Nominations Being Accepted: Blog of the Year

Filed in Delaware by on December 23, 2008

This is the granddaddy of all of these awards.  It is the best picture award for this competition.  Last year the winner was Tommywonk.  It is likely that this propelled him to national stardom in the form of a trip to Denver for the DNCC. 🙂

But seriously, this is a major award even though it entails only bragging rights.  Which blog has become your go to source for stuff?

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  1. Well, I always go to Common Sense Political Thought for incisive, cutting edge news and opinions!

    That should clearly be the blog of the year!

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Delaware Liberal!

    The blog that has become really a must-read since the financial crisis hit is Calculated Risk. It’s not a Delaware blog, but you didn’t set any parameters!

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    Talk about fishing?! I’ll let you know.

  4. delawaredem says:

    Yeah, is it poor form to nominate yourself?

    Delaware Liberal doubled (at least) its daily readership this year. 4 new writers were brought on. It became the go-to blog for Delawareans in the know.

  5. delawaredem says:

    I nominate “Unknown Commenter” for Moniker of the Year. LOL.

  6. jason330 says:

    I want a secret ballot so I can vote 9 times for Delawareliberal.

  7. RSmitty says:

    I can easily tell you which one I come to the most, but that would take a hurtful admission on my part, then you need to consider:
    -1) I don’t go here “there” for truthiness
    -2) I go “there” for entertainment, akin to National Enquirer, Sun, etc.
    -3) Totally freepable polls.
    -4) Very relevant Posts about where to stick IPod ear buds.
    -5) I not only enjoy self-depricating humor, but I also apparently like it from other sources
    -6) My daytime internet connection has blocked me from my own network of blogs, making in near impossible to go elsewhere.

    That said…I nominate Kavips for his Workforce Housing and tag-teaming on Windfarm issues.

  8. TommyWonk says:

    Yes, I owe my national stardom and growing fame to my old friends here at whatsitblog.

  9. Rebecca says:

    It is probably a sad commentary on my mental health, but the first clicky every morning is DL, then I move on to NYT and WaPo. But, while I’m waiting for the caffeine to kick in, I gotta have my DL fix. You guys are awesome!

  10. DD wrote:

    I nominate “Unknown Commenter” for Moniker of the Year. LOL.

    Better than mine? 🙁

    DD likes commenter unknown
    He really makes her squirm and moan
    And we all can see
    That he’s smart as me
    And he greatly improves this site’s tone!

  11. Unknown commenter
    is a really good handle;
    Bet he’s good looking

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    Limerick Avenger…

    Once again you mistake me for a woman. What is it, the initials “DD” make you think of Dolly Parton’s double Ds or something?

  13. RSmitty says:

    What? You don’t have man-boobs?

  14. I thought Del’ware Dem would moan
    Turns out he’s got testosterone
    I learn’d with a click
    That he’s not a chick
    My mem’ry I’ll have to hone.

  15. DD ain’t a girl
    And he wants me to know that;
    Testosterone rules!

  16. I had thought that DD was a she,
    But DD soon corrected me
    He’s got a bone
    And testosterone
    And he stands up to pee.

  17. David says:

    Delaware Talk Radio. It is not like any other in the state.