Delaware Liberal

What Republicans Have To Do To Get Back On My Good Side

It is simple really. Just fucking apologize. Apologize for everything. Not simply the war, but for 8 years of pretending that Bush wasn’t the stupidest fuck to ever eat lunch at the White House. And no half-assed, “I was never really into the Bush,” bullshit. Say something like, “knowing what we know now, Al Gore and John Kerry both would have been better Presidents than Bush” and riff on from there.

Mike Castle apologized to me. Apology accepted Mike. Your Bush era sins have been fully atoned for. If I give you hell from here on out it is for stuff that you fucked up on after Obama took over.

(More profanity after the jump.)

I don’t need an elaborate apology, like my man the Rude Pundit – just a sincere one. Be like Mike you Republicans. Be Americans first and Republicans second for a change. It will set you free.

Now, to get back in the RudePundit’s good graces you need to be a bit more uhhmmm… demonstrative in your apology.

Here’s the Rude Pundit’s deal: we’ll be bipartisan if you apologize. Not just an eye-rolling “We’re sorry.” Not good enough. We each need to come up with a way for Republicans to apologize. For the Rude Pundit, it’s simple. Blow jobs. He wants to get blow jobs from Republicans. Every time he meets a Republican, he wants to just point at his cock and have them nod, get on their knees. And blow him. He walks into Mitch McConnell’s office, he wants an immediate appointment for him to suck it. If he heads over to the Republican Party Headquarters, he wants to leave there raw. He goes into the Fox News bureau, he wants Greta Van Susternen on him like a Hoover on deep pile. That’s how you’ll apologize. He doesn’t know what everyone else wants. There might be a whole lot of sucking and licking going on. And would that be a bad thing after eight years of getting raped?

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