oh look, he’s a conciliator now…one final Bushism

Filed in National by on January 13, 2009

Boy, the lengths they are going to rewrite history and the disgusting partisan politics that have happened over the past 8 years. It is as if Tom Delay never existed, Rove was just kidding and Dick Cheney was simply a pee in your pants Night Terror that little boys get after watching a scary movie their parents would never let them watch if they had asked permission.

“Look, obviously we got whipped in 2008, and there will be a new wave of leadership arriving on the scene,” Mr. Bush said. “But it’s very important for our party not to narrow its focus, not to become so inward-looking that we drive people away from a philosophy that is compassionate and decent.”

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:



  2. Reis says:

    I wonder how a Guantanimo vote would go. Perhaps 100% Democrat?

  3. PBaumbach says:

    W was very compassionate, slashing the income taxes of 2.6 million people in 2008–when you lose your job, and your income, you lose the need to pay income taxes.

    I’m not certain that the 2.6 million folks who lost their jobs in the US in 2008 properly thanked W and his Republican enablers.

    Then again, sincere thanks for the compassion shown by Republicans was offered on November 4, 2008.

  4. cassandra m says:

    Making up intelligence to go to war against a country that wasn’t a real threat certainly was not compassionate or decent. And neither was the war itself, to be clear.

  5. jason330 says:

    Bush just confered our highest civilian honor, The Medal of Freedom, on Tony Blair.

    BBC link