Why Obama Looks So Buff…

Filed in National by on December 23, 2008

Take a look at the competition.  Fair warning: I can’t decide what looks worse, Nancy Reagan in a bathing suit (pre-mastectomy) or the untimely picture of Bill Clinton and the sea of temptation.

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  1. George says:

    How does Geek look in a bathing suit?

  2. liberalgeek says:

    It ain’t pretty, but Mrs. Geek still likes me. 🙂

    But this isn’t about me. My New Years resolution is to look half as good as Obama. It looks like I can’t use a stressful election season as an excuse for my rotundness anymore.

    My only saving grace is that Obama didn’t have to drink during his debates.

  3. jason330 says:

    DL biggest loser competition?

    I cut ten lbs in the fall but put it right back on.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    Suck on that Vladimir!

  5. P.I. says:

    It’s RAM in her floral tent at the opening of beach season that clouds my vision.

  6. Rebecca says:

    U.I. Too funny!