Charlie and the Blogger Factory II

Filed in Delaware by on January 11, 2009

Mrs. nemski was reading the dead-tree edition of the News Journal and she asked, “Did you know that Charlie Copeland has started a blog?”

“Yeah, Delaware Liberal broke published that story earlier in the week,” I said.

A couple of things I find laughable about the article in the News Journal article. First and foremost, if the News Journal writer found out about the blog via Delaware Liberal, a hat tip would be nice. For those at the News Journal who are reading this post, a hat tip is “used in the blogosphere to acknowledge someone who has made a significant contribution toward an effort, or someone who drew attention to something new or interesting.” (h/t Wikipedia.)

But here is the deusy doozy from the  article:

Copeland said there are several left-leaning blogs on the Internet commenting on Delaware politics, but not enough from the other side of the political spectrum.

My guess is that Charlie, failed Lt. Governor candidate and one of the leaders of the Delaware GOP, hasn’t been paying attention because there are plenty of right-wing bloggers out there. Or maybe he only reads Delaware Liberal?


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. jason330 says:

    Dave Burris just got a slightly larger audience for his two shows a day of “My Taxes Are Too High! – The Musical”

    BTW – It is longstanding policy at the NJ that DelawareLiberal does not exist.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Probably because the only blogs that matter are the liberal ones. 🙂

  3. Disbelief says:

    I don’t mean to brag, but is there a bit of jealousy about the fact that DL has not only the brightest, but best looking bloggers in the State? Its fair to have some compassionate understanding for those who are jealous of the Brad Pitt of Delaware Blogerism.

  4. Al Mascitti says:

    There’s a longstanding tradition in print journalism not to acknowledge any source of news other than the ones the publication pays itself — its reporters, free-lancers and wire services. Just another example of its outmoded thinking.

  5. Laughing Hard says:

    Uhhh, before you pat yourself on the back too hard for breaking the story, there was a press release…

  6. anon says:

    Laughing Hard has it right. Copeland put out a press release this week. A bit enamoured of ourselves, are we, nemski?

    Also, for the record, Copeland was chattering about DELAWARE politics. Your own blogroll to the left proves he’s right.

    Al, those who live in glass sound booths shouldn’t throw stones, eh? It’s a long tradition in radio to rip-and-read and not credit the print source, for crying out loud! Ditto for TV stations.

    I don’t know what WDEL does, because I thankfully live too far south to listen to your piffle.

  7. nemski says:

    I’ll let LiberalGeek speak to whether we got this from a press release or not. But FYI, most of the time our pieces do not come from press releases.

    Al, it’s funny that newspapers don’t do that. I remember years back working for Gene Burns at WCAU Radio, when he talked about a story from a newspaper or news wire, he always referenced it.

  8. anon says:

    BTW, Al is full of it. That may be the case with TNJ, but it’s not in the broader journalism field.

    Visit and type in the search string “first reported by,” with quotes.

    Facts are instructive, no?

  9. Plod says:

    The word is “doozy.”

  10. anon says:

    Uhhh, before you pat yourself on the back too hard for breaking the story, there was a press release…

    Oh yeah, like the first thing Charlie Copeland does is send a press release to DelawareLiberal…. sheesh…

  11. anon says:

    I’ll also observe that the News Journal provided the full URL of Charlie’s blog… I cannot recall any other News Journal article that provided the URL for a blog.

  12. Lee Ann (aka Minner crony) says:

    While we’re on the subject, “Scoop” Williams’ other breathless revelation today, that the Governor did not support the smoking bill, is also a big LOL. She called for passage of the bill in her State of the State that year. It is true that the House and Senate played a game of chicken and passed a much stronger version that did not exempt the casinos, but she ultimately embraced the tougher bill. After all, her second husband died of lung cancer, and funding of cancer screening and treatment has been a major agenda item for her. So she found it amusing that they sent her a much tougher bill and happily called their bluff and signed it. How do I know this? I was there. I love these folks who reinvent history that they did not participate in.

  13. Lee Ann,

    Could you get me an interview live and on-air with Governor Minner? That would make my day…

  14. Lee Ann (aka Minner crony) says:

    Don’t think it’s going to happen, Mike!

    Not everyone in the Governor’s Office appreciates the New Social Media like I do.

  15. Well when will YOU be coming on my program, Lee Ann? We’re big fans of yours at Delaware Talk Radio!

  16. Lee Ann (aka Minner crony) says:

    I bet you are!

  17. Miscreant says:

    You’re the only one in her administration to have balls enough to interact on blogs. I mean that in the nicest possible way.

  18. Lee Ann (aka Minner crony) says:

    I decided if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. And it looked like fun. And I’ve been called a “social engineer” by some property-rights folks downstate, so I guess that makes me a liberal.

  19. FSP says:

    Lee Ann, while we’re pretending the Minner Administration actually cares about people with cancer, a question:

    Have you guys found the extra zeroes that were supposed to be on the end of that NRG fine yet?

  20. R Smitty says:

    nemski…on the press release thing and waiting for Geek. I can also tell you that the blockquotes he provided in his post were copy/pastes from the press release (it was a blast-email release via Jud Bennett forward). Honestly, I couldn’t care less that Geek didn’t h/t the press release, but just helping to clarify.

    Psst…don’t worry…y’all are important in that cute, little sibling sort of way. Play on.

  21. egads! says:

    RSmitty’s the man with the facts today!

    Here’s another one: Copeland put out the news release on Wednesday afternoon. Jud Bennett passed it on Thursday morning around 9:30 a.m. DL posted the news Thursday morning – not sure what time, but the first comment showed up at 9:35. A day later is hardly “breaking” the story.

    The NJ doesn’t need to tip the hat to DL simply because they decided to wait a few days to publish a brief about a new blog in their politics-oriented roundup.

  22. nemski says:

    Well thanks egads! your input was very . . . . .

    Thanks Rsmitty.

  23. liberalgeek says:

    I’ve been out of the loop this weekend.

    Yes, the press release tipped me off to the blogs existence. And yes, the blockquote was from the press release.

    The press release that I got, was forwarded to me by a regular commenter, but not Jud Bennett (who doesn’t actually comment here).

  24. nemski says:

    LG wrote I’ve been out of the loop this weekend.

    There you go again, pretending you have a life. 😉

  25. R Smitty says:

    It’s not too hard to get on Jud’s Coastal Conservative Network email list, though…one only needs to ask. That’s why I thought it was a possibility.

  26. liberalgeek says:

    I have a rule against subscribing to anything with “Conservative” in the title… 🙂

  27. Arthur Downs says:

    I have a rule against subscribing to anything with “Conservative” in the title… LibGeek

    A closed mind really is a waste…

  28. kavips says:

    Lee Ann:

    Are you as hot as you write?

  29. Lee Ann (aka Minner Crony) says:

    Probably not, by most objective modern standards. I am a writer, not a looker. But you can love my mind.

  30. liberalgeek says:

    Arthur – First, I put a smiley. Second, would you subscribe to the progressive Democrats mailing list? I didn’t think so.

  31. Mark H says:

    I met you about 15 or so years ago (DSN) and you were hot then 🙂

  32. liberalgeek says:

    Why, thank you Mark… Oh… Her. Nevermind.

  33. R Smitty says:

    Funny, I don’t recall meeting you, Mark, but hey, thanks anyway! 8)