Filed in National by on January 19, 2009

I was wondering.  Since we were attacked on Bill Clintons watch while Bush was President, how many more months is Bush technically responsible for an attack on American Soil?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    I suppose at least a year. 9/11, which was Clinton’s fault according to the wingnuts, took place nine months into Bush’s first term.

    Indeed, according to the New Conservative Theory of Non-Accountability, nothing will ever be Obama’s fault, since nothing was ever Bush’s fault.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Well, according to Republicans, the economic meltdown is Bill Clinton’s fault so we have at least 8 years.

  3. I was thinking like 2 years easy. He has so much to worry about and he might not have time to read a memo that says “terrorist determined to take large dump truck and run it into the food court of Christiana Mall”

    that would be so vague, how can you chase down that lead without taking your eye off the ball

  4. anonie says:

    Nothing is EVER the republicans fault. it’s always the democrats fault. Republicans are fool-proof. Their ideology is the only correct way of thinking. Everyone else is WRONG.

  5. Truth Teller says:

    Obama should get all the time he wants. For from 1992 and before and untill the world ends as long as there is one REPUK left on earth anything that happends that is a Fu@k up will be CLINTON’S fault

  6. Dana says:

    Depends. If there’s another terrorist attack, and the proven timeline includes the entry of the terrorists into the United States and the training for their mission on our soil during the Bush Administration, then the Bush Administration bears some responsibility. But if the entire sequence of events is outside our borders after January 20th, 2009, then it’s the Obama Administration’s responsibility.

    But, of course, not to worry! Now that we have elected Mr Obama, all the world will love us again, so there won’t be a terrorist attack even attempted, ever again.

  7. what about if Obama gets a note that says they are training and have been training for several months and those months go back to Bush months?

  8. and! what if the terrorists are born During a Republican Administration?

  9. Mike Protack says:

    As soon as he says “so help me God” it is his problem although he will blame everyone else for everything.

    Sadly, hope and change will mean little when Putin ups the ante in Iran, when Karzai proves to be a slacker and when unemployment reaches over 9%.

    Obama will do what democrats do-raise taxes, expand government and under achieve in every way.

  10. Sharon says:

    It’s all Obama’s fault from tomorrow at noon. That’s it. Everything was George Bush’s fault, so that’s the standard. This includes every possible thing that could go wrong: economy, terrorist attacks, crime, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. Oh, and every Democrat who is caught in a scandal. Those are all Obama’s fault, too. And we need lots of investigations of Democrat malfeasance. Oh! And Harry Reid needs to call for reinstatement of the draft, since he thought that was really important under George Bush. And…

  11. cassandra_m says:

    It is going to be really hard to underachieve in the record-breaking manner of BushCo.

    The reason that people seem ready to give him some time to pick up all of the broken crockery Bush is leaving is because they do understand the depth of the problem that Bush is leaving.

    But everything has been Obama’s fault according to the wingnuts since about last June anyway. What I want to know is this — these people have been wrong down the line and we are listening to them about who is at fault, why?

  12. ok, cool. so you and I agree Sharon 9/11 was Bush’s fault! And I agree we need a draft too.

    Every American should serve their country during war. Especially one on terror

    who knew we would agree.

  13. Dana says:

    Mr Viti wrote:

    Every American should serve their country during war. Especially one on terror

    Heck, I’d be satisfied if just every American would pledge not to try to lose that war. Our friends on the left have done everything they could to undermine our country’s efforts to win it.

  14. “that war”

    the war against a verb? right…..

  15. nemski says:

    howler: a mistake, esp. an embarrassing one in speech or writing, that evokes laughter; a very humorous mistake or a funny blunder.

    As in . . .

    Dana wrote Our friends on the left have done everything they could to undermine our country’s efforts to win it. and it was a real howler.
