Happy Christmas Eve….Donviti Style

Filed in National by on December 24, 2008

I opened my mail box,
My heart was a twitter,
What did I find but this exquisite letter:

Not that either of you is even remotely concerned, School was closed today due to the weather so #1 was left sitting there alone. She called me & I had her walk down to my building. She is sitting here until later this morning when I take her to pick up the medication that neither one of you can be inconvenienced to get, and will then drop her off to your house.

I want you both to know for the hundredth time what awful, horrible, despicable people you both are. There are no words to adequately express my disgust for what you both continue to put these children through on a daily basis.

Whether either of you cares enough to see it, and clearly neither of you do, #1 has been trying very hard over the past couple of weeks, and has made tremendous progress. In spite of the both of you. All she asked was for you to pick up her medication. But no. Instead you managed to ruin what was otherwise an enjoyable evening for her (in large part because you both weren’t there).

Your mom, Step-Father, Sister, Brother-in-law, & Step Dad’s whole family were luckily very sympathetic and supportive, and have now had their own little glimpse into the psychotic behavior that lurks in your household! If nothing else I find sweet justice in the fact that you two can only manage to shield your true colors for so long before people see the evil that lingers beneath.

It is at times like this that I can truly come to peace with the realization that there is no relationship to salvage or feign between myself and the two of you. Because you are both beyond help.

Please know that when #1 returns to school, this incident will be addressed and brought to the attention of her counselors as well as Dr. xyz.

How you two can live with yourselves is beyond me.


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hiding in the open

Comments (8)

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  1. anon says:

    It’s a good thing you are divorced… you know, to protect the children from having to hear your disagreements.

  2. i think the wrong person is seeing the shrink.

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    In keeping with the Spirit of Festivus she delivered!

  4. lol. Yes she did indeed. lol

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Something like this requires a little tact.

    I suggest grading her letter, circling misspellings, grammatical errors, so forth….in red ink, of course

    A big circled ‘F’ with the note at the bottom stating: “If this was an attempt to make you feel better about yourself, then consider it a MASSIVE FAIL!”

    Then mail it back to her.

  6. that would normally be my response. but I took the high ground believe it or not. but for some reason I can’t seem to find it after it was sent. I have not had a reply thus far. if I get one it will be posted.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Well there’s a first for everything, I guess.


  8. Joanne Christian says:

    I think you should just tell her, that while in LA, a postcard will do.