Star Struck Republicans

Filed in National by on January 27, 2009

When I said that news of Obama’s meeting with the Congressional Republicans was going to start to filter out, I was not expecting this:

Republicans are star struck:

A GOP source to TIME’s Jay Newton-Small:

Nearly as many House Republicans sought to get their photos taken with Obama as questioned him about the stimulus during their meeting. – via kos

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Reis says:

    The only way they can win reelection is by getting Dems to vote for them. When they’re running against a Dem, they slap up a picture of them with Obama.

  2. Mark H says:

    Can Obama charge a “sitting fee” for these pictures?

  3. Unstable Isotope says:


    I think you found one way we can close the deficit. Obama can sit in a picture with people willing to pay for it, with the revenues going to the U.S. government.

  4. kavips says:

    If you walked up to Newark High School on Election day last November, you would understand why they would want that photograph.

    If you didn’t… just ask James Gates.