Afternoon Linkage

Filed in National by on January 14, 2009

As one of the most anticipated movies of all time that features a Segway is about to open I Eat Gravel (AK) answers Segway inventor’s question: “When should I quit?”

So you thought we had wingnuts in Delaware. Birmingham Blues (AL) reports on one of Alabama’s wingnuts who thinks Obama “as someone who may be a threat to national security and a clear and present danger to America.”

Over at A Chicken Is Not Pillage (MT), Wolfgar is in a Seriously, Bad Mood:

One week.  Less than seven full days.  That’s all that remains until the most God-awful incompetent, unreflective power-drunk asshole ever to sit as POTUS will become a memory.  And that’s part of my problem; I have a very good memory.  It would be pleasant to put the positive spin on, self delusion leading to happiness no doubts, and think of marvelously sparkle sun-shiny it will be when the guy who trashed the place is thrown out with the trash.  And that would be the delusion.  Chimpy McWorthless and Darth Cheney will be gone, but the trash remains.

Remember to visit Cup of Joe Powell and Enclave for blogging reports of the Ash  Sludge Disaster in Tennessee.

Michael Shay of hummingbirdsminds (WY) reports on the Wyoming Legislature’s need to keep “the gays” out.

There is a lot of Sarah Palin activity going on, but 43rd State Blues (ID) gives Sarah some lovin’.

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. pandora says:

    Thanks for doing all the work, Nemski! Can’t chat right now… I have a lot of reading to do.