Michael Castle Apologizes To Chrysler Workers

Filed in Delaware by on December 19, 2008

I never saw this coming.

Wilmington – In a tersely worded statement, Congressman Michael Castle candidly apologized to Delaware’s auto workers for his “failure to act to protect Delaware workers from the clear incompetence and maliciousness of the Bush administration.”

Congressman Castle is regarded as a moderate whose position on banking and financial services comttees gave him a first hand view of the Bush administration’s calamitous management of the US economy over the past eight years. In his statement he stated “My acquiesance to Bush policies that were clearly aimed at satisfying the greed of Wall Street money changers at the expense of American workers was shameful.”


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (26)

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  1. in other news Castle was heard saying

    “Woops, my bad. Sorry bout that. Have a nice Christmas”

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Did he accidentally take a truth serum? Yes, Bush (and Congressional Republicans) are incompetent, shameful and malicious.

  3. Dorian Gray says:

    How credulous was I? I was frantically and gleefully looking for a link… then I saw the tag. I guess it’s a bit early. 🙂

  4. careful Jason, Von Cracker may get all bent out of shape thinking this is factual and newsy

  5. Dorian Gray says:

    DV – you are way off base here, dude, as well as damn near out of line. I was on your side as far as the news worthiness of the Wells story, but now you’re just being ignorant.

    Jason’s post satirizes Castle and doesn’t have nary a hint of schadenfreude. Moreover it is tacitly sympathetic to the laid-off workers. VC’s beef was that you seemed to have a fissure in your ass for Wells.

    You have very lttle understanding of this nuance. You should probably quit while you’re behind.

  6. jason330 says:

    You have very lttle understanding of this nuance.

    Ya think?

    I love DV but when God was handing out Nuance, DV had his Ipod in his nose.

  7. spare me.

    I didn’t mean to offend your delicate sensibilities at the expense of someone else. Ride your white horse to someone elses defense please…

  8. liberalgeek says:

    I love DV but when God was handing out Nuance, DV had his Ipod in his nose.

    J – you just made my day.

  9. Dorian Gray says:

    I don’t have delicate sensibilities and I don’t think telling me to ride off on my white horse is a good excuse for anything you write. The Wells story (and the personal text message) was somewhat thoughtlessly presented considering some of your friends work there. You don’t need to apologize. No one has a right not to be offended. But stop trying to defend it.

    The point of my original comment was I disagree with juxaposing this post about Castle/Chrysler with your’s. Completely different.

  10. Smarter Than Donviti says:

    Hilarity will ensue when Donviti falls from his self-aggrandizing pedestal as all sociopathic-egomaniacs do. Then the kids in Delaware will be kicking around DV’s head like the deflated soccer ball that it is.

    Queue, The Nelson Laugh, again.

  11. me doust protest too much at times

  12. how can one fall from something that isn’t real?

  13. Von Cracker says:

    The Don is my Bitch.


  14. RSmitty says:

    I’d prefer satire like this:
    Which is more embarrassing:

    Getting caught picking your nose


    getting caught sniffing your finger after you pick your ear?

  15. RSmitty says:

    I do like, though, that your answer to DV’s posts is to regurgitate an older post.

    iPods up your nose or ass…that’s humor!

  16. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Love means never having to say your sorry, but I give Castle credit coming AFTER he`s won reelection. He manned up. But it won`t pay the workers bills next year.

  17. jason330 says:

    Smitty –

    He burried the pearl. I had to unearth it.

    STI – Castle never apologized for shit.

  18. liz says:

    Castle was and is anti worker. Castle stated during the campaign, “he would not bail out the auto workers”, no bail out for workers, but line up banks, let me sign your billions in checks.

    Castle trying to separate himself from his neo con buddies in Congres who were a thorn in the side of the auto workers?

    This guy is a pansey ass with no sympathy for the working class. He called Karen Hartley Nagle naive because she supported an auto bailout. Who was naive, and who is backing tracking now…the fake moderate Castle.

  19. Puzzler says:


    Castle’s willingness to “line up banks,” isn’t evidence that he’s ‘anti worker.’ I believe Castle understands that if enough banks fail, the economy will collapse. Then ‘the workers’ won’t have things like jobs and a stable currency.

  20. Mike Protack says:

    Where was this statement made and can it be read?

    Mr. Castle is not a stooge of Pres Bush or for that matter anyone else.

  21. jason330 says:


    Thanks for the giggle Mike.

  22. liz says:

    Castle voted with Bush 93% of the time….that makes him a stooge for Bush.

    Castle has been carrying water for the bankster gangsters all his political career…calling this wanton neo con a moderate is an insult to moderates everywhere.

  23. xstryker says:

    Damn it, Jason! You totally had me fooled!

  24. liz says:

    Puzzler: Castle had no questions or demanded any plan from the Banksters! The banks are not doing what they verbally said they would do, nothing written down. They got a bailout, and the Big 3 are getting a loan. If they don’t make the changes the guvmint declares they must in a lousy 3 months, they have to pay the whole thing back. Where the hell is the trillions the banksters got? When do we get paid, when does that money filter down to small banks or mortagage companies to stop the foreclosures?

    The banks got the money and get the houses back…nice for the banks, screw the public.