(Not So) Deep Thought of the Day with A Side of Question

Filed in National by on December 22, 2008

With President Bush setting the bar so low, if the Obama Administration only accomplishes two goals — instituting a Division I College Football Playoff and moving the US to Daylight Savings Time permanently— would not Obama’s first four years be considered a unparalleled success?


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. jason330 says:

    Whatever he does he will be considered a failure because conservatives dominate the news media.

    Sorry – I’m feeling a bit pessimistic today.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    They’ve succeeded in setting the bar pretty high for Obama before he even steps into office. He’ll have to solve the economy, close Guantanamo and get us out of Iraq by 2010.

  3. nemski says:

    Jason330 has caught the Christmas spirit. 😉

  4. Looks like someone is having a case of the mondays

  5. RSmitty says:

    Nah, he’s having a case of waking up and getting out of bed.

  6. Disbelief says:

    Do you think the same analysis applies to Markell? Its like the SAT, all he has to do is spell his name correctly and his score already beats Minner’s.

  7. Frank says:

    If he institutes permanent DST, massive FAIL

    The idea that DST reduces energy use is a myth and a lie.

    Sunrise at 8:30 a. m. is not a good thing.


  8. Honestly, we are so screwed up Obama is doomed for failure. No matter what he does it won’t be enough. There is no way that in four years he can turn around 8 years of the grossly huge amounts of fucktitude the Bush years have brought us.

    The GOP’s 2012 strategy will be solely that, blaming Obama for not being good enough.

  9. Bob McWilliams says:

    Leaving Republicans aside for the moment (they will spend every day for the next 4 years attacking everything Obama does – his failure for them is already assured), the only thing I would add to daylight savings time and a college football playoff would be picking the right White House dog. Amazingly, the two dogs at the White House the past 8 years have a higher approval rating then their owner……..

  10. nemski says:

    Nice catch Bob, I forgot all about The Dog Issue.

  11. Frank says:

    I will quote something I heard on the radio:

    “Great presidents are presidents who face great challenges. Obama has the opportunity to be a great president.”

    I wouldn’t want his job on a bet.

    But he is one smart dude. He just might pull it off. And the thing is, if he makes a good faith effort, makes right decisions, and talks truth, even if he doesn’t fix everything, I believe the people will recognize that.

    Most of the folks I know are fed up with the lies.