thought for the day

Filed in National by on December 27, 2008

I will be hanging out with a bunch of Old People this weekend and the one thing I plan on asking them is if they trust their government.  It amazes me that even though these people lived through Nixon and watergate, Regan and Iran Contra, Bush and “Saddam threw babies out of incubators” and Bush II “In the Form of a Mushroom Cloud” that they can still trust their government and any elected officials for that matter.

Second amazing thought for the day, is how people go to Church on Sunday and are totally fine with going to war the rest of the week.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Rebecca says:

    I don’t know any Old People who trust their government right now DV. And I am one, and hang out with them all the time.

    Pipe down kid.

  2. Well Rebecca obviously hasn’t met my Old People. I’d say they’re evenly split on trusting their government and loving GWB. And an evenly split audience on loving GWB is simply too much and bucks the average of 3/4 of Americans hating the douchenozzle.

  3. anonone says:

    What are “Old People”?

  4. Dana says:

    ‘Twould be far more interesting had Mr Viti posted this on December 27, 2009 or December 27, 2010. I wonder how many of my good friends at the Delaware Liberal will be trusting our government after a couple of years under Barack Hussein Obama?

  5. Let’s just say things can’t possibly be any worse than they’ve been over the last eight years, Dana. So, I’ll call your bluff and raise you one!

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    I hear ya Hef-just think if they didn’t go to church on Sunday?

  7. Unstable Isotope says:


    You’ve got it wrong. It’s not the entity of “government” that I put my trust in, but people. I trust that an Obama administration will listen to what the people have to say, even if they don’t agree with them. It will be a refreshing change from the last 8 years.

  8. Let’s just say things can’t possibly be any worse than they’ve been over the last eight years, Dana.

    Oh yea they can.

  9. Good point. The aftermath of Bush could certainly be worse.

  10. Truth Teller says:

    I haven’t trusted government since they shot JFK

  11. Granted, I never, in my wildest dreams thought we could or would have a president as categorically bad across the board as him… but the doors he has opened has left room for things to get much much worse.

    I may be speaking from a paranoid libertarian core when I say this, but Bush has done more damage to our future by allowing the most dangerous of precedents to be set than any other president I can think of.

  12. kilroy says:

    “Second amazing thought for the day, is how people go to Church on Sunday and are totally fine with going to war the rest of the week.”

    Bush thinks Gods is on our side and our so-called enemies say God is on their side! But yet we blame natural disasters on God aka act of God!

    It seems man does a lot of speaking on behalf of God.

  13. anonone says:

    You would have thought his know-it-all god would have told him that there were no WMDs in Iraq.

    Talk about faulty intelligence…

  14. John Tobin says:

    Faith doesn’t eliminate the need for caution.
    An Arab proverb says, “Trust in God, but tie up your camel”. Faith is trusting, but it is not blind trust. Blind trust is dangerous, like driving with your eyes closed. If you drove your car with blind trust, you’d be headed for trouble!

    Above is from:


    I think a simlilar balance of trust and caution is needed when it comes to government. I feel that way whether it is George W Bush, who I voted against two times and trusted less, or Barack Obama ,who I voted for twice in 2008 and trust more.

  15. liz says:

    I am one of those old people. I can tell you I havent trusted them since Vietnam, Nixon, Watergate, and every other foreign intervention this country has been involved in. Ike said it best, “beware of the military industrial complex”, Jefferson beware of “big banks”. I have hope that Obama will do better than Bush (you’d have to be a moron) not to believe that, but if Obama screws up, I will be on his case just like I have been on Bush. No I don’t trust this government. My favorite bumper sticker is a picture of native americans with the caption, “living under terrorism since 1492′.

    As the zionists are bombing the hell out of Gaza as we speak, and corporate media blames the Palestinans who have been under seige for the last 40 days, no food, medicine, sewage knee deep in the streets, and F16s made in the USA, reigning terror down on them, I will be most interested to see what Obama does about that situation. It will be very telling if he permits the zionists to continue to deliver terror on their neighbors,and if Obama continues to support them with aid, weapons etc, and does nothing to stop this latest holocaust, Obama will go down in history as just another mediocre president who didnt have the cahones to fix the problem, fair and balanced.

  16. I like your blog…but your logic needs some fine-tuning. First, there’s no such thing as “government”. There are only people who govern. Because they’re human, some will prove worthy of your trust and others will not. After many years (I’m an Old People) I’ve come to believe that most in positions of responsibility in America should be doing something else…so I don’t trust them.

    Second: I don’t know ANYBODY – whether they go to church or not – who’s “totally fine” with war. War may sometimes be necessary, and sometimes be unavoidable…but it’s never good. I dare you to look for a single person that you know personally who will honestly and seriously say that war is a good thing. Good luck!

  17. anonone says:

    I have hope that Obama will do better than Bush (you’d have to be a moron) not to believe that, but if Obama screws up, I will be on his case just like I have been on Bush.

    Me, too!

    “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.”
    Mark Twain

  18. anonone says:


    Bill Kristol has never met a war that he didn’t like or want to start.

  19. Joanne Christian says:

    Geez anonone–I like your #17

    But in my heart of hearts, as much as want Obama to succeed as our leader, I do think he will be the next Jimmy Carter–a heckuva nice guy, wonderful human being, but not the most skilled, nor targeted diplomat, or captain of industry and ingenuity. But we’ll see, and I’ll be hopeful.

  20. anon says:

    I do think he will be the next Jimmy Carter

    Jut as Carter successfully avoided the mistakes of LBJ and Nixon… so I expect Obama will avoid the mistakes of Carter.

    Don’t worry, Obama will most likely make a whole new set of mistakes that are his very own.

  21. anonone says:


    Sometimes hope is all we have to share – and that’s a good thing.