Archive for December, 2008

Rahm Flees Country as Blago Report Released . . .

Filed in National by on December 23, 2008 6 Comments

. . .  or so will the the Radical Right say. The Obama Transition Team will release its report on contact with the toxic governor later this afternoon, while Rahm Emanuel leaves on a long-planned family vacation to Africa.

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Markell Selects Health and Social Services Secretary

Filed in Delaware by on December 23, 2008 33 Comments

Gov.-Elect Markell has selected Rita Landgraf as his Secretary of Health and Human Social Services, according to The News Journal. Landgraf serves as the head of the 172,000-member AARP of Delaware, and co-chaired the Governor’s Commission on Community-Based Alternatives for Persons with Disabilities. She also served as the co-chair of the Governor’s Task Force for […]

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Honey, I Shrunk The Economy

Filed in National by on December 23, 2008 4 Comments

Someone had to follow Donviti’s great post up with a clunker. So, let it be me. It’s not much of a post anyway, more like several paragraphs ripped from today’s Times of London. What boggles my mind the most is that there are millions of people in the United States that voted for this Texas […]

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Lying awake

Filed in National by on December 23, 2008 17 Comments

He sipped the last of his drink. Closed his eyes momentarily to try and absorb the pleasure of the final taste slipping down his tongue and holding there for a few seconds. The first and last sips are always the best. Eyes open, he turns to his left, clicks the light off and in the […]

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Darlene Love – Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)

Filed in National by on December 23, 2008 0 Comments

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Bloggers Suck!

Filed in National by on December 23, 2008 7 Comments

You fuckers would not know a politcal story if it bit you in your flabby asses. Michael Castle is awesome! So is Tom Carper.

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Pope Opens Mouth, Inserts Foot

Filed in National by on December 23, 2008 35 Comments

“And there is christian bashing . . . ” — Mike Huckabee Ah, it couldn’t be Christmas at the ol’ Delaware Liberal without some good ol’ Catholic bashing. Pope Benedict compares saving the rain forests to saving the homosexual. Beauty. The tropical forests do deserve our protection. But man, as a creature, does not deserve […]

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Happy Festivus!!!!

Filed in National by on December 23, 2008 11 Comments

I almost forgot.  Today is December 23rd.  Christmas Eve Eve.   But it is also Festivus!   A Festivus for the Rest of Us. So join in the Festivus spirit!  Air your grievances! Use this thread to lash out against friends, family, the world, President Bush or your ever devoted writers at Delaware Liberal.   For your holiday […]

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Torture Has Not Kept Us Safer

Filed in National by on December 23, 2008 7 Comments

So says Robert Mueller in Vanity Fair: I ask Mueller: So far as he is aware, have any attacks on America been disrupted thanks to intelligence obtained through what the administration still calls “enhanced techniques”? “I’m really reluctant to answer that,” Mueller says. He pauses, looks at an aide, and then says quietly, declining to […]

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Comment Rescue: Matthews to Interview KWS Tonight

Filed in National by on December 23, 2008 53 Comments

Mike Matthews // Dec 22, 2008 at 5:08 pm OK, I’ll let loose here… I am interviewing KWS tomorrow at 530. Not taking phone calls, but will accept questions. Let me be clear that my problem is that she seems to be entering the job with some crazy ass notion that insurance companies are […]

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Tragic News From the North

Filed in National by on December 23, 2008 9 Comments
Tragic News From the North

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Nominations Being Accepted: Blog of the Year

Filed in Delaware by on December 23, 2008 17 Comments

This is the granddaddy of all of these awards.  It is the best picture award for this competition.  Last year the winner was Tommywonk.  It is likely that this propelled him to national stardom in the form of a trip to Denver for the DNCC. 🙂 But seriously, this is a major award even though […]

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Sticking It To Capano

Filed in Delaware by on December 23, 2008 6 Comments

Anytime a Capano loses a court case, an angel gets its wings. Well, the other day, an angel got $7.5 million worth of wings as The Delaware Supreme Court reversed a lower court’s decision (pdf) that said New Castle County had to pay Albert Vietri and Joseph Capano Sr. for losses when they built their […]

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