hypothetical QOD

Filed in National by on December 22, 2008

If you were a parent and you had 3 children and you didn’t have a computer in your home for their schoolwork would you travel to say Los Angeles with your live-in-boyfriend for 3 days the week of New Year’s?

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    Hypothetical QODs are tough because everyone knows that the situation you describe would never actually happen in real life.

  2. JohnnyX says:

    Dude…3 days before Christmas…do you really want to bring the dirty laundry out now?

    As for my best attempt at the question: If I were divorced and had 3 children I would not have a live-in (girl)friend. Furthermore if I had any long-term intentions for my (girl)friend I would have them get used to spending the holidays with my children instead of galavanting off to fun destinations expecting my ex to be totally cool with having the kids dumped on her.

    But I’m still married to wife #1 and have no kids as of yet…so what the hell do I know, right?

  3. dude, it’s hypothetical. I dare you to find someone out there like this

  4. Dude…3 days before Christmas…do you really want to bring the dirty laundry out now?

    life doesn’t stop being shitty for people just because a christmas tree get’s lit up on the white house lawn…

  5. nemski says:

    Not very Buddhist of you. 😉

  6. Disbelief says:

    First of all, living together without being married is a sin. So LA or not, she’s going to Hell. I know this because the GOP told me so.

    I’m up in the air about the computer thing. I understand the computer allows access to all sorts of unholy ideas such as porn, freedom of choice, Democrats, homa-sexshuals, etc.

  7. JohnnyX says:

    Fair enough, man.

    P.S. I totally missed the computer thing the first time around. Unless you’re seriously financially strapped that’s just inexcusable with 3 school aged kids. At least a cheapo computer that can do basic word processing for reports and projects is a pretty important thing to have. And in light of that, yeah, the whole LA trip seems even more fucked up. Hypothetically, of course. 🙂

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    I guess I would rely on my ex to buy the computer.

  9. jason330 says:



    (you rock!)

  10. There would be no way I would be buying a porn machine for my ex-wife’s live in boyfriend.

  11. another hypothetical…

    LIB has his own laptop

  12. anon says:

    I would give her a computer for Christmas just so she could read this.

  13. nemski says:

    hypothetically, they’re not his kids

  14. Truth Teller says:

    Are you sure this is a hypothetically or are you seeking HELP?????

  15. ..and yet between the two of them can’t scratch together $400 for a Walmart cheapie desktop for the kids to get their homework done on?

    Oh yeah, LA. Forgot the priorities.

    I would just write down these instances, and after a while just fight for custody, sounds like she really doesn’t want it anyway, as harsh as that sounds. Maybe she doesn’t want to lose the Child Support check.

    Child Support check. There you go. Buy them a cheapie desktop and present the receipt as her child support check.


  16. anon says:

    $400 for a Walmart cheapie desktop

    $150 for a nice off-lease used Dell on eBay.

  17. Dorian Gray says:

    Sometimes I think JohnnyX is really actually yours truly. Like a fight club Tyler Dirden thing.

    Anyway, I am also on wife #1 and remain childless by choice so what do I know. Other than this: it is situation like this that ensure that I stay childless on with wife #1.

  18. nemski says:

    DG wrote it is situation like this that ensure that I stay childless on with wife #1.

    Let’s hope your not using DV as a marriage guide. 😉

  19. Dorian Gray says:

    I don’t use DV as a guide on anything.

  20. anon says:

    Here is my question of the Day.

    “Dirty Dancing” is a very very good film. It weaves back and forth between a couple of sub plots smoothly, the songs are great fun and the performances are first rate. Particularly Jerry Orback and Jennifer Grey.

    Jennifer Grey’s performance is just about as flawless a performance as you will ever see on film.

    The question: Why is Dirty Dancing not given the props is deserves?

  21. JohnnyX says:

    Dorian Gray –

    Since the secret is now out that we’re one and the same person, would you have a problem taking my doctoral qualifying exam for me?

    I’m really not feeling the whole write six 15-20 page papers in a week bit. Perhaps you find that prospect a bit more appealing?

  22. jason330 says:

    FWIW I agree with anon.

  23. Dorian Gray says:

    On second thought, you be you and I’ll be me… 🙂

    It is intersting that we seem to be very similar though, Phillies fans, infidels, etc., etc…