation fields.

    They fought America once to protect that privilege. They are doing it again.

    The distinction must be made each time that ridiculous argument is stated, that Senate voted to kill the bill and there are no UAW members in the Senate..

    It was old South Republicans that sold out this country.

    (Watch! The only answer he can throw back will be some ten word smart ass comment… because after all,… when it comes to this issue, their statements are completely unfounded on fact….)

  2. anon says:

    The weather in Brazil is much nicer than North Dakota.

  3. kavips says:

    Nice job (under the limit)

  4. jason330 says:


    They GOP money men honestly think that people who work for a living are suckers and losers.

    Anyway, I don’t think Dave is going to respond here again because I hurt his feelings by pointing out that he is a moronic windbag.

  5. kavips says:

    He always responds to those accusations, to prove them true…

    (under limit again, this is fun)…….

  6. RSmitty says:

    Anyway, I don’t think Dave is going to respond here again because I hurt his feelings by pointing out that he is a moronic windbag.

    Somehow, I still think you don’t see how this has an appearance of coming off as personal. Just a hunch.

  7. cassandra m says:

    Ford doesn’t have a state of the art factory in the US because they haven’t built one. Besides, Ford has Assembly plants all over the world and certainly the UAW isn’t standing in the way of this process in those places.

    Just like the Fairness Doctrine and gun laws, Dave is leading the charge on another non-issue. Once Ford decides to build a plant here like their Brazilian test plant, we can deal with UAW opposition (if there is any) then.

    But I imagine that Dave going off on this idiocy is another signal that the real and urgent problems we have now are never going to get repub attention as long as there is union bashing to be done.

  8. I can only imagine how much it COST to build it in Brazil.

    such utter bullshit and Burris knows it. Now he has a radio station to spread his BS…

  9. Anon2 says:

    Funny, I don’t know many UAW workers who travel via private jet . The Michigan real estate market is among the worst in the country as the result of a faltering auto industry and it’s not because the line workers were pulling down huge bonus packages. Truth be told, it doesn’t matter which industry, there are few (if any) individuals worth the money and bennies paid to CEOs. There also are no athletes worth multi-million dollar contracts. The people who ARE worth their salt are the day-to-day workers who put their lives into keeping the wheels of commerce turning by showing up for the boring ass assembly job or that thankless teaching job. Not to mention the bedpan cleaning, temperature taking, hand holding health care workers. ….

    Our priorities are all out of whack. Our country can be about capitolism without being about ‘greedism’. Instead of the richest people becoming richer, they could become the heroes of our next generation by re-investing profits into the economy and still hold onto a fistful of money without ever feeling the pain so many Americans will suffer in this recession/depression. Instead, it’s the family who can hardly afford to put a meal on the table who steps up to the plate and offers canned goods to a food pantry.

    Don’t these rich bastards realize that they got to where they are because all of the working schmucks show up every day? It pisses me off when I hear the ‘haves’ berate the ‘havenots’ for not going to work and earning a living. Don’t they get it…they’re the ones who’ve taken the jobs out of the market because of their poor management decisions and grandiose life styles.

  10. Don’t these rich bastards realize that they got to where they are because all of the working schmucks show up every day?

    yes, and now, they are done with us and moving onto China’s citizens and the rest of the world’s poor.

    We were expendible and the last thing that could have kept us getting the same piece of the pie they enjoyed was a union….

  11. anon says:

    For Dave and republicans, it’s about limiting worker pay, destroying unions and making sure that the top 5% make AS MUCH AS THEY CAN. The truth is, the U.S. automobile industry is in trouble because of the people Dave loves so much: CEO;s and upper management. Can’t touch their pay, it’s un-American. While they sat around for the last decade taking huge bonuses and executive pay, the rest of the world was building more fuel effficient cars and developing hybrids. What were those brilliants CEO’s and multi-layers of buearacratic losers in upper management doing? Nothing. And thus, they are the ones ultimately responsible for destroying the U.S. auto industry. Attempts at blaming workers is simply ludicrous. Does anyone understand how the republican party breaks 10% in elections? I mean, really, it’s a party that hates workers, loves Wall Street and war, oil and not much else. Oh. Wait. They love to legislate morality. I forgot. Is that the reason why they are able to get a few sucker votes? Anyway, Jason, that should be your QOD. How does the republican party break 10% in the popular vote.

  12. Geezer says:

    “Now he has a radio station to spread his BS…”

    Not really. If it were radio, he would be under the scrutiny of the FCC. It’s not radio. It’s on the internet. So the Fairness Doctrine does not, and never will, apply to their venture.

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think the rich schmucks are now realizing they need to pay people something, otherwise they don’t make money by selling us stuff. The people they pay crap wages to can’t afford to buy this stuff either. Do Republicans really want a race to the bottom?

  14. Dorian Gray says:

    I’ll elaborate on Geezer’s comment. It’s internet radio folks. I reach roughly the same number of people yelling out of a moving car on 95 from Newark to Wilmington. How many people have ever listened one time, 500, 1,000 maybe.

    If a tree falls in the woods…

  15. nemski says:

    I thought that was you.

  16. miscreant says:

    “It’s not radio. It’s on the internet. So the Fairness Doctrine does not, and never will, apply to their venture.”

    So, the Internet is the last bastion of free speech?
    So be it.

  17. Andy says:

    The Republicans also alowed big Wigs to rob worker pension plans through underfunding knowing that if they failed the Feds would take them over at a reduced benefit to those workers

  18. more irony Andy?

    and then those same people bitch and complain about the Welfare State that we have…


  19. Anon says:

    Dorian –

    I’ll elaborate on Geezer’s comment. It’s internet radio folks. I reach roughly the same number of people yelling out of a moving car on 95 from Newark to Wilmington. How many people have ever listened one time, 500, 1,000 maybe.

    Uhm, try standing on a park bench in Rodney Square and using your outside voice. You’ll reach more people than DTR.

    500 or 1000? No, way. I bet they haven’t had more than 50 people at any one time.

    If Dave Burris knows so much about how companies can make money, he obviously is not heeding his own advice. They have, maybe, one advertiser on DTR? The rest is PSA’s, advertising for Burris’ other failing business, and songs that they aren’t paying ASCAP fees for… (which someone should really look into).

    The rest is just playing YouTube videos and Matthews replaying WDEL interviews.

  20. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, they are paying ASCAP fees. But thanks for commenting, it’s always nice to hear from WGMD personalities.

  21. RSmitty says:

    See? The lies perpetuated by the ad-hominem style criticisms.

    In your hatred of Burris, did you forget that Nelson is there? Do you truly think Nelson would allow for a non-payment of fees?

    Jackass…or jackassney.

  22. jason330 says:

    Side Note: It is a wonder what a good night’s sleep can do for a person.

    Yesterday I wanted to pull my skin off after reading this blog. Now every postand comment tastes as warm and comforting as a nice Drambuie on a cold night to me.

  23. nemski says:


    Maybe we shouldn’t allow comments. 😉

  24. nemski says:

    jason330, it is nice to see you back in happy form. I didn’t like jason165.

  25. RSmitty says:

    Drambuie? Nasty. Explains a lot. Thanks for the perspective. 😛

  26. jason330 says:


    It is not for everyday.

  27. RSmitty says:

    It shouldn’t be for any day. Bleh.

    The only time I truly had that “throw up in my mouth” experience was when I was a bartender. I had two regulars that one night switched gears. They ordered a “Rusty Nail.” Drambuie + scotch. Ungh (in a shivery way). After that, they just wanted straight Drambuie. The whole “Rusty Nail” thing killed any chance for Drambuie with me, so I just gave them the bottle and requested an honest count so I could charge them properly. Go ahead and blame scotch, I guess, but Drambuie is in my foul book forever more.

  28. nemski says:

    Damn, RSmitty, how can you do that to a glass of Scotch. Sacrilege.

    : throws one shoe at RSmitty :

  29. Anon,

    Wow. Me loves it! I haven’t played a WDEL clip in at least two months. If you haven’t noticed, it’s something I’ve stopped doing. I wanted to play the KWS interview, but decided against it for obvious reasons. Now I’ll have my own to playback.


    I wouldn’t be surprised if the Anon above is from WGMD. They’re quite fascinated with us, you know.

  30. RSmitty says:

    Damn, RSmitty, how can you do that to a glass of Scotch. Sacrilege.

    Eh. I took the other whiskey path, the one that leads to bourbon. Mmmm…..