The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee

Filed in National by on December 18, 2008

One of the difficulties readers of print editions of newspapers have is getting use to a redesigned comics page with their favorites dropped and new strips which they are unfamiliar with. One of the strips in The News Journal that I have become a reader of is The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee. There is also Pickles and Pearls Before Swine. But this isn’t a post about why I like these comics, it is really just a post to share with you this morning’s The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee. Enjoy.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:


    I also like Pearls Before Swine and Get Fuzzy.

  2. Lee Brill says:

    Sorry, I can’t agree with your choice of “…Edison Lee”. I usually agree with its political viewpoint but it commits the unpardonable sin of not being funny. Liberals already have the reputation of being humorless. For the best example of a liberal comic strip, you need look no further than “Doonesbury”.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    What bizzaro world do you live in, Mr. Brill?

    Liberals humorless? Go get it to Stewart, Colbert, Chris Rock, every British comedian…so on and so forth…

    You can have Dennis Miller and Jackie Mason!

    You might have provided us with the most ill-informed, talking-out-of-one’s-ass, comment of the year!

  4. Lee Brill says:

    I didn’t mean to suggest that liberals are humorless, just that they are perceived that way by the right.
    There are some humorous conservatives as well. P.J. O’Rourke and Christopher Buckley come to mind. Dennis Miller never was funny.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Buckley had dry wit, that’s for sure…