Ask Dr. Liberal – Ruth Ann for Newcomers

Filed in National by on January 12, 2009

Dear Dr. Liberal: 

I have just recently moved to your great state and I am confused about something. Everyone seems to hate Gov. Minner. Why is that? I know she is not a progressive and she is obviously not a Republican. She seems harmless enough to me. 


Loving the Tax Free Shopping

Dear Patriotic Consumer,

First of all, thank for for doing your part for the economy. If you would not mind buying $2 million worth of Delaware manufacturing goods over the next couple of months, that would be great.

Now to the point, hate is a pretty strong word. I’d say that there are a large number of people who feel a vague antipathy toward the Governor and an even larger number who regard her with a cold detached dislike. Hate? I don’t know. But let’s group all the flavors of dislike under the banner hate and see what is going on.

I think it most people regard Minner as a party functionary who got her job in the same way Alexei Nikolayevich Kosygin got to be the Chairman of the Soviet Council of Minsters from October 15, 1964 – October 23, 1980. Her leathery hide and her less than inspiring speaking style give this impression anyway.

That’s the public view. How true it is I don’t know, but the public gets its view through gossamer wisps of images and stories that fall periodically like ashes from a far off volcano. So if it is their reality, it is reality.  

Dr. Liberal

PS.  I forgot to mention that she is not physically attractive in a conventional sense and studies show that people don’t like people who are not attractive, especially women.  Sad, but true.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (36)

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  1. Dana says:

    Well, from what little I saw, the lovely Mrs Minner was pretty much of an average governess: she didn’t do much of note, either good or bad.

    But remember: when she went before the voters for a contract extension, y’all said, “Yes, ma’am!”

  2. anon says:

    Up to a year or two ago the Fairleigh Dickinson poll showed decent approval ratings for Minner. I’m not sure her approval is that bad even now. There really aren’t that many Minner haters; mostly it’s just smokers, or Republicans whose dad got their ass kicked by her.

  3. anon says:

    Minner is such an unimposing person and such an unlikely governor. They hate her for winning when they were entitled to win instead.

    Republicans hate Minner the way Boston hates Bucky Dent.

  4. F$ck Bucky Dent… and Bill Buckner too, that a$$hole.

    When Minner smiles, she looks like a bear showing her teeth in an aggressive pose.

    I am sure the images of her in a one-piece bathing suit once a year didn’t help her approval ratings either.

  5. FSP says:

    “There really aren’t that many Minner haters; mostly it’s just smokers, or Republicans whose dad got their ass kicked by her.”

    And people who live within a 30-mile radius of NRG or Motiva…

    And anyone who owns a small business startup…

    And people who live in a cancer cluster…

    And people who are dying in prison…

    And people who are getting beaten in the DPC…

    And people who are losing their jobs in manufacturing and finding no new jobs on the other side…

    And kids who are stuffed into trailers while trying to learn…

    And all of the family members who might have to go off the government dole now…

    But certainly not worthless sycophant laughingstocks who had high-paying jobs created for them as a reward for all of their collective failures.

  6. jason330 says:

    What a humanitarian! *swoon*

    All we need to do is shrink the government to the size that it can be drowned in a bathtub and all of the state’s ills will be cured by Tryckle, the magical unicorn.

    Right Dave?

  7. R Smitty says:

    So, you’re now pretending none of that existed to further your bizarre disdain for Dave? DPC, NRG, DCC, etc., all a mirage, right, J?

  8. Kilroy says:

    Jason, there you go again on Dave! Are you having sex with Minner? My God you defend her like a cat with a dead mouse!

  9. R Smitty says:

    Ooo Ooo! Here’s another one for the apologists! Eminent Domain.

  10. anonone says:


    I agree with you. Please don’t let that happen again.

  11. Another Mike says:

    I find it hard to respect someone in as high an office as governor who is unwilling to answer questions in person and has to constantly hide behind spokespeople. I don’t think I’ve heard her talk more than a half dozen times. I can’t remember the last time she ventured into northern NCCo for a ribbon cutting, parade, school event, etc.

    Who is she, Greta Garbo? If she didn’t want to face the music, perhaps she should have retired 8 years ago or gone back to the house after serving as lieutenant governor.

  12. anon says:

    Democratic response to Minner failures – Jack Markell.

    Republican response to Minner failures – Bill Lee.

    Republican response to Bush failures – John McCain.

  13. jason330 says:

    Game. Set, & Match.

  14. R Smitty says:

    Game, set, match? That answers nothing about your post. You were challenged on the sudden complacency attitude towards Minner, when you, yourself used to shudder at the mention of her name. I guess like some Republicans are with Bush, you think history will be kind to Minner. Could you at least wait another week for her to be out of office?

  15. anonone says:

    Yes, anon #13!!!!

  16. jason330 says:


    Good point. How dare I go all soft on Minner saying suck-upy thing like public sentiment ranges from vague antipathy to detached dislike.

    I’m such a partisan apologist.

  17. arthur says:

    Actually the Democratic response to Minner was John Carney. The people picked Markell.

  18. anon says:

    Arthur, that is one twisted comment.

  19. Unstable Isotope says:

    LOL@Jason #17.

  20. Lee Ann (a/k/a Minner Crony) says:

    This post is calling my name, but I am busy at the moment being the Baronness of Bureaucratic Bloat. So it’ll have to wait.

  21. You could always call into my show and vent, Lee Ann. The state no longer blocks our IP…

  22. liberalgeek says:

    Now Mike has to beg people individually to listen in… Not a good sign…

  23. Psshhaww!!!

    Where’s my inaugural party ticket?

  24. JohnnyX says:

    I’ll be honest, the only thing I really give kudos to Minner for is that I can go out to restaurants and bars throughout Delaware and not have to breathe all the horrendous smoke. Can’t say I miss the days when being in the “non smoking” section meant on the other side of a useless partition that did nothing to block the air flow – and half the time having to walk through the smoking section to get there in the first place.

    I don’t know that you can blame her for everything that Burris wants to, but I’ll admit outside the smoking ban she’s kind of been a lackluster governess.

  25. R Smitty says:


    Good point. How dare I go all soft on Minner saying suck-upy thing like public sentiment ranges from vague antipathy to detached dislike.

    I’m such a partisan apologist.

    Gaah. I then mis-understood your post. Sorry ’bout that. How? Who knows. I was still shooting flames from my eyes for your desire to go for an easy scapegoat in other comment threads. Maybe I couldn’t see clearly.

  26. Lee Ann (aka Minner Crony) says:

    Other than the very predictable rant of FSP (c’mon, Dave, she whupped yore pa, you’re not the most credible critic), I thought the criticism here was fairly restrained. I’m a Half Full Kind of Gal. There’s a lot more good than just the smoking ban, but there is also bad and some ugly. On the good side, there is legislation and policy moves that, mostly because of a total lack of a coherent communication strategy, went virtually unrecognized. Some of it was stuff I worked on. I have a bit of perspective, which I will happily share. Soon, if anyone is still interested by then.

  27. Mark H says:

    You guys had a communication strategy? 🙂 Wow, it’s tough being that bad at it on purpose.

  28. Nancy Willing says:

    I find it hard to respect someone in as high an office as governor who is unwilling to answer questions in person and has to constantly hide behind spokespeople.
    Who is she, Greta Garbo?

  29. FSP says:

    I’m not credible, but you are? Please. I don’t have to be credible in your eyes. I have the evidence on my side.

    By the way, did you find those extra zeroes that were supposed to be on the end of the NRG fine yet?

  30. arthur says:

    I will defend Dave here (even though many times i heartily disagree). Dave, and his family, have walked the walk. Has any of the contributors on this site applied for the jobs at the democratic party? has markell reached out to any of you to take a position in his administration? until, you have been in a position of accountability and public scorn, you can’t really understand the issues.

    BTW, Bill Lee having press conferences at the rudder would have been better than Minner’s silence. SHE WAS THE WORST.

  31. jason330 says:


    Does being on a county committee for three months, or pretending that I am going to run for Governor count?

  32. arthur says:

    Its more than doing nothing.

  33. Lee Ann (a/k/a Minner Crony) says:

    Mark H, didn’t I say “total lack of”? That includes responsiveness.

    Short attention spans.

    You can rant all you want, Dave. Your opinion of All Things Minner is tainted, so it doesn’t matter to me. At least most of the folks on this blog approach things with a degree of humor. You are humorless.

  34. FSP says:

    People have died, Lee Ann. And gotten very sick. Humor’s not really on the list of options.

    Hope you’re proud. Let me know when you find those zeroes.

  35. FSP says:

    I RAN the committee officially for six months, something I was unopposed for, and unofficially for six more. And I ran seven campaigns and volunteered for a dozen more.

    You can be a complete ass until the cows come home, but don’t denigrate anybody who volunteers their time, including me, when all you’ve ever done is take your shirt off.