Will Mike Castle Put On The GOP’s Ghost Shirt?

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 26, 2009

Will Mike Castle toe the GOP’s party line again? Who knows, but one thing is sure – You have a call to make…

President Obama worked through the weekend to convince skeptics in Congress to quickly pass his economic recovery plan this week.

Obama’s stimulus would invest in green jobs, health care, and relief for struggling states. But conservatives are already fighting against Obama—they’re working furiously to block his proposed investments.1

CNN reports conservatives are clamoring for “far more business tax cuts, such as reducing the corporate income tax rate.”2 If they win this fight, it will be at the expense of the investments our country urgently needs.

Your representative in Congress, Michael Castle, is a key vote on President Obama’s economic plan—and the vote is Wednesday. Can you call and ask him to vote for Obama’s critical investments in green jobs, health care, and relief for struggling states—and not more tax cuts for corporations and the rich?

Representative Michael Castle
Phone: 202-225-4165

Then, please report your call by clicking here:



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’ll definitely be calling.

  2. anonone says:

    Mike Castle ain’t worth the stamp for the letter or the dime for the call.

    If he can’t figure out now how do what’s right for the country on his own after being a Bush bobble-head for eight years, he is hopeless.
    Particularly after he has made his super-secret apology to Jason.

  3. jason330 says:


    You are awfully hung up on this. Take a knee for a sec.

    In my faith we are taught that we all fall short of the glory of God and depend on each other for forgiveness because Sky Dad is the ultimate arbiter and if Mike Castle is going to spend eternity with Satan pissing sour milk into his mouth, so be it.

    As for me, I said I would hold him responsible for shit he pulls moving forward. This is a good test case.

    Now, call his office and pour him a cup of your thoughts.

  4. anonone says:

    I said I would hold him responsible for shit he pulls moving forward. This is a good test case.

    Fine, you do that.

    Now, call his office and pour him a cup of your thoughts.

    I don’t need any more of his mealy-mouth form letters. I gave up on him four years ago. If he can’t figure out how to do what’s right now, particularly with his BFF in the VP’s office, nothing I am going to say is gonna make a difference.

    This “apology” stuff sounds like positioning for a run at the senate in 2010. We’ll see.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    We know he’s pretty useless but that doesn’t absolve us from our responsibilities as citizens to put pressure on him. Sometimes pressure works, especially if he’s a “finger in the wind” type.

  6. anonone says:

    The state has been solid blue nationally since 2000 except for Castle. If Castle had his finger in the Delaware wind, he would have felt its direction a long time ago. Instead, he kept it close to Bush’s prostrate (yeah, graphic image – sorry).

    I had a conversation with Castle shortly after election day 2000. He didn’t care about Florida except for all the post-dated service people’s votes that he said wicked Al Gore didn’t want counted. That showed me that he is a party-over-country repub all the way. And nothing in the last 8 years has shown anything different.

    If you go to his campaign website and do a search there is one (1) reference to Bush. Like the last eight years he helped enable didn’t happen.

    Anybody who thinks that Castle is acting now in the interests of Delaware over the interests of himself and the repubs is fooling themselves. If you want to see a Senator Castle and an enabling Senator Carper in 2010, keep throwing him life preservers instead of anvils.

    (Not you personally, UI.)

  7. adlib says:

    Jason: I see you are willing to “look forward instead of looking backwards” on the GOP repuke Castle….lovely, just lovely, what did he promise you! I don’t get it.

    This guy has been screwing the citizens of Delaware for decades, now that he is in the “minority” he is going to do better…unbelievable. He will do “just as he is told by the bankster/gangsters”, and rethugs in his sick ole party.